Marconius wrote:
Terrorists commit atrocities, so the right-wingers feel that it's perfectly justifiable to bypass the Geneva Convention and basic regards of human rights, "Just to show 'em who's boss!" They forget that in condoning this, they drop themselves to the level of the insurgents, where the insurgents will beat them with experience.
This is not me being an apologist. My opinion is that America is better than torture, and our very nature as Americans is to denounce torture on all levels, no matter what outside parties are doing. We are better than that, but many people such as that fascist xanthpi don't think so.
I'll reiterate what I said in another way. Never argue with an idiot. They'll only drop you down to their level and then they'll beat you with experience.
No Marconius........"right wingers" know that you can NOT win a war like this where your enemy break ALL the "rules" of civilized nations and you are trying to fight with your hands tied behind your back.
The bottom line is these fanatics are insane, they are not afraid to die, simply because ( and it might be true) death and their "70 virgins" is a whole lot better a prospect than what their reality offers here on Earth.
Americans (except for you and the other apologists out there) have allot to live for and will fight like rabid dogs to perserve our way of life and our freedoms, even for those of you who don't deem it necessary to do so. Now, if a terrorist gets tortured along the way for information that helps perserve America and her children than so be it. If they don't like the way they are treated, or if YOU don't like the way they are treated, then they should think twice before they kill 3000 civilians in terror strikes or kidnap and behead everyone including their own people. I guess the intellegence community figured out years ago that they will not get much information form a terrorist by asking....................... pretty please with sugar on top tell me what you know.
Oh and by the way..............stop calling them insurgents............they are you calling them insurgents implies they are victims..........the world is the victim, freedom is the victim