Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
Adding onto an old list of Murphy's Law from a time ago, I am adding to it.  Add what you like. (forgot where the original post is but I know it ended at 50 )

And they are all good examples of what can and WILL go wrong for u in bf2   

51. When you hear Artillery run for cover and you notice on the screen you are the only one hit; or stand still and the same thing happens.

52. Knives can kill you through walls.

53. When asking for  a pickup the vehicle will speed by with only the driver.

54. When asking for ammo as 6 support stand and stare then run off without giving any bags.

55. Being revived 23 times in front of a tank.

56. The sniper you saw peering at you will kill you.

57. TOW missle will kill in one shot, except when you are using it.

58. Grenades are the multipurpose weapon of choice.

59. Pilots of helos are the main gunners, the gunner is actually an extra seat for the J-10 that gets 2 kills instead of one.

60. Bombing runs consist of teamkilling.

61. Night maps are for driving into walls and rivers.

62. Don't take the last flag, your team will get mad at you because they want to rape and rack up points.

63. Night Maps are great for sniping, except when the night vision goggle timer runs out.

64. When flying a jet - trees and buildings are your worst enemy.

65. Statpadding is when you get killed by the same person twice.

66. Haxor is when you get killed by the person once.

67. Cheating is when you missed your target.

68. When you hear ' Let me fly' , you know something bad is gonna happen.

69. Trying to knife a tank will get you a ribbon.

70. Water is dangerous for all vehicles, including boats.

71. PKM can kill you in one shot 500 meters away.

72. Teamkillers never get in a vehicle more than 2 seconds and last.

73. Ray Charles would do better shooting than you would.

74. You are lookiing for the modified gangsta pistol holding Mod, so you can shoot better.

75. Looking for a medpak and finally getting 2 inches from it and you die of someone throwing a rock.

76. Getting killed by a wheelbarrow and a forklift gives a whole new meaning.

77. Wishing you could jump buildings because you already have a 7.3 vertical.

78. Your favorite hiding place was just found.

79. Going on top of buildings is instant suicide.

80. Spending 20 minutes shooting at the UAV and finally goes down just to respawn at the same place.

81. Better to ram a chopper than to shoot at it, you'll miss if you shoot.

82. Spec Ops get more tank kills than the AT.

83. Filling up the Transport Chopper means alot of points for the other team.

84.  Will turn friends into enemies.
soup fly mod

85. The round will always end as you are unloading your rifle into a helpless group of soldiers, resulting in no kill
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|7040|Rochester, NY
86. Don't bother surviving in a head-on collision with a tank while you are in a Humvee, unless you packed a lot of C4 on it... Wait, unless you DON'T want to get out of the jeep, you still die...

Last edited by BlackLegion42 (2006-04-20 09:27:01)

J-10 whore
can anyone sticky the murphy law thingy?
87. cyborg ninja was a grunt
88. calling artillary is VERY accurate. it always hit the ground
89. the more vital ur team needs a commander, the more stupid he is
90. when outta ammo, ppl jump in front of ur barrel
91. the pkm is a more practical sniper rifle than the m24

Last edited by cyborg_ninja-117 (2006-04-20 07:23:31)
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7038|Honolulu, HI
(Type) 88. The round will ALWAYS end when you're one kill short of your ______ Badge (or medal, or ribbon), while a stationary target is in your sights.

89. Your knife is always one inch long while your opponent seems to have a two-handed sword.

90. Emptying your magazine into a group of 4 enemies with a friendly Medic behind you will result in your death, 4 kill damage assists and no revive.

91. A millisecond before you click to stick your knife into some sniper's back, another sniper's M95 will pop you nicely in the head.

(QSZ) 92. Puffs of smoke are best left in college dorms, and are not to be taken with you to the battlefield.  Too bad the server doesn't know that.

93. You will have a silky smooth framerate until you click the right mouse button, when the crosshairs suddenly seem to jerk around independently of your frantic mouse movements.

94. Your point-blank M11-87 shell will give you a kill damage assist at best, but after you finish pumping your shotgun you will be DAO-12 sniped from 50 meters.

95. It's statistically proven: 94.2% of the time your dead body will collapse onto a medic bag, but 94.2% of the time you won't see it there until you're dead.

96. SMGs are fun to laugh at...until you get out-sniped by one.

(QBZ) 97. If your squadleader requests a supply drop, chances are 50-50 it'll make you into an MEC pancake.

98. Everyone will run in fear from the red skull and crossbones until a hostile soldier appears, when they will immediately dance before it like some Satanic ritual, guaranteeing you will get a claymore kill...and at least 2 TKs.

99. Little do you know that when you pull out your knife, everyone else sees an AK-101.  That's the real reason why no one gives you a fair knife fight.

100. Your shock paddles will function perfectly when you try to revive someone who has no chance of coming back to life.  But try using them on someone who actually could be revived... "Cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-cl-clear!"

(AK) 101. A Medic bunnyhopping 1 meter away from you is always harder to hit than a 300 meter distant sniper, even if you're spraying your MG36 like there's no tomorrow.

(edited to correct numbers)

Last edited by [QXJZ]Capt_Kefra (2006-04-20 07:21:44)

BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

Ayumiz wrote:

can anyone sticky the murphy law thingy?
the original topic is a sticky one:

Mike<Eagle23> wrote:

Ayumiz wrote:

can anyone sticky the murphy law thingy?
the original topic is a sticky one:
scientific laws not murphy's laws
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7038|Honolulu, HI
Ok, next items on the list should start with #106.

