one of the people i ride with from time to time listens to catholic radio with great interest. he isn't a catholic.
i think people tend to forget how crappy a lot of music in their generation was, and only remember the best bits. i can tune a lot of it out if need be, but would prefer listening to the tires roll over bridge joints than the same music over and over again. if i'm in range of stations playing the really old stuff, i can pretend i'm in the Mafia game while driving around.
sans-hati could just use my phone to play what i want whenever, and sometimes do. but i don't need the constant music, don't drive often unless it's job-related, and the tactile feedback of using the radio is nicer than blind-swiping at my phone or talking to Google or whatever.
re: your assistant, some of the trumpers are in the the middle of the finding out stage, as their jobs or families are affected by trump's antics. she probably thinks they'll make an exception for conservative-minded white collar peons like her.
re: pokemon, i imagine it's much like those palworld trailers i've seen of industrialized, cute critters building guns on an assembly line. wasn't nintendo upset with them for similarities? meanwhile, i'll reload a save if a random dog dies in the middle of a firefight. i probably don't have the constitution for stuff like monster hunter or whatnot.