Uzique The Lesser
that's not the sentiment of my argument at all. thanks for showing up again though with your trademark intelligence.
sorry you feel that way
Couldn't help notice you like to bring up someone's age a little too often. Carry on uzi.
inane little opines
Uzique The Lesser
i bring up his age because he really should have something better to do with his time. and he really should act with a little more maturity and composure. he's like my dad's age. if my dad was acting like that, i would find it seriously concerning. people that age should have careers, families, hobbies, level-headedness... not stropping all over gaming forums and being all dramatic with a bunch of late-adolescents and early-twentysomethings. so yes, age does matter when you act that strangely. it's a rather un-befitting thing for a man of mature years to do. was the sentiment of my post the "old timers versus young punks" jibe? uh. where did you learn to read?
sorry you feel that way
did I? I brought up the fact that you like to use it as part of your argument and you are doing just that.

who cares man. People 'your dad's age' get bored too. These here like to be idiots on internet fora. Other 'old people' go golfing. Maybe your dad just keeps busy so he won't have to think about whether or not you've gone back to your coke snorting habits.

I don't know. I don't care.
inane little opines
Uzique The Lesser
lol what a terribly contrived effort to be insulting. if you don't know or don't care, why post? you seem awfully bothered. your first post made out i was emphasizing age and then one day "i too would be that old man". no, my whole point is predicated on the basic proposition that no one of any sound mind should be posting in that way on an internet forum well into middle-age. it's a thing for people with too much time to do. as for spending all day arguing pointlessly with teenagers, when you still live at home... or as for losing your temper and getting drunk on the internet... i think these are valid contextual points.

mention that i did cocaine some more though!!! crippling criticism. you haven't even done drugs and you're still an incoherent idiot. what's your excuse?
sorry you feel that way
I post because I'm bored and have nothing better to do. Good enough of a reason? It's saturday. That goes for middle-aged basement dwellers like dilbert as well. Or any other middle aged guy out there. I don't know why dilbert lives at home, maybe his parents or siblings need care 24/7? All we know is that his paycheck is probably big enough to buy a pretty big place for himself if he desired to do so. Probably has his reasons not to.

None of your business really. Also I don't recall ever sharing anything about my personal life on this forum because... why should I? As for drug use, never snorted cocaine no. I'm fine with weed and alcohol and I guess I'm lucky as both are legal here.
inane little opines
Uzique The Lesser
must be some pretty intensive 24/7 care needs for him to be able to spend a few hours a day trundling out the same shit about academics and hipsters.
The X stands for
+1,813|6323|eXtreme to the maX
Shouldn't a 20-something have better things to do than sit on the internet recording and cataloguing the personal details and supposed failings of people he doesn't know and will never meet so he can needle them constantly?

Why is my personal situation of so much interest to you?

Why is Burnzz relationship with his child of so much interest to you?

Why is Jay's upbringing and background of his parents of so much interest to you?

And so on, its across every member and every topic.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6323|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i think you're so used to dribbling out your usual doggerel about 'academics are useless' (which you think is irrefutable fact but is in fact your weird kooky delusion) that you forget that your constant rehashing of "academic loser" or "hipster" are actually insults. you bore everyone with the exact same 3 arguments/stances all the time, not budging or willing to learn anything, and then you want to cry that people "bring in insults". dude, the level of intelligence that you bring to those debates is insulting. your remarks about academia and humanities students and people who like art and hipsters and generally, well, anyone is insulting. just you're so deluded and self-satisfied you can't see it. you can't see that it immediately riles and rankles people; "dilbert off on his usual shit" again. and now you plead innocence because people aren't patient with you. please. you are old enough to know better.
Right, so I make general comments, you respond with personal insults.

They're hardly directed just at me though are they? Its pretty well anyone who challenges your opinion on anything isn't it?
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Right, so I make general comments, you respond with personal insults.
Dilbert, i've tried to point this out to staff, even reporting the post like they've asked, PM's, and it's clear to me the administration of bf2s is going to allow any and all behavior.

i gave up alcohol this week and i just realized that i'm going to have to quit responding to personal attacks.

