My roommate sucks at video games. Really badly. He also doesn't like the BF3 beta all that much (but it doesn't stop him from playing it all the time). No, not because it's not a direct copy of BF2, in fact he plays it on the PS3. It's because the game isn't specifically designed so that he can get easy kills in the game, and he only plays as a sniper.
Also this isn't the cokehead roommate I had a few years ago. This is my new one who spends 12 hours a week on Skype with his mom. Many of these quotes are directed at her, such comments are marked with an asterisk.
This was his first quote about the game, he'll later realize he's not as lethal as he would like to be
Also this isn't the cokehead roommate I had a few years ago. This is my new one who spends 12 hours a week on Skype with his mom. Many of these quotes are directed at her, such comments are marked with an asterisk.
Spoiler (highlight to read):DSL's roommate, on the SV98* wrote:
Why doesn't this rifle kill in one shawt!?! Eh, maybe it's to give the other guys more of a chance against me
This was his first quote about the game, he'll later realize he's not as lethal as he would like to be
DSL's roommate, on assault rifles wrote:
That Ay-Ie-Kay-nine-sevin-one kills me allawt. Maybe I should use it? Oh wait, assault rifle, useless to me.
DSL's roommate, on scopes* wrote:
How do I vary the zoom on my scope? You can in Killzone, so you should be able to in this I think.
DSL's roommate, on the SKS wrote:
I don't get what's the point of the Es-Kay-Esss, you can't even kill in one headshawt
DSL's roommate, on Operation Metro* wrote:
I hate how easy it is to get flanked on this map. In Killzone on all the maps you knew exactly where the enemies were coming from. That was stellar map design, Killzone is clearly superior to this.
DSL's roommate, on choices in optics wrote:
Why can you put the dawt sight on the sniper rifles? That's so silly [annoying giggle]
DSL's roommate, on the MK11* wrote:
Really? This gun really takes 3 hits to kill? Why would they make the sniper rifle take three hits to kill?
DSL's roommate, on close range weapons* wrote:
Shotgun? Eww.
DSL's roommate, on his priorities in life* wrote:
I want to prove to myself that I am the best sniper in all video games
DSL's roommate, on competitors' products* wrote:
So uh yeah. In Killzone the sniper could kill in one shawt, and also you could zoom in super close with the scope, and also you had a cloak which you could use to go invisible until you could take a shawt. So uh yeah, Killzone 3 is probably superior to this.