What's wrong with Steam having a monopoly on digital game distribution? I'd rather not have to install 10 different Steam clones to play 10 different games.TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
I have 200+ games on Steam and dont think this Origin stuff is a big deal, I just dont understand it. At worst it will be similar to GFWL which (in my experiences) isn't/wasn't nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be. At best it will become a healthy competitor to Steam and there will be less of a monopoly.
I assume it will be about the same level as Ubisofts Uplay stuff - slightly annoying but pretty inconsequential.
It might actually make alt-tabbing doablemtb0minime wrote:
So apparently the server browsing is done through a web browser, which will then basically load shit up and alt-tab for you into the game. I know a lot of people are gonna hate it, but as long as it gets away from the typical Battlefield piss-poor menus and in-game server browsing, I'm happy.
actually alt tabbing in bfbc2 was perfect.
They would if the could.