
what kind of girl would u like to have? (wich country/origin)

Asian24%24% - 62
European38%38% - 99
African2%2% - 7
South-american10%10% - 26
North-american17%17% - 45
Mixed explain in post7%7% - 18
Total: 257
+116|6940|Cherry Pie

Poncho wrote:

Do you also got some info on the average breast size?
LOL, your awesome.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7044|Honolulu, HI

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

Dude, watch just ONE Japanese porn!!!  Those poor guys barely have enough room to pump without their little winky falling out...  Its pretty funny.  Japanese guys are such freaking perverts....  Seriously, my girlfriend has done some crazy ass shit for me...  I still can't believe it.....
I uh...how should I put this, am myself familiar with Japanese pr0n.  It's not like they whip out the rulers and say to the camera, "Well right now it's 23 degrees Celcius, and this chick I'm about to bang is a 7.6 on a scale of 1 to 10, and right now I'm...let's see...144 mm...with a standard deviation of..."  But (as I said above) maybe 80% of them are not up to par with other races size-wise, but the other 20% are...for lack of better words, fucking huge.  What I was trying to say above was that if you pick one Asian guy and one Caucasian, at random, chances are the Caucasian will be bigger (by about 1/2 inch according to one study), but the size differences average out to almost zero when more and more people are measured--in other words, there are a few Asian "giants" who help bring up the average to around 5.5 or 5.75", which is in the ballpark of the Caucasian average.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7044|Honolulu, HI
As for average breast size, columnist Cecil Adams noted a few years back that the best-selling bra sizes were 34B and 36B, followed (in order) by 36C*, 34C, 38B, and 38C.  Thus the average woman today is probably a largish B-cup.

*Hahaha, can you imagine playing Adult BF2?  Run around shooting people with the HK 36C...

God, why am I posting this stuff?  Average wang size, now average boob size...please, no one ask about the average volume of semen in an ejaculation, I might just be tempted to answer that, too...
please, no one ask about the average volume of semen in an ejaculation, I might just be tempted to answer that, too...
Go on master of knowledge
ive got an asian gf myself but her heritage is dutch (dutch ppl came to taiwan in 17th century and reproduced w/ the natives) shes pretty hot
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7044|Honolulu, HI

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

please, no one ask about the average volume of semen in an ejaculation, I might just be tempted to answer that, too...
Go on master of knowledge
Oh good Lord, you must be kidding me.

*Debates whether or not this will get me banned*

Fine, you win.  Two sperm banks (God, I love the way nothing is sacred these days) have published semi-formal averages of the volume in a typical, uh, deposit.  One says about 3 ml; the other, about 5.  (For non-metric folks, 5 ml = a teaspoon.)

Other ejaculatory facts (Hey, that kind of rhymes!) :
*A 2003 Jackinworld survey found a wide variety of "range".  Some respondents claimed it just "kind of dribbles out", most said it goes a few inches to a couple feet, with some particularly gifted individuals boasting several feet or more.
*The refractory period in males prevents the female-notorious feat of multiple orgasm.  Typically for 15 to 20 minutes after the last ejaculation it remains impossible to do so again.
*An ejaculation is typically about 5% Cowper's gland secretion (a clear, mucous-like substance some people call "pre-cum"), 92% semen (which has a color and the consistency similar to phlegm) and 3% sperm--of which there are 300 to 500 million, or about 100,000,000 per milliliter.
*Sperm can live for 5 days to a week in the vag...uh, to avoid getting too graphic for the sake of the children, in "warm, moist crevices kept at body temperature".
*Finally, the typical load provides approximately 4 calories per milliliter, most of it from sugar compounds in the semen, or about 12-20 calories in a typical ejaculation.  The rest of the caloric content derives from protein primarily from the sperm themselves.  It is kosher. 

I won't bait anyone this time, but any more questions?

