
Whats your Opinion on Homosexuality?

Don't really care32%32% - 71
Fine with me38%38% - 83
All [i]gays[/i] burn in hell, lesbiens are OK with me20%20% - 44
There all Evil and Disgusting8%8% - 18
Total: 216

Major_Spittle wrote:

There are lots of things you can't do, Like have your girlfriends child (ie procreate with her) which would be a defining thing in a Marriage which involves 1 man/1 woman.  Why must you attack marriage.  Get a civil union, the same rights as married people, and be happy.  Marriage, which is between a man and a wowan, is a religious union and has always been that.  Why must you insist that you and your girlfriend be called "married". Your not, nor could you ever be. Nor could you marry a dog, a dog marry a cat, a redneck marry a sheep, and so on.....

I have no problem with you doing something that makes you happy and being who you are, but why insist on something that is insulting to many married people and their religious beliefs. 

What sets back the gay movement more than anything is the antics people do to get attention like dancing half nude in a parade, insisting on special laws, insisting that what is right for you be forced to be taught in schools to children at young ages, being purposely confrontational and disrespectful toward people that would largely not care.

Anyway, these are just my opinions and If you have any sweet pics of you and your g/f doing nasty things together, feel free to send me a few;)
If procreation is a defining thing in marriage, should infertile couples be barred from marriage?  Also, if it is a religious thing...most religions do it eg. hindus, christians, jews, muslims (even though the last 3 are kinda the same)...should athiests and agnostics suddenly be denied the right to marry?  No, no, the only real reason governments deny gay couples the right to marry is because the religious right thinks it has the right to decide who can & can't be together, it holds too much power in western governments, and those governments don't want to lose votes.  Simple.

Gay marriage will not stop christians or muslims or hindus or whoever from enjoying a marriage.  It will not hurt ANYONE, and will not make any religious marriage any less significant.  In fact, it may even have the opposite effect...wouldn't a successful religious marriage be even more special in the presence of gay marriages?  And hey, it would mean more couples to adopt; less reason for women to abort...

The idea of gay marriage is offensive to some religious folks, yes, but the idea of no gay marriage is as equally offensive to many gay people.  What happened to the christian ideal of treating others as you'd like to be treated?

And by the way, I'm a heterosexual athiest.

Last edited by Pubic (2006-03-28 03:56:05)

Horseman 77
I couldn't care less, More babes for me. I do have one question though.

Why do I know what you do at night in your bedroom?

Why do you want to tell me what you do at night in your bedroom?

Why is it important to you that my two small boys are aware of what you do to each other at night ?

Why must they learn what you do at night in your bedroom, in school, at taxpayers expense ?

They knew what you do in your bedroom at night, before they knew what me and their own Mom do.

Why must you insist on announcing your sexual preferences? No one else does?

And lastly, lets face it, If anyone in public insisted on describing exactly what gets them off, They would be   

ostracized too.

I meant " five " questions...

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-03-28 05:11:03)

The Microwave Man
Horesman 77's new hobby .......


Haa Haa !
Gays are disgusting, hitler should have finished them off, but of course you cant because it isnt really a race thing, too bad.

Brikiin118 wrote:

I just wanted to check with the BF2 community, because I am a lesbien

I think its stupid how everyone trys to make gay/lesbien marriage illegal just because thats what a few old ladys in washington think

I mean, I was thinking of getting married, but its not legal, its only a "joined Union", I mean, I have a g/f but we cant get married like heterosexuals can, and they might make it completely legal

Because I want to be able to legally get married and adopt a child and stuff one day!

Post your opinion here
personally, love em. I've yet to meet a gay person I didn't get along with, where as most straight ppl r miserable fuckers (probably repressed lol), jokes aside tho arn't we advanced enough to stop making the distinction between 'gay' and 'straight' in a civilized society? We're all people, we're all individuals, who we choose to have sex with and who we choose to fall in love with has no bearing on our standing amongst society, at least it shouldn't IMO.

