I think I heaRD uZI SAY HE WANTED TO BE A COLLEGE PROFESSOR (caps and i don't care to fix it.)Dilbert_X wrote:
Um no, skill at arms has a long and proud tradition as part of the defence of the realm, in the US being at one with your democracy means being ready to defend it and gun ownership is part of that.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
i have never wanted to own a gun because i am happy with my penis size. the thought has never even occurred to my mind to go and buy such a phallic tool for spurting hot material. look at those two men above. look at that drum magazine. can that man surely possess anything other than two dried raisins for testicles? think about it. the freudian symbolism is apparent to even a pre-pubescent 8 year old.
same with dilbert and his fascination for target shooting. could it possibly be that he figuratively 'misses the mark' in other aspects of his life? i submit to you that guns, like cars, are libidinal extensions of a man's curved and disfigured penis.
I'm not sure how owning a gun and engaging in sport shooting really compares with your life of sitting in a darkened room frantically pumping a little button up and down while fantasising about being someone you're not, I'm sure there's some Freudian explanation in there
If we're playing amateur psychoanalyst maybe you can explain why the subject of penises appears so often in your posts, the sucking of them, the size, the shape, the smell, the taste etc?
People don't talk endlessly about things they don't want to do do they?
I'd say you play the amateur personality profiler to distract attention from your own shortcomings, that you've realised you've gone down the wrong path in life, that what you thought would bring you riches and peer respect most people find utterly risible.
And so you must fall back on what was the only marginally interesting small part of your studies to be able to have something to say that anyone could remotely want to hear.
I'm sure all the students will think he's cool because he smokes meth.