welcome to alphas. project cars updated about every day. usually only for 1-3gb
so...who wants to play a rousing game of freelancer while we wait? lol

Yeah, butbutbut why can't they have this game on steam? It would be sooooo much easier when it would update with all the TF2 funny hats instead of "hey, long time no play Star Citizen. let's give it a g... *downloading a fuckload of stuff* fuckit". Bläh. I know updates are good and so on, but it still annoys me like a hairy man sitting in my lap at the swimming pool sauna when you have to wait hours to get a moment of testing a game.RTHKI wrote:
welcome to alphas. project cars updated about every day. usually only for 1-3gb
The good news is that with the latest launcher these giant patches will hopefully be a thing of the past. The bad news is that to get the latest launcher you need to re-download everything.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I got this loaded, finally, and started fooling around in the hanger. They added some cool features since the last time I logged in. I especially like falling through the floor and into space.
Tried the 1st tutorial yesterday. Managed to roll around in an uncontrolled fashion all over the hangar when I touched the mouse a tiny bit. After messing around for a couple minutes I managed to get out and roll around some more. I suppose I should get my joystick from the garage and try again. Game looks extremely fine. Need to get a hang on the controls.
I ended up converting my Mustang Omega (AMD edition) to the 300i. I wanted a little bit of cargo room.
Still happy I got a 325
ArcCorp "social module" has been released. A 30GB download though. :\
Also this:
Also this:
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I feel bad for the creator, it seems like he's getting a lot of grief from people but at the same time it sounds like this game is going to be absolutely amazing whenever it's done:
http://www.polygon.com/features/2015/8/ … ar-citizen
http://www.polygon.com/features/2015/8/ … ar-citizen
http://games.on.net/2015/09/star-citize … mart-burn/Ultrafunkula wrote:
Well well well.... Dayz in space?
http://www.dereksmart.org/2015/09/star- … -long-con/
Derek Smart is full of shit.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Let's hope so.Ty wrote:
Derek Smart is full of shit.
Quite a cast. Good to see the association was Andy Serkis' motion capturing company has paid off.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
What organization are you all in?
They're not bad. Thankfully the Tolkein vibe has died down a little since I joined, (though of course the name is from Tolkein.)
Joined them after Blue Horizon went tits up. That group was going to be excellent but the founder was a royal prick, scared all the best people away, and shut everything down in a sulk when he realised that other people wanted to make decisions too. But hey, at least we got the in-lore defunct corporation Gold Horizon sort of named after us.
They're not bad. Thankfully the Tolkein vibe has died down a little since I joined, (though of course the name is from Tolkein.)
Joined them after Blue Horizon went tits up. That group was going to be excellent but the founder was a royal prick, scared all the best people away, and shut everything down in a sulk when he realised that other people wanted to make decisions too. But hey, at least we got the in-lore defunct corporation Gold Horizon sort of named after us.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Did you roll elf or dwarf?
So I just got made an exec in my organisation for Fleet. Meta is real.
So isn't the next Alpha phase supposed to be a "mini" version of the games universe?
Troll I think.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Did you roll elf or dwarf?
Ja, like this.coke wrote:
So isn't the next Alpha phase supposed to be a "mini" version of the games universe?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Is everyone prepared for the Anniversary Sale! What to do, what to do? I have a Cutlass Black, Delta, and 315P. Delta is off the table but the Cutlass and 315P could easily turn into a Taurus and FreeLancer Max ;-)
Damn I love the looks of the FreeLancer Max, but the size of the Taurus makes me go hmmmm. Which to get, I am gonna get me one.
Damn I love the looks of the FreeLancer Max, but the size of the Taurus makes me go hmmmm. Which to get, I am gonna get me one.
Last edited by MajorSpittle (2015-11-17 22:46:48)