The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
217 your gf/wife will come in a want to cuddle by sitting on your lap when your haveing your best round ever.
218. When owning in a server your game will crash to desktop, resulting in 5 mins of reload time for you to get back in the game and see that your should have been first resulted in last.
219. You friend will yell at you on TS about not protecting them, when your friend is on the other side of the map and on an other squad or team.
220.  He will then join your squad and then spawn right in front of you when unloading a clip into an enemy resulting in a teamkill.
221. the red tag bug was fixed, but now there's a friendly tag bug. Where you can see the postion and squad of the enemy only to get confussed and killed by them.
222. whenever you think its safe to reload your dao-12, its not
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|7040|Rochester, NY
223. Or the MK3A1 and any other pump-action shotgun.
224. The game has a very reliable physics engine; you can always count on your grenade bouncing directly back at you.
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|7040|Rochester, NY
225. At the start of Karkand or any other narrow maps, stupid people will walk ahead of ther team and get TKed by impounding Frag Grenades and in return for their stupidity, they punish everyone.
Phorum Phantom
226. If you request supplies, the commander will send artillery, ending your need for supplies.
227. If you are in an APC and are against a Tank, you will die from the first shell, and the tank will be at 99%
228. If you are in a Tank and are against an APC, you will die from the first rocket, and the APC will be at 99%
229. When you get out the TV missle on a helo, you will fly by a group of 20 infantry, switching back after you fly over them.
230. If you even look at someone with an AK101, you will instantly die of fear.
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
231. After you get into an APC, you hear yourself singing 'THE APC SONG'
Touches Himself At Night.
232: Trees are natural artillery reppelents, however roofs are not

233: Walls made of corrugated iron temporarily dissapear to let tank MG rounds pass through
234. When you try to take a flag from a transport chopper, it will hover high enough for you to loose health when you jump, but too low to use the parachute.

235. Skilled pilots can keep the transport chopper absolutely still, so that the enemy can shoot at you but you can't shoot back.

236. Double negative = positive. When you climb the ladder you will look upwards and press forward key. Then when you see a claymore at the top of the ladder you will look down and press the back key to get down.

237. When you have the deadly machine gun, the enemy will appear on the other side of a wall too high for you to shoot over when crouching, but low enough for him to shoot when standing.

238. When you have C4ed the flag, you will be killed where you are by infantry, when you respawn 2 tanks will wait for you at the flag area.
239. the officer is always right
240. when the officer is wrong, refer to rule 239
241. the m24 sniper rifle is REAL accurate. it always hit sumthing
242. suppresive fire will become massive casualties. On your team that is.
+23|6896|Land of OZ
243. When your low on health and ammo, the resupply you ask for, will land on, and kill you.

244. Same as above except you were the commander as well.    (I did it last night)
245. The Commander will always make dumb tactical disicions
246. When the commander makes a smart move, Refer to Rule 245
247. You should be always shooting, unless ur taking cover or ur running
248. taking cover will end in a death from a grenade
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
249. All squadleaders will lead you to death.
250. If your Humvee is full of troops it is gauranteed to hit a mine.
Touches Himself At Night.
251: When you are a passenger in a full hummer and the driver sees a tank/apc, the driver will bail out, leaving you to burn

252: When an enemy tank attacks, everyone spawns as snipers
256. Commanders dropping UAV's are useful. It tells the enemy ur position
257. No matter how many threads u make about stat padding, no one cares
258. The game is always full of bugs
259. when the game is bug-free, refer to rule 258
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
260. Even when there are no aircraft around you still end up flying.
261. When getting shot by a sniper, you will spend the rest of your game looking for a med-pak.
262. When using the G3 you will spend most of your time looking for an ammo-pak.
263. When parachuting from a hobbled jet, why is it the jet you just parachuted from kills you?
264. When flying a chopper for repairs, you get killed because you didn't land it right on the repair pad.

Last edited by imdead (2006-04-22 04:37:16)

+167|6929|Manitowoc, WI
265.  When driving a humvee, your teammate will jump out while you are still moving causing him to die by touching your electric armor himvee.

266.  If you throw a gernade, it will usually be to far from the enemy to kill him but your will dive on top of it like it was candy and all will punish you resulting in a kick/ban.

267. While playing Karkand,  when really need help at the suburbs/east island,  98% of your team will be at the hotel getting worthless points and your comander will being yelling at you to attack/defend the hotel.

Last edited by BolvisOculus (2006-04-22 05:20:48)

Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7038|Honolulu, HI
268.  When you're an Assault and using the AK-101, you will come across at least two PKM gunners/snipers on rooftops that would be dead if you had frag grenades.
269.  When using the G3, you will spot at least two enemies walking down an alleyway who would have been dead meat if you had a nade launcher.
270.  The L85A1 or the SVD are the best sniper weapons in the game, depending on which one you don't have at the moment.
271.  If you get into a transport just to check how damaged it is, it will have .01 bar more than necessary to start smoking, at which point a random SRAW will come out of nowhere to finish the job.
272.  In any given round, 100 enemy soldiers will walk over your mines and 100 enemy vehicles will drive in front of your claymores.
273.  You will refrain from smoking when the maps are loading, because you never know if the server has an auto-kick for idle players (and later find out it doesn't), but the one time you decide you need a smoke badly, you'll come running back inside and watch as you get auto-kicked for idling...

(edited for numbers...I'm 3 for 3 in this thread for being too slow to post! )

Last edited by [QXJZ]Capt_Kefra (2006-04-22 05:23:06)

Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
274. Whatever rank; privates seem to be the only ones commanding.
275. When playing BF2, there are always people that want to talk to you, but when you are not playing, it's silent.

Last edited by imdead (2006-04-22 05:23:40)

POE2 Addict For Life
+21|6894|Vic, Australia

imdead wrote:

274. Whatever rank; privates seem to be the only ones commanding.
HEY!! its not our fault that the higher ranks cant be stuffed to be commander, plus for the ammount ive played i dont think im too bad a commander
+98|7048|netherlands, sweet lake city
276. When youre on a lonely base without vehicles waghting for someone to come bye ... and you type something... at the moment you press: T a enemy will come around the corner to kill you
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7038|Honolulu, HI
277. When in the middle of an infantry firefight and you run around a corner to reload, the guy you were fighting will INSTANTLY know exactly where you are behind that corner and even if you're prone or not.

278. The stopping power of the pistol is inversely proportional to the distance from which the shots are fired.

279. If you see someone running toward you with the knife, you will either be utterly humiliated by dying, or flamed mercilessly for "being a n00b and shooting a helpless player with a knife".

280. If you're the last player alive on your team, the chances of your weekly Norton antivirus scan beginning increase 20000%.
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield

Plisken wrote:

imdead wrote:

274. Whatever rank; privates seem to be the only ones commanding.
HEY!! its not our fault that the higher ranks cant be stuffed to be commander, plus for the ammount ive played i dont think im too bad a commander
Haha...you didn't get the joke bro...

281. For every great kill, you'll hear a stupid remark.
282. When you decide to wait (30secs) to pick some one up in your jeep you WILL drive off the bridge infront of you
283. When you decide to chase after a jeep to be picked up it WILL fall off a bridge/run into a tank/hit a landmine

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