Last edited by [QXJZ]Capt_Kefra (2006-04-20 02:58:11)

i would go for mixed females anything with black they are sexy as hell
Australian coz i love my gf too much
+116|6940|Cherry Pie

Chillay-14 wrote:

Australian coz i love my gf too much

Chillay-14 wrote:

Australian coz i love my gf too much
aussie chicks are hot!
+3,135|7054|The Hague, Netherlands

ULAANBAATAR. CHICKS are the best !

Last edited by -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| (2006-04-20 07:39:58)


cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

why do all u white ppl take away our girls (asian)?
Cuz u guys have small penises and the women dont like that.
+116|6940|Cherry Pie

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

ULAMBATAR CHICKS are the best !
What the hell is an ULAKAKAKAKA chick?
+3,135|7054|The Hague, Netherlands

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

why do all u white ppl take away our girls (asian)?
Cuz u guys have small penises and the women dont like that.
+1 for that

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

why do all u white ppl take away our girls (asian)?
Cuz u guys have small penises and the women dont like that.
+1 for that
LMAO! Here I thought I would get like negative 100, but thanks. BTW, how do you give people +1 and stuff?

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

why do all u white ppl take away our girls (asian)?
Cuz u guys have small penises and the women dont like that.
+3,135|7054|The Hague, Netherlands

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

Cuz u guys have small penises and the women dont like that.
+1 for that
LMAO! Here I thought I would get like negative 100, but thanks. BTW, how do you give people +1 and stuff?
in the post they made is the choice : +1 or -1 left of : Delete/edit and stuff

Last edited by -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| (2006-04-20 07:41:45)

K, I got it, +1 for helping.

+1 for Cougar for laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+3,135|7054|The Hague, Netherlands


Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

why do all u white ppl take away our girls (asian)?
Cuz u guys have small penises and the women dont like that.
just so u know im half white on the fathers side
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7044|Honolulu, HI

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

why do all u white ppl take away our girls (asian)?
Cuz u guys have small penises and the women dont like that.
Oh for god's sake.  Notwithstanding what I just wrote about the whole "Asians are smaller" thing (see page 3 of this thread if you're interested), is that what you immediately assume?  What about a white chick going out with a black guy?  Is her main motivation in her boyfriend's pants? (Assuming for the sake of argument that they are truly well-endowed.)  Could it be, instead, that the girl is simply trying to broaden her horizons, immerse herself in a different culture?  Love doesn't choose to restrict itself within boundaries of nationality, age, or even in some cases, gender, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

But saying penis size factors at all into dating and relationships, much less to assume that a below-average one makes or breaks the chances of a date, period, is rather drastic don't you think?

Sorry to take you so seriously but I fit your stereotype of "the small Asian" and I don't appreciate being seen as a below-average penis instead of a person in your eyes...Ok, that sounded gay but you know what I mean.

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

why do all u white ppl take away our girls (asian)?
Cuz u guys have small penises and the women dont like that.
Oh for god's sake.  Notwithstanding what I just wrote about the whole "Asians are smaller" thing (see page 3 of this thread if you're interested), is that what you immediately assume?  What about a white chick going out with a black guy?  Is her main motivation in her boyfriend's pants? (Assuming for the sake of argument that they are truly well-endowed.)  Could it be, instead, that the girl is simply trying to broaden her horizons, immerse herself in a different culture?  Love doesn't choose to restrict itself within boundaries of nationality, age, or even in some cases, gender, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

But saying penis size factors at all into dating and relationships, much less to assume that a below-average one makes or breaks the chances of a date, period, is rather drastic don't you think?

Sorry to take you so seriously but I fit your stereotype of "the small Asian" and I don't appreciate being seen as a below-average penis instead of a person in your eyes...Ok, that sounded gay but you know what I mean.
Take it easy man. You sound well informed. My knowledge of the Asian penis comes from Euro Trip (scene where they are on the nude beach and u see wicked small asian penis) and from pornos. Ie: Black penis>White Penis>Asian Penis

Its all good tho.