I edited my numbers, then the guy above me edited and added more.  That is #1 on the list of Murphy's Law of BF2S Forums.

K, carry on...
107. You are not Superman; Marines and Pilots (Aka jet whores) take note.
108. The simple things are always hard.
109. Teamwork is essential. It gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
110. The best tank killer is another tank. Therefore tanks are always fighting each other . . .  and have no time to help the infantry. 
111. Ammo is cheap; 15 second spawn times aren't
112. When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not your friend.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7004|Howell, Mi USA
#113  Any enemy soldier u come across will instantly go prone and kill u.

#57 is so true. Ill get nailed by a tow leaving my tank with 1 bar only to hop out and be road killed. I can shoot a tank with a TOW 3 times and only see some white smoke. which is prolly the driver having a cig.

Last edited by Cbass (2006-04-20 07:45:32)
114. Your teammates will help you in whatever way they can. Including helping you to earn negative points.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7004|Howell, Mi USA
#115 U will be banned from servers for useing jets. Punished by the 15 teammates standing in front of u on the runway with their finger on the page down button as soon as u move an inch.

Last edited by Cbass (2006-04-20 07:53:41)
116. the most used Key in bf2 is the page down.
117. the number that belongs to cyborg_ninja-117. who will totally pwn n00bs if needed
Kick His Ass!
+371|7004|Howell, Mi USA
Pwning noobs is always needed
119. Tanks don’t float.
120. Night vision devices will only fail at night.
121. If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage, it's probably a helicopter and therefore unsafe.
122. I remember when sex was safe and flying was dangerous.
123. n00bs always think they are better pilots than you.
124. the More important the role of the player, the lower rank he is.
125. you will most likely be 1 kill away from your expert badge when the round ends
126. ppl will always scream on voip if u take "their jet"
127. The Admin has ban power.
127.5 If your totally pwning the admins team u will magicly be kicked for "high ping" even though your ping is 25. A hat tip to cbass for this one
128. if the admin doesnt have ban power, refer to rule 127.

Last edited by cyborg_ninja-117 (2006-04-21 06:26:04)
Have you seen my nutz?
The real
129. No matter how many times you shoot the guy climbinb the leadder he will return to the same death.
130. No matter how hard you try you always spawn right at the end of the round.
131. The first goal of a sniper is to lay a claymore in the middle of a open field. Little did you know it was inthe same EXACT place you were walking.
132. The more you shoot the better you feel.
133.Getting knifed after unloading a clip in the victim is a insult.

you missed 118

Last edited by My_pet_squirrel (2006-04-20 08:11:22)

Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7038|Honolulu, HI
134. The Medic has the G36E, which most people agree is hands-down the best assault rifle in the game, plus shock paddles (easy points) and the ability to heal himself.  The Assault guy gets a second-rate rifle, a nerfed n00b t00b and some body armor as a consolation prize.  This is somehow fair, however.

135. You will get TK'd while a kick vote is in progress, get confused, accidentally punish and vote Yes instead of the other way around, and get bitched at for being a stupid punishing n00b.

136. C4 booby traps are OK, claymore spamming is OK, spawn camping is fine, but get one kill with the now-useless nade launcher and you're a n00b t00ber.

137. You will always join a server when there are 10 tickets left, so that once you're done loading...and can immediately start loading the next map, and once that's done you will promptly be kicked for being idle.

138. Or you will connect to the server, and spawn in when the ticket count is 200 to 1...but never on the 200 side.
(edited for numbering, again )

Last edited by [QXJZ]Capt_Kefra (2006-04-20 08:13:01)

Kick His Ass!
+371|7004|Howell, Mi USA
Add #127.5 If your totally pwning the admins team u will magicly be kicked for "high ping" even though your ping is 25.

My_pet_squirrel wrote:

The real
129. No matter how many times you shoot the guy climbinb the leadder he will return to the same death.
130. No matter how hard you try you always spawn right at the end of the round.
131. The first goal of a sniper is to lay a claymore in the middle of a open field. Little did you know it was inthe same EXACT place you were walking.
132. The more you shoot the better you feel.
133.Getting knifed after unloading a clip in the victim is a insult.

you missed 118
118 was cbass's noobs are there to pwn i guess
Have you seen my nutz?

Cbass wrote:

Add #127.5 If your totally pwning the admins team u will magicly be kicked for "high ping" even though your ping is 25.
I got kicked twice like that but i didn't care i blew up a black hawk with 6 guys in it.
Kick His Ass!
+371|7004|Howell, Mi USA

My_pet_squirrel wrote:

Cbass wrote:

Add #127.5 If your totally pwning the admins team u will magicly be kicked for "high ping" even though your ping is 25.
I got kicked twice like that but i didn't care i blew up a black hawk with 6 guys in it.
Yea it happend to me too. i had some good chopper pwnage on Iron Gator and then got booted 3 diffrent times. the funny thing is half the people on the server had double the ping as me. i stoped useing the chopper and poof no more boots.

Last edited by Cbass (2006-04-20 08:29:41)
+31|7097|Barrie Ontario
139. placing a claymore by a ladder only to get knifed by an enemy when the ladder was the only way up.
140. all your teammates will become traitors if u lose

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