SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

You two should start your own religion.
You seem to resent the fact that Andrew and I donate to better the world whenever we commit major sins.
who possibly can have that much spare energy to be so repressed all the time. you could wrap that into a coil and generate your own power.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6993|United States of America
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

who possibly can have that much spare energy to be so repressed all the time. you could wrap that into a coil and generate your own power.
It's for the best really. Do you remember what kind of person I was in the past? Hooks up at school, cuckolding friends and acquaintances, older women in dive bars, and let's not even mention the dark road I almost took a month ago.

I have 3 women who "liked" me on Facebook dating who I haven't accepted their likes back. I keep getting recommendation for older women who have teacher as their professions. Nothing good can come of this.

And here you are trying to get me to relapse into my old self.
it's not either/or. you can channel your libidinal energies into good, healthy, constructive things. make women happy (or men, or trannies, or whatever).

instead you satisfy your lusts and spend 4 days flagellating yourself over it and saying hail marys. sad!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Sent an email that was in poor judgement to another student in graduate school. Even though they emailed me first and we both have Gmail, Gmail bounced the email back to me saying it couldn't deliver the it because the account doesn't exist.
"Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky." So I gave $20 to the Red Cross in unnamednewbie13's honor.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I did a bunch of good deeds today too. I stood on line at the post office for 45 minutes in order to mail my secret Santa some cool stuff. Then I bought my parents groceries. Then I text a friend I haven't heard from in awhile because you are supposed to "check up on people". Then that email happened but the email was well intentioned and I helped out someone a lot.

God, does it feel good to do good things and help others.
I am all that is MOD!

do it more!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I will and the next time I need an indulgence it will be in your honor.

Giving because you think you're a horrible person has to be one of the more self-destructive, toxic motivators I can think of. Even if it is for the memes, some part of it has to be poisoning your subconscious. Please work on a more positive outlook?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think the bad judgement email bouncing back to me was possibly divine intervention. Why did the bad judgment email bounce back but a second better email to the same account a moment later go through? I am incredibly fortunate and lucky.
The internet works in mysterious ways. Hand of god i tell ya
booked my flights, booked a very nice little apartment for my first 3 months in a hip neighbourhood.

mmmf mmmf mmmf
When do you leave?
mid-february. right now it's -8 in seoul, colder than moscow. i ain't made for that shit. been sat in the blessed pastoralism of the gulf stream my entire life.

uziq wrote:

booked my flights, booked a very nice little apartment for my first 3 months in a hip neighbourhood.

how much is your apartment? i always thought seoul was expensive af.

have u ever been to asia or korea before? that's pretty bold to move somewhere esp if u never visited before. i wanna do an asian trip at some point when this covid shit settles down. kinda wanna go back to europe again before i do asia so idk. seems like it would be cool out there just for the culture shock and crazy shit vs the west. i have only been to europe and parts of south america
gang shit
seoul is pretty expensive, yeah. the sky is the limit. you can get a split-level duplex apartment there for like $2000 a month, if you want a good quality one in a fashionable/central neighbourhood. they get much more expensive very fast. same as london, new york or (probably) LA, really. i'm living in one of the arty areas in the west, not as expensive as gangnam and all the luxury boutique high-life, but it'll be about $1000/month for a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc. well furnished but nothing too fancy. it's called hongdae.

never been to asia before. about time i start. looking forward to challenging myself tbh. sure i'll have some uncomfortable moments and some disappointments, too, but hey, that's kind of the point of personal growth isn't it?

i have the CRAZIEST story from today. i mean one of the craziest things that's happened to me in a while. involves a korean girl. i'll write it up with pics and karma bait later.

Last edited by uziq (2020-12-17 08:12:00)

alright, settle down for story time. as well as being really fucking funny, this is just a good commentary on the 'world we're living in', i think, and the way we connect and go about our lives in 2020 generally. and wHaT a LoNg, StRaNgE tRiP iT's BeEn...

first off, i just want to say i'm putting this out there not out of any disrespect for this girl or her privacy. it's a really good, positive, wholesome tale. so i hope the screenshots don't come across as skeevy. not intentional. the pics are from her tinder profile and the publicly linked instagram she had there; i've taken out all identifying details.