+1 for being smart

Last edited by Psycho~*DS*~ (2006-04-20 07:51:26)

+3,135|7054|The Hague, Netherlands

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

Cuz u guys have small penises and the women dont like that.
Oh for god's sake.  Notwithstanding what I just wrote about the whole "Asians are smaller" thing (see page 3 of this thread if you're interested), is that what you immediately assume?  What about a white chick going out with a black guy?  Is her main motivation in her boyfriend's pants? (Assuming for the sake of argument that they are truly well-endowed.)  Could it be, instead, that the girl is simply trying to broaden her horizons, immerse herself in a different culture?  Love doesn't choose to restrict itself within boundaries of nationality, age, or even in some cases, gender, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

But saying penis size factors at all into dating and relationships, much less to assume that a below-average one makes or breaks the chances of a date, period, is rather drastic don't you think?

Sorry to take you so seriously but I fit your stereotype of "the small Asian" and I don't appreciate being seen as a below-average penis instead of a person in your eyes...Ok, that sounded gay but you know what I mean.
Take it easy man. You sound well informed. My knowledge of the Asian penis comes from Euro Trip (scene where they are on the nude beach and u see wicked small asian penis) and from pornos. Ie: Black penis>White Penis>Asian Penis

Its all good tho.

+1 for being smart
your sure about that comment ?

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Oh for god's sake.  Notwithstanding what I just wrote about the whole "Asians are smaller" thing (see page 3 of this thread if you're interested), is that what you immediately assume?  What about a white chick going out with a black guy?  Is her main motivation in her boyfriend's pants? (Assuming for the sake of argument that they are truly well-endowed.)  Could it be, instead, that the girl is simply trying to broaden her horizons, immerse herself in a different culture?  Love doesn't choose to restrict itself within boundaries of nationality, age, or even in some cases, gender, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

But saying penis size factors at all into dating and relationships, much less to assume that a below-average one makes or breaks the chances of a date, period, is rather drastic don't you think?

Sorry to take you so seriously but I fit your stereotype of "the small Asian" and I don't appreciate being seen as a below-average penis instead of a person in your eyes...Ok, that sounded gay but you know what I mean.
Take it easy man. You sound well informed. My knowledge of the Asian penis comes from Euro Trip (scene where they are on the nude beach and u see wicked small asian penis) and from pornos. Ie: Black penis>White Penis>Asian Penis

Its all good tho.

+1 for being smart
your sure about that comment ?
Yeah, cuz I am in the middle.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7044|Honolulu, HI

-=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| wrote:

Psycho~*DS*~ wrote:

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Oh for god's sake.  Notwithstanding what I just wrote about the whole "Asians are smaller" thing (see page 3 of this thread if you're interested), is that what you immediately assume?  What about a white chick going out with a black guy?  Is her main motivation in her boyfriend's pants? (Assuming for the sake of argument that they are truly well-endowed.)  Could it be, instead, that the girl is simply trying to broaden her horizons, immerse herself in a different culture?  Love doesn't choose to restrict itself within boundaries of nationality, age, or even in some cases, gender, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

But saying penis size factors at all into dating and relationships, much less to assume that a below-average one makes or breaks the chances of a date, period, is rather drastic don't you think?

Sorry to take you so seriously but I fit your stereotype of "the small Asian" and I don't appreciate being seen as a below-average penis instead of a person in your eyes...Ok, that sounded gay but you know what I mean.
Take it easy man. You sound well informed. My knowledge of the Asian penis comes from Euro Trip (scene where they are on the nude beach and u see wicked small asian penis) and from pornos. Ie: Black penis>White Penis>Asian Penis

Its all good tho.

+1 for being smart
your sure about that comment ?
It's all right.  I've come to grips with the fact that I'll never be the next Peter North.   Plus I got a +1, that's all I can ask for, right?  You all get +1s for not being prideful jerkoffs (no pun intended) and actually seeing my point!  See, everyone wins!

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