UHHHHHHH being captured in battle in combat against the US seems proof enough for their detention....Also, we did the same things in all our wars......We held Germans and Japanese without a trial for the duration of the war.....AND.......we aren't beheading our captives.....so honestly, please, look for sympathy elsewhere........you are so full of outrage on behalf of these GITMO detenies........yet where is your outrage for the all the acts of violence of which these people took part in, supported and fought for??........Marconius wrote:
Very childish, xanthpi, very childish indeed. First off, Communists are not fascists...if they were then we'd call them Fascists, as both terms are lines of extremely opposite political thought. But that's besides the point.xanthpi wrote:
So, the Communists and the Muslims themselves are also fascists.B.Schuss wrote:
You should not hold people indefinetely without filing charges and allowing some kind of judiciary process ( including evaluation of evidence and some kind of defense ). That is fascist.
You've just condoned the breaching of US granted rights and the Geneva Convention treaty with the same vigor as a kid getting in trouble on the playground for mimicking the wrongful actions of another. You are obviously completely fine with stripping US Citizens of their rights and locking them away with no evidence, and you are fine with the mistreatment of Islamic detainees because you find them lower than human and have interpreted their religion in a way that Millions of other practising Muslims haven't. If they indeed are enemy combatants and have killed Americans (and there is solid proof and proof enough to charge them of it), that's one thing. Being indiscriminantly jailed out of suspicion with no Habeas Corpus and breaching basic human rights and the POW treatment rules set up in the Geneva treaty is something else entirely
Those are not the values we respect as Americans. Those are not the values that anyone who calls themself an American can respect. Plainly, you are advocating fascism. Great job...
We held Japanese Americans in detention centers 60 years ago. Sounds outragous now but then America was attacked and it deemed it necessary for national security to take such action because prudence dictated it. (the crystal ball fortelling the future wasn't invented yet).The sole reason we did not do the same thing to the German Americans was simple.......Germany didn't attack US soil.....
there has not been another attack on YOU or me since 911, and that isn't because it has not been tried. I have read your comments bashing our president, the CIA and every other govt. office charged with defending you and me. The very fact that you are still around and your family is still around and your life is for the most part normal, should give you pause and think about who you need to be thanking for your fortune. Yup you got, our president all the way down to the soldier, sailor, marine, airman, or coast gaurdsman.
Sad really, all you can do is criticize those that protect you....Maybe Bush could borrow the aformentioned crystal ball that you obviously possess, then he might do a better job appeasing you, and all apologists like you.
Last edited by lowing (2006-03-10 10:31:05)