just nothing
-- The eye of Hurricane Rita has made landfall near the Texas-Louisiana border, the National Hurricane Center says.

Basically, the people who were in temporary housing in Texas from Hurricane Katrina, are now homeless once again because of Hurricane Rita hitting Texas. Oh the irony.

Last edited by TriggerHappy998 (2005-09-24 07:37:46)

Radioactive Glo
+130|7155|A Small Isle in the Tropics

i have been watching it closely on CNN. for most of us in my country, experiencing a hurricane will never be possible in our lifetime. although i have stood and seen a potential tornado developing in the Midwest (and sleeping right through one which touched down 2miles near my hotel), i dont think it can compare to what i have seen on tv. the rain was almost horizontal..pretty incredible sight

edit: Lake Charles, Louisiana on CNN Live.

Last edited by mikeshw (2005-09-24 09:06:23)

purple sticky punch
+0|7131|englewood FL.
i live in south florida. it gets pretty crazy, but most of them in the past wen i was younger wernt as bad as they are now. last year we had some damage from charlie but the ones that jus hit were way worse, cause of the mass flooding.
+447|7165|Seattle, Washington, USA

Man, gotta feel for those people down there. They've been through a lot, and it's not even over yet.
77th|1st Lt. Werstein
+1|7128|Virginia, USA
horrible, absolutely horrible...they didnt get just one, they got 2 within one month

horrible man, god be with them

BTW: at school, there is a person collecting money for they are goin to need 2 people collecting money, man, this is the worst natural thing that has happened to us ever (thats a fact)

Last edited by 77th|1st Lt. Werstein (2005-09-24 16:18:44)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX
Hurricanes in general are a very destructive natural force and as of late have devestated regions which have a history of Hurricanes.  The frequency of them is going up as the weather starts to shift. I would not be surprised at all if next year's season is just as bad as this years. I had a huge rant on my LJ (LiveJournal) about Katrina and the media coverage. Most of it was rather negative because of the nature of people.

This LJ entry is not politically correct and not nice. If you are easily offended please do not read this. kilroy0097's LJ entry

However Hurricane Rita was surprisingly less violent than originally predicted. My area hardly had any rain what so ever considering we were supposed to have rain squals and significant wind. So much of the area dodged the bullet. East Texas and Louisana got the brunt of Rita. New Orleans got flooded again. If it wasn't for the outcome of Katrina many more people would have stayed. Instead they evacuated which is a good thing and I wish they would be more inteligent and evacute each time. However Rita and the evacuation that did happen in a way is negative reinforcement for many people in Galveston and Houston. Because they thought this was going to be big and it wasn't many are going to look at the evacuation troubles and wonder if it is worth it. Next time I feel that many people are just not going to evacuate because they are going to look at the after effects of Rita and think it wasn't that bad. They aren't going to think that Rita was Cat 5 when the evacuation of ordered and was a Cat 3 when it landed. They aren't going to think that Rita when to the east of them and hence they didn't get the strongest of winds or rain. All they are going to think about is the many many hours, some as long as 48 hours, it took to drive anywhere to evacuate. The traffic issues were the biggest problem that many evacuees felt.

I myself have weathered two Hurricanes when I lived in Hawaii when I was younger. Each one knocked out all power and water to the island for about 24-48 hours. So I'm no stranger to Hurricanes.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
77th|1st Lt. Werstein
+1|7128|Virginia, USA
yeah, i live on the east coast...we know huricanes too
will frag for food
+11|7157|Pittsburgh, PA, USA

77th|1st Lt. Werstein wrote:

yeah, i live on the east coast...we know huricanes too
yep. i'm from atlanta and last year in my senior year of high school, we had 4 days off for hurricanes. in the north, i hear they have 'snow days' BAH! flying frozen water v. flying volvos. hmmmm?
Moving Target

bluehavoc8686 wrote:

77th|1st Lt. Werstein wrote:

yeah, i live on the east coast...we know huricanes too
yep. i'm from atlanta and last year in my senior year of high school, we had 4 days off for hurricanes. in the north, i hear they have 'snow days' BAH! flying frozen water v. flying volvos. hmmmm?
You've never been in white out and not know which direction to even go to get to shelter.  It sucks.  Or the loveliness of ice storms and morons that think that 4 wheel drive means they can do 70mph on the interstate highways.
Extra Green Please!
+53|7147|USA! USA! USA!
I haven't?  How did you know!  I'm getting my tinfoil hat out...  The people around here spaz when it starts snowing.  "Holy Crap!  Is that a snow flake on my windshield?  I had better slow down to 5 mph!  I don't care if I am on a highway honey!  This is the only way!"  Either that or they slam on the breaks at random hoping to avoid anything that seems like it might be ice...
that sucks balls man poor people
bad touch

this is a year old thread.
+129|7034|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
Congratulations you win the: Thread Gravedigger Award

I think it's praying to be left in peace.

Last edited by mcgid1 (2006-08-16 22:57:31)

Im not cleaning Aisle 2
+27|6797|F-Dub, FL./ Destin, FL.
Well, I live in Florida myself and if there is anything good out of huricanes, its that it scares of the tourist! Its so freaking crowded, ya know?? But, when one does hit: Get a plan, have/get supplies if your gonna ride it out, and try to get things back to normal afterwrds.

FYI, anyone who lives in Florida, Georgia or Alabama: Publix has placed in a ton of permanet or easy prep installations for generators. SO, if you stay for the storm, we're gonna be open right afterwards to take care of our communites(and rake in the bucks caues Wal-mart and Win-dixie suck)!

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