On the marriage point

If you fancy a quick trip over the pond you can get married properly and legally in the UK no church weddings tho only cival cermonies, dunno if it carries any legal weight back in the USA tho, look into it, you've as much right to get married as anyone else.
I'll take two
+132|7014|Perth, Western Australia
Hey, if two people are in love, is it really mine or anyone elses place to stop them?

nix0n wrote:

Gays are disgusting, hitler should have finished them off, but of course you cant because it isnt really a race thing, too bad.
what really makes gay is in the fetus of the women before birth of the child, if the temperature of the womb is too high for a period of time, it may be possible that the child may be homosexual. but lesbians are cool w/ me.. i dont like that brokeback mountain crap...
+276|6883|United States of America

Stratocaster wrote:

Insulting to married people?? LOL welcome to redneck wonderland!!

Maybe you didn't know homosexuality is sometimes not an option, read a bit about genetics, then
maybe you will see the light. Some people are born one sex but as get get into adult age, they do
completely change to the other. And also chromosome problems, and many factors you would never
But frequently it is an option or a mental illness. Ever hear of Perverts. Perverts that like animals, dead people, children, men and womenz(they call 'em Bisexuals), jello.......  Read some studies on how being molested as a child or growing up in different atmospheres (ie around homosexuality or prostitution) increases a persons chance of becoming gay, bisexual, or sexually deviant.  Your so smart though, tell me this.  The number of young boys that are raped and molested each year is very disperpotional to the number of yound girls raped each year when factoring in the percentage of homosexual men vs heterosexual men. The vast, vast majority of rape is committed by men, so how could one not assume that a great percent of gay men are just perverted child molestors.  Yeah, it could be genetics, and I am sure it would make it alright in your pea brain.

VspyVspy wrote:

Imagine a world that doesn't have discrimination or racism................sounds alright to me.
The day the last two humans die, you'll have it. Until then, be prepared to deal with people who's views differ from yours.

Imagine a world without _______ . Everybody has their imagines.
GunSlinger OIF II
imagine a world without smallpox

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Hey, if two people are in love, is it really mine or anyone elses place to stop them?
So if a 38 year old man can convince you that a 6 year old boy is in love with him, does that make it okay?

After all, who are YOU to stop them? Why is it we can rationalize any behavior, no matter how fucked up? According to NAMBLA, if you have a problem with the above, you, in fact are bigoted. You are preventing those men and boys from having happy fulfilled lives. Quit being a bigot.

You just want people to be happy right?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6918|Tampa Bay Florida

Horseman 77 wrote:

I couldn't care less, More babes for me. I do have one question though.

Why do I know what you do at night in your bedroom?

Why do you want to tell me what you do at night in your bedroom?

Why is it important to you that my two small boys are aware of what you do to each other at night ?

Why must they learn what you do at night in your bedroom, in school, at taxpayers expense ?

They knew what you do in your bedroom at night, before they knew what me and their own Mom do.

Why must you insist on announcing your sexual preferences? No one else does?

And lastly, lets face it, If anyone in public insisted on describing exactly what gets them off, They would be   

ostracized too.

I meant " five " questions...
No offense meant,

but why do you let you're two small boys onto a website, where the word 'fuck' and sigs with hot babes are all over the place?

You're afraid to tell them about homosexuality, yet you let them on a relatively mature site, reading things that other strangers have written?

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-03-28 06:49:55)


SharkyMcshark wrote:

Hey, if two people are in love, is it really mine or anyone elses place to stop them?
Its your responsibility to stop them, kill them if need be.

chuyskywalker wrote:

cpt.fass2 wrote:

if you were to get married it has no bearing on me or my family
That's entirely untrue. (also, fass, I reset your first accounts password, see pm)

If all homosexual couple could be married (legally) then they would receieve the same benefits, tax breaks, and other governmental support that hetero married couples do. This would be a serious shift in spending and taxing and it most certainly would affect you.

This is not meant to say that it's not ok -- I support gay marriage -- but that your concept of "it's not me, it doesn't matter" is (at best) a poor excuse for an abundance of apathy.
Well chuy I'm a 29 year old single with no children white man, I pay for everyone anyway. Straight marrage, gay marriage, war's in countries that I don't care about, other peoples children. Basically pretty much everyone else get's my money except for me, so like I said doesn't really matter for me. Also if gays had more money the econimy would get more stimulated, more money being spent, straight families usually concerve. But a lesbian or gay couple that got more tax breaks and didn't have children spend away.

P.S. the views above are written in a partially true manner and are not the totall belifes of myself or people I am associated with.