so in summer 2019 i was living in bristol. it's early august, a beautiful sunny weekend, and i'm having day-drinks with friends at an outdoor craft beer place near my apartment. so far, so normal. as usually happens after a few drinks and a pizza, we get to talking about our dating lives and recent experiences. out come the phones and dating apps. on this day, as we're all sat there having a good time, i match with a korean girl, who pretty immediately starts messaging me.

turns out she's in bristol/bath (it's a twin city/town, bath being very tourist-y) for a weekend, before flying back out to korea and leaving the UK. she's been in europe travelling and it's one of her last weekends away. she's keen to meet in bristol for a drink. naturally, i assent, and invite her to join us - come on in, the water's warm ...

this girl meets my group at the bar, which immediately seems pretty brave and cool: she's in a foreign country, in a brand new city, and has just found her way to a bar full of half-cut british guys. she has a half-pint with us and we have that first, slightly stilted, slightly excited conversation. you know, typical first-date/first-meeting stuff: a little tense, but you know both know the score, you're both having fun, you're both curious ...

after her first drink, this girl baldly asks me if we want to go back to my apartment. ok! i go with the flow, this date is going well ...

we have a really nice time together, with the usual thing. we play music, have a dance and a laugh. afterwards, we lie around in bed for a day, she's showing me trashy korean tv, the usual 'netflix n chill' scenario. soon she has to get up and go. i wish her well. she blows right on out of my life as quickly and seamlessly as she glided in.

because we only matched and hung out for 2 days, i never got her full name. besides, she gave me her korean name, so i wasn't likely to remember it (lol). she only had a temporary UK phone number. she effectively disappeared forever. no matter, my summer continued, with plenty more of the day-drinking and dating thing going on. i didn't think anything more about it after that weekend.


fast forward 1.5 years. i've set my passport on tinder to seoul, reaching out to make some contacts and associations in the city before i arrive. today i got a brand new superlike from a girl, who immediately messaged me: 'hello, do you remember me from bristol, last summer? x' frankly, i did not recognize her and did not remember.

but after checking her profile and instagram ... oh my god! it's her! what're the chances! in a city of 10,000,000, this girl has matched with me on tinder within a week of me using it, and remembers me! on her instagram she even has photos of herself in bristol/bath that weekend, in the exact same outfit! a sudden flood of memories!

but that's not all. turns out that weekend experience was some sort of mini-revelation for her. maybe she was travelling abroad for the same reasons i'm going (above), and was doing something to challenge herself, enlarge her experience somehow. anyway, when i expressed disbelief that she even remembered and recognized me, she said: 'actually, that weekend changed my life'.

okay, now i'm nervous. if a girl you've only met once tells you 'you changed her life', chances are the reasons for why are going to be Very Bad. i immediately thought, 'Holy shit, did i get this girl pregnant? do i have a secret son and heir in korea?' more prosaically, i worried that we'd exchanged an STI or some other gross thing,  which had generally given her a headache. but no, actually it was good: she said that the weekend with me, playing music, being shown my records, me showing her how to DJ, etc, inspired her with a totally new passion in life.

in the last 1.5 years, she enrolled in a music college in seoul, learnt how to produce dance music, and worked on her DJ'ing. she's now releasing her first single next month.

i'm going to meet this girl again when i get out there. this is like something from a movie: it's too fucking good. i've been sat here laughing in disbelief all afternoon at how cinematic and scripted this all feels. plus, as a bonus, she's cute as hell. not bad work, all-in-all.

so the next time you start talking about 'uzique's bad trip music' or 'bleep bloop computer music', just remember: the problem might actually be with your fucking selves. neeeeeeerds!

i looked back through my iphone photos to that weekend, and found this video clip, as well. perfect.

Last edited by uziq (2020-12-17 10:43:35)


Not to be a downer, but there's a possibility you will have to eat kimchi at some point while living in Korea. I seem to recall that it repulsed you.
i’m a big boy, i think i can handle it.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6993|United States of America
Should have seen it coming it would come back to the music.

That is a heckuva lot more remarkable a story than what one of my friends tells about their relationship and happening to meet someone at the edge of the radius.
haha, i wouldn’t have dipped into my dating life to spin an anecdote if it wasn’t related to something here. korean girls are INSPIRED by my music choices.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Looks like fate has set you two up to be together. I highly suggest you send $20 a charity for the trouble.
I am all that is MOD!

how do you say "boops and bleeps" in korean?
i’m still learning the alphabet at the moment. give me 3.5 weeks.

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