FEOS wrote:
Spotters make a difference for the jets. You can't see shit otherwise. Active spotters cue the jets for air to ground runs, making them more useful from a tem perspective. If there aren't any spotters, all they can do is flu around looking for targets, hoping something will appear.
Not entirely true, once you unlock the air radar, it shows up enemy and friendly vehicles on the minimap for you (with quite good range too). When you're flying low enough it shows ground targets too. It gives you the general location of targets and from there on it's easy to spot it yourself so it shows up on your HUD. Unless you have a team you can trust to always spot things for you, using air radar is a must.
Also slow down, come in from far away and give yourself plenty of time to spot things and start attacking them. Using the gun from far is useless, it has quite a short range in the game, you can get two salvo's of rockets in usually and a burst from the gun before things get a little too slow and close for comfort (yes, I've been knocked out of the sky by tanks before, and enemy AA vehicles will shit on your face) - two salvo's and a burst, as long as it's accurate enough, is usually good to take out tanks even from the front.
What you do is fly over the map low enough, look at where enemy vehicles are, memorise them and then fly out far and high, once you turn around for your bombing/strafe/rocket run you should have a general idea from your low run before as to where everything is, vehicles don't move that fast. Spam Q in the general direction of what you want to take out, most of the time it comes up nicely, from there on spam the rockets and guns
This is all assuming you have air superiority, otherwise priority is always enemy jets. Helicopters aren't necessarily second
Last edited by Mekstizzle (2011-11-20 14:46:52)