mtb0minime wrote:
I need tips on how to stay alive. What worked in BF2 does not work at all in BF3, so I'm completely lost. Helicopters were my most-loved vehicle, and here they're my most-hated.
I use a pretty passive tactic most of the time (assuing: solo and TV missiles / bad gunner who can't hit shit) , go high dive down on target with no throttle/"brake" (w/s) fire all missiles , reaload , if not fired upon same thing again , assuming you can aim /have guided rockets that'll get anything killed .
when locked on (if you don't know what and where it is) wait for the "missile aproaching tone" and release flares press c/ look around try to locate where the missile is coming from while backing/diving towards nearest " out of map zone" if it's :
A: inf I usually don't care much , just avoid going near for a while and he'll give up , otherwise engage (assuming it won't get you killed by something else)
B:Mobile-AA : (2 missiles) and most often some gun shots , get out of locking range asap ( diving with the chopper tilted to one side seems to be the fastest way to descend, without crashing
) make sure the AA can't see you / looking(shooting) at something else approach at low altitude below treelines/other "cover" and get those 14 rocket dildos up his ass that'll get it badly damaged , usually the bail because they cant see through their own smoke coming out the rear end when disabled = easy kill. or he'll stay in it shooting wildly , anyhow just spin around and fire another burst and You'll get atleast the AA before he gets you
(this is If you dont have guided rockets/ TV-missiles/ decent gunner, In any of those cases you'll most likely be able to kill it from a rather safe distance)
edit : sorry for the bad english
C: jets : if it's just a random noob dunno whats he's doing , just repair and don't mind, altho more skilled jet pilots mow down unaware choppers like nothing , so always watch out for jets , and only engage If it's a threat there's no use locking on to jets all the time since you'll only atract attention and you'll get more points from killing gruond targets , anyhow : if jets are consistantly shooting at you , there's not much else to do than moving around alot (diving like explained earlier in the text) and spraying AA missiles/ dumb rockets whenever possible .
altho if you have a somewhat decent gunner he'll take down a jet (close by) easily.
but the best and most importiant tip/lesson is BE ENGINEER and repair as soon as possible when disabled (/damaged in HC)
I don't quite know exactely it is you want to know flying/shooting/tacticts , so these are just some minor tips I use everytime I go in the choppah
Last edited by thepilot91 (2011-12-07 10:00:25)