I got EF via the leaked link a few weeks ago, and luckily, got everything right the first time. However, I have a friend stuck with this same problem as of last night. In fiddling with this problem, he used his three chances to change his gamespy nick for the week.
Understandibly, he's quite pissed that he can't play EF after paying money for it. Afterall, it took a lot less time to lock himself out than it did to download the thing since that's the only distribution medium.
He said 'fuck it' for the night , and when I got home today, I started fiddling with his account and stumbled across this thread. I confirmed that his gamespy nick deal is the problem using my own account, and the more I think about the problem, the more I become pissed along with him. Lots of folks, him included, have more than one player name that they use, so if they wanna play EF, they have to change their GS nick each time they change players. Since you can only change this 3 times a week, they are now limited to 3 times a week. It's bad enough to be limited to playing EF levels in singleplayer only using your online account, but to have it tied to a limited number of name changes a week.....WTF?
I've weathered a few patches with no real bitching, but this situation is altogether different. I will not purchase future booster packs setup like this. Not because I even have multiple 'characters' myself, but because I don't think it's (the 3 changes a week thing) a justified limitation. It's well.....bullshit is what it is.