P.P.S. I think my newly minority status legal U.S. white citzen should intitle me to a chushy job maybe running the country.
+302|6964|Salt Lake City

chuyskywalker wrote:

cpt.fass2 wrote:

if you were to get married it has no bearing on me or my family
That's entirely untrue. (also, fass, I reset your first accounts password, see pm)

If all homosexual couple could be married (legally) then they would receieve the same benefits, tax breaks, and other governmental support that hetero married couples do. This would be a serious shift in spending and taxing and it most certainly would affect you.

This is not meant to say that it's not ok -- I support gay marriage -- but that your concept of "it's not me, it doesn't matter" is (at best) a poor excuse for an abundance of apathy.
This isn't true either, because the same effect would happen if they were hetero and got and married.
+302|6964|Salt Lake City

As far as the original question, I have no problem with them at all.  My sister is lesbian, and have worked at jobs with large numbers of gay/lesbian people.  They are quite nice and tend to be more social than a lot of heteros.

However, I think the gay/les community should just stay away from the term marriage.  Let the Bible thumpers have their "ordained of God" marriage and accept civil unions, with all the same rights as married couples, and call it a day.
WCR official whiner
+6|6956|Madrid, Spain

Major_Spittle wrote:

Stratocaster wrote:

Insulting to married people?? LOL welcome to redneck wonderland!!

Maybe you didn't know homosexuality is sometimes not an option, read a bit about genetics, then
maybe you will see the light. Some people are born one sex but as get get into adult age, they do
completely change to the other. And also chromosome problems, and many factors you would never
But frequently it is an option or a mental illness. Ever hear of Perverts. Perverts that like animals, dead people, children, men and womenz(they call 'em Bisexuals), jello.......  Read some studies on how being molested as a child or growing up in different atmospheres (ie around homosexuality or prostitution) increases a persons chance of becoming gay, bisexual, or sexually deviant.  Your so smart though, tell me this.  The number of young boys that are raped and molested each year is very disperpotional to the number of yound girls raped each year when factoring in the percentage of homosexual men vs heterosexual men. The vast, vast majority of rape is committed by men, so how could one not assume that a great percent of gay men are just perverted child molestors.  Yeah, it could be genetics, and I am sure it would make it alright in your pea brain.
I agree with you but you must think children are not only molested by gay people, but also by michael jackson or (mostly) religious priests and teachers. Yes, priests, those you face when you got married...
Don't get offended, I agree with what you say, partially, but it doesn't have to be insulting for married
people, you can't blame all gays for all the perversion in the world. Most of the molestors and rapers are
"happily" married and seem to lead a normal life, go to church on sundays... fact!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6903|Canberra, AUS

nix0n wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Hey, if two people are in love, is it really mine or anyone elses place to stop them?
Its your responsibility to stop them, kill them if need be.
And I suppose you're one of those 'burn in hell' people?
Why are you so afraid of them?
What can they do to you?

You clearly understand very little about this matter.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Mass Media Casualty

Yeah, we've got the whole civil union type debate going on here too. The bill was passed, and quite a few same-sex couples have taken advantage of it. For those politicians who are against it for some moral reason, I can confirm that it hasn't started raining frogs, and chicken still tastes very much like chicken.

I have a gay friend. He came out when he was 14 which is pretty impressive because he had just started at Wellington Boy's College. He came out on a show called "Queer New Zealand" and most people saw it. Surprisingly, very few people gave him a hard time. They all respected the courage it took to do what he did. Anyay, he's a great guy. I went to Europe with him on a school trip, and he lead the Haka whenever the Haka needed to be done,and did a great job.

It's religeous fanatics who condemn homosexuality. They think people CHOOSE to be gay, and thus are going against God or something. My Mum's kind of similar, she seems to think it's a choice. She acts all open minded but keeps on giving out dark hints to her true opinions. I should tell her that I've come out and see what she does.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6972|Malaga, EspaƱa
i find it rather disgusting, just keep ithe intense personal love passion out of my sight , and i dont mind if ur gay
I personally disgust those gay people, especially those stereotypes.
You really dont have to pinch my ass or invite me to a fuckin gay party wtf ? Just keep that stuff away from me.

Also believe that there is a difference between gay people, and gay people. I've noticed that becoming gay is like the clothes you wear when those clothes are hot, like fashion.