A lot of what uzique has said is true - there are only a dozen active members, i do drink too much, and anyone who challenges him is an incoherent idiot.

i used to like Kmar's contributions here, he added breadth and diversity to this forum from the many and varied topics he would post about.

Kmar is younger than i, but he was obviously more mature than i. i see i've allowed myself to stoop to uzique's level, and i regret it. i want to be like Kmar when i grow up, not like uzique.
Uzique The Lesser
lol you two. you should start a support group and you can hug each other.
Uzique The Lesser

Dilbert_X wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i think you're so used to dribbling out your usual doggerel about 'academics are useless' (which you think is irrefutable fact but is in fact your weird kooky delusion) that you forget that your constant rehashing of "academic loser" or "hipster" are actually insults. you bore everyone with the exact same 3 arguments/stances all the time, not budging or willing to learn anything, and then you want to cry that people "bring in insults". dude, the level of intelligence that you bring to those debates is insulting. your remarks about academia and humanities students and people who like art and hipsters and generally, well, anyone is insulting. just you're so deluded and self-satisfied you can't see it. you can't see that it immediately riles and rankles people; "dilbert off on his usual shit" again. and now you plead innocence because people aren't patient with you. please. you are old enough to know better.
Right, so I make general comments, you respond with personal insults.

They're hardly directed just at me though are they? Its pretty well anyone who challenges your opinion on anything isn't it?
oh please. you are so transparent. every single post of mine you quote in the context of some feigned 'debate' always makes recourse to "hipster" and "useless" comments. you are constantly making karma snipes about me (look at roc18's karma feed if you want an example of a 'general commenter' who doesn't make 'personal insults', rofl, or more like a catalogue of one man's pathology). you are ridiculous dude. you are always on my dick, and now that it suits you you want to make out that you're just posting inane shite in the spirit of good debate (?!?!?!). you are boorish. you hammer home the same point in order to get chuckles from your 2.5 STEM friends, and to annoy the single 1 humanities type  here (me). please, tell me some more how you're not about personal insults. do you want me to link roc's karma feed? there's probably no need; you probably have all those little insults scribbled down in your notebook.
The X stands for
+1,813|6323|eXtreme to the maX
You're really spending your time trawling other people's karma for comments about yourself? Are you OK?

Its alright though, I have realised you can't back up many of the wilder statements you make.
You only have recourse to a claimed (but imaginary) superiority and hide your real insecurity with a stream of extreme vitriol.
Its never bothered me TBH, I just find it interesting.
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
lol roc has mentioned his karma feed in public several times now. but yes, in between all that time i spend trying to log-in on a banned account, in my downtown i idly browse every single bf2s members' karma feed. that's it

and yes, great pop psychology. i am transfixed. not at all to do with the fact that i find a dude recycling the same 3 tired and frustrated arguments for years and years on end a little amusing. no, i must have 'issues'. lol. ok! and if my simple observations that you are quite a frustrated, middle-aged man never bothers you... what was that post above about? a plaintive whine about me being "insulting" all the time. which you quickly dropped, of course, when you were found to be doing the exact same... only in a cowardly, wimpish karma-feed manner. lol, bravo. that complaint really had legs!

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-04-02 03:07:29)

The X stands for
+1,813|6323|eXtreme to the maX
Quickly dropped? Insults and attempts to psycho-analyse anonymous strangers based on half understood snippets represent your whole posting style. Why do you feel the need to do this?
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
half-understood snippets? let's be clear, here: the only thing i ever extrapolate from is your incessant and insistent few lines about arts/humanities, 'hipsters', academics, that sort of thing. there's a few topics and lifestyles that you continually rove over and rant about. i'm not alone in starting to wonder just what it is that has placed this irrational pet hatred in you. several people got bored of just debating your (unchanging and thoughtless) 'points' about 3 years ago. i'm not trying to "psycho-analyse" (right...) your innocuous posts in EE. i just see a guy that continually rants about art hipsters and successful academics in D&ST, and then spends a lot of time sat at home posting ass and tits GIFs. i put two and two together and wonder just what it feels like to be that four.
The X stands for
+1,813|6323|eXtreme to the maX
Its hardly just me for whom you catalogue snippets and bring up to use as put-downs when someone makes the most anodyne post though is it?


Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

Gotta be a Fools joke. Polish girls aren't Asian.
pretty much what i thought.
hey cybargs don't you have a cool story for us? about killing a girl in a car-crash whilst browsing bf2s on your mobile phone... from behind the wheel? please tell us more. you two can join up and regale one another with bullshit evasions.
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
yeah, it's pretty funny that cybargs is posting on that thread of macbeth's, cause he's guilty of the very thing everyone else in that thread is accusing macbeth of. it's humorous. hardly an "omg serious flame", is it? you need to stop being such a sniveling wimp.
The X stands for
+1,813|6323|eXtreme to the maX
I didn't say it was a serious flame, just an example of you dredging up factoids from years ago to needle people and put them down - as you see it.
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
+382|4472 … 0#p3880150

Dilbert wrote:

I'll see your metallic sphere and raise you one Roc18

Last edited by Dilbert_X (4 days, 4 hours ago)
yeah fuck off, thanks. that one gets bonus points because we all know you think black people are lesser than whites.
The X stands for
+1,813|6323|eXtreme to the maX
Thats one whole lot of projecting based on - well nothing really.
It proves my point further, why do you spend so much time trying to delve into the mind and background of anyone whose opinion you don't like on a web forum?

Its a debating forum, not a psychoanalysis forum, why is it not enough to disagree with someone, why do you have to impugn their intellect, education, social class etc etc as well?
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
please. PLEASE. almost every disagreement you have with someone you talk about them being "hipsters". half of your posts on roc18's karma feed are inane little self-satisfied snipes you make, trying to 'explain away' my personality. lol. you are taking the fucking cake. i think MANY members here would say that you are the furthest from "debate" of anyone here. all of your posts boil down into fingers-in-your-ears la-la-la not-listening crap, whilst you spout the same few lines about "art hipsters" and "effete snobs".

and projecting? you just made up some pseudo-scientific bullcrap about black people being "less intelligent" and "more prone behaviorally to violence". it's quite conspicuous that you think it's okay to pick on a black guy's appearance in the same sub-forum as your eugenics talk. you are disgusting.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-04-02 04:53:52)

The X stands for
+1,813|6323|eXtreme to the maX
And I guess you didn't realise it was an exercise in seeing how bf2s.coms self-styled academics would react when presented with an argument which didn't fit with their preconceptions.

Uzique wrote:

Yeah, it is predictable that I would react to your thinly veiled racial superiority. I guess there aren't many blacks at the yacht club, unless they're there to serve food and are summoned by a velvet rope to a hidden bell.
Oh and crikey

Uzique wrote:

and fuck you, you ignorant never-left-america cunt. there is no racist ideology against 'former colonials' in britain. wipe that smug grin off your shit-eating face. it's hilarious the arrogance you display because of the shitty rutgers reading list you've ingested along with that LSD. your knowledge is pathetic. you get corrected over latin america, so now you're trying to 'prove' that the UK is more racist than america. lol how inane.
With your love for the 'class system' you're more racist than I am.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-04-02 05:12:08)

Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
how is a class system racist? you are asinine.

oh and stop misquoting me, thanks. i never said that line about "velvet rope to a hidden bell". i know because i remember reading it and thinking it was a good image. those are not my words though. can you please stop inferring they are with the 'uzique' tag? it's very dishonest.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-04-02 05:14:37)

The X stands for
+1,813|6323|eXtreme to the maX
Point me to some black aristocrats, members of the royal family etc. Priness Margaret slept with a black man and it was practically a constitutional crisis.

The class system is nothing more than a clandestine 'wogs keep out' policy.
If you don't have the right background, and only a rich white will, you're excluded.

You're right, I misquoted Jaekus

Here's one though

Uzique wrote:

did your phone autocorrect that from 'obese'? cause jay will give you a sob-story about that  no discrimination!
Not sure how another personal tidbit about Jay helps the debate.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-04-02 05:20:08)

Fuck Israel

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