Its cool to become gay it seems. Just everybody turns gay when they feel like it. Its cool to be gay man, so lets become gay for a while.

I think there are lots of fake gays out there. Just guys and girls who dont have any personality and go with the flow.

Someone told me a thing about origin/spreading of aids..... mm, what about that ?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6903|Canberra, AUS

HisInfernalDeath wrote:

I personally disgust those gay people, especially those stereotypes.
You really dont have to pinch my ass or invite me to a fuckin gay party wtf ? Just keep that stuff away from me.

Also believe that there is a difference between gay people, and gay people. I've noticed that becoming gay is like the clothes you wear when those clothes are hot, like fashion.

Its cool to become gay it seems. Just everybody turns gay when they feel like it. Its cool to be gay man, so lets become gay for a while.

I think there are lots of fake gays out there. Just guys and girls who dont have any personality and go with the flow.

Someone told me a thing about origin/spreading of aids..... mm, what about that ?
As I said. Leave me alone and I'll leave you again.

I doubt those people know they have AIDS, unfourtunately.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+271|6984|United States of America

VspyVspy wrote:

Miller wrote:

I don't like the views gays and all have for our world.  But I wouldn't want them to burn in hell.  I would like to help them.  Heck even most of them are nicer than others.
"Our" world implies that you have more right to it than gay people, I bet you think that tank at Karkand is "yours" as well.

Why do you think they need help?  Do you need help because you like females?

It is really sad to think there is so many ignorant people in the world.

Not trying to dis you, just wish people could be more tolerant and accepting.

Imagine a world that doesn't have discrimination or racism................sounds alright to me.
I would like a better world that has come from tolerance.  It isn't America that started war in the  middle east.  Its the terrorists.  We tolerated them, then they came and blew up in our faces. Literaly.  Tolerance is good and bad to a certain point.  And no the tank on Karkand isn't mine, just the Defibs to revive people shot while going for it.

Pubic wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

There are lots of things you can't do, Like have your girlfriends child (ie procreate with her) which would be a defining thing in a Marriage which involves 1 man/1 woman.  Why must you attack marriage.  Get a civil union, the same rights as married people, and be happy.  Marriage, which is between a man and a wowan, is a religious union and has always been that.  Why must you insist that you and your girlfriend be called "married". Your not, nor could you ever be. Nor could you marry a dog, a dog marry a cat, a redneck marry a sheep, and so on.....

I have no problem with you doing something that makes you happy and being who you are, but why insist on something that is insulting to many married people and their religious beliefs. 

What sets back the gay movement more than anything is the antics people do to get attention like dancing half nude in a parade, insisting on special laws, insisting that what is right for you be forced to be taught in schools to children at young ages, being purposely confrontational and disrespectful toward people that would largely not care.

Anyway, these are just my opinions and If you have any sweet pics of you and your g/f doing nasty things together, feel free to send me a few;)
If procreation is a defining thing in marriage, should infertile couples be barred from marriage?  Also, if it is a religious thing...most religions do it eg. hindus, christians, jews, muslims (even though the last 3 are kinda the same)...should athiests and agnostics suddenly be denied the right to marry?  No, no, the only real reason governments deny gay couples the right to marry is because the religious right thinks it has the right to decide who can & can't be together, it holds too much power in western governments, and those governments don't want to lose votes.  Simple.

Gay marriage will not stop christians or muslims or hindus or whoever from enjoying a marriage.  It will not hurt ANYONE, and will not make any religious marriage any less significant.  In fact, it may even have the opposite effect...wouldn't a successful religious marriage be even more special in the presence of gay marriages?  And hey, it would mean more couples to adopt; less reason for women to abort...

The idea of gay marriage is offensive to some religious folks, yes, but the idea of no gay marriage is as equally offensive to many gay people.  What happened to the christian ideal of treating others as you'd like to be treated?

And by the way, I'm a heterosexual athiest.
Example of why marriage in America will be defined as between a man and a woman:
http://www.theage.com.au/news/world/wom … 39590.html
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6922|San Francisco
Gay Marriage isn't an issue to be legislated on by governments, except in the form of State-wide equality between recognized Civil Unions and Marriages.  On the State level, Marriage and Civil Unions should have absolutely no difference in recognition.

The concept of actually getting Married with a religious bond is something that the couple needs to bring up with their parish/church leaders.

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