There is.
+1,380|7010|Devon, England
On release, there will be 7 versions of the game you can buy. 6 for each individual race (Guard, Marines, Chaos, Tyranids, Eldar and Orks) and a 7th collector's edition version. Each race pack contains bonus wargear for that pack's race and the collectors edition has them all, along with some other stuff.

If anyone's following this (and in the UK), the collector's edition is available at Play.com for £30. Keep in mind all race-packs are individually £30 (Steam).

Trailers below:

Looks good. Me and my friends can't wait for it Already pre-ordered my CE

I ordered the collector's edition straight from THQ. For casual fans, any edition should be fine. If it didn't have Imperial Guard, I'd probably have passed. I'm really missing playing them, Necrons and Tau.

e: I didn't really care for the coop campaign in DoW2. In any upper difficulty level, the bosses had a BORING amount of hit points. Me and a buddy had to spend a half an hour on a Farseer, repeating the same attack patterns over and over and OVER again. We also didn't really care for the one-building-fits-all style of basing. It works, I suppose, but they should have put base building back in as a game mode option and added some maps that had ROOM for it.
There is.
+1,380|7010|Devon, England
Agreed. I know what Farseer bit you're on about, as well. Where you have to hit her from on top of the stairs, slowly and slowly killing her.

I also am a fan of Guard. I was going to get that pack, but once I saw the CE for £30, why not? There are mixed things I like from both games, but overall I preferred the first game. I've put so much time into Soulstorm with my friends. Eldar were bad-ass in that game, but they suck in this.

Either way, though, this game should change all that
arrivederci frog
I can just about stomach the single player campaign in DoW 2.

Is the campaign just Blood Angels again? Or are guard and stuff actually playable single player?

*Blood Ravens

But yes, multiple race campaign.
There is.
+1,380|7010|Devon, England
Campaigns for all races, I believe.

E: But even though I enjoyed Soulstorm's singleplayer, I hope they have individual stories for each race in this one.

Not sure who will voice the Tyranids, though.

Last edited by FFLink (2011-01-19 03:25:14)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin
Tyranids and Necrons don't fucking talk. And why do they have several different versions, what's wrong with all races in 1?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

War Man wrote:

Tyranids and Necrons don't fucking talk. And why do they have several different versions, what's wrong with all races in 1?
$ Normal edition: The game
$ Specific race editions: bonus wargear for whatever version you buy
$$ Collector's edition: all bonus wargear
There is.
+1,380|7010|Devon, England
Oh, didn't know they had a stand-alone version.

Yeah, you don't just get to use the one race to use from the version you buy - you get the full game just with bonus wargear for that army.

Last edited by FFLink (2011-01-19 22:28:25)


Collector's edition ftw.
There is.
+1,380|7010|Devon, England
Beta's out. Can get a key from http://community.dawnofwar2.com/news

Activate it with Steam.

Love Guard. All I've played so far.

It's not as larger-scale as the idea was originally sold to me, but it's still good.

God, how many times do I have to register for Relic's shit...
There is.
+1,380|7010|Devon, England
Ha ha

Tried it. Love the IG, but base destruction is SUCH A FUCKING CHORE. I miss the DoW style where there were a lot of buildings, but you didn't have to sit there pounding on one for fucking ever to kill it. Stop trying to consolize RTS games, devs!
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7033|Purplicious Wisconsin
Yeah, I do miss the base building. Although it does make it more like the table top game in a way. Except for the population limit of course which makes it not so much warhammer 40k.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
There is.
+1,380|7010|Devon, England
I agree. I thought this game was supposed to add all that in, but I guess I was told wrongly.

Well, since I ordered the collectors edition from the UK, I guess I'm stuck with whatever I get. However, since I'm such a sucker for WH40K shit, I'll probably be happy with playthroughs using all races.
There is.
+1,380|7010|Devon, England
Just been posted from Play.com

Hopefully it comes before Friday.

Bought the collector's edition from the UK before Steam sold the extra kits for $0.99. I should've known better. Now it's stuck in snail mail, having been last seen as departed from Indiana...last Friday.

#$&@ you, VAT.
arrivederci frog
Playing through the guard campaign- there are stormtroopers but no kasrkin

Still stuck in bloody post. WTF, usps?!
There is.
+1,380|7010|Devon, England
Mine didn't get delivered until today.

Matchmaking is terrible with Steam's system.

I waited over 20 minutes for it to be put me in a single game with 12k players online and nothing. I gave up.

Campaign's fun, but all the levels are basically the same for every race, which doesn't make going through it very original for each race.

Still, the campaign is set differently to DoWII. You get bases to build from, now. Less wargear, though, and the levelling seems horribly small compared to DoWII.

Haven't done matchmaking or the new Last Stand, as the above issue.

Got a peach slip in the mail. "We're sorry we missed you."

Likely story. I was here all day. Now I gotta go pick it up Monday or Tuesday.

By now, most people already know about this and have seen gameplay videos. Here's the developer diary:

Da Blooze
If you play as Space Marines you can field all of 22 men!

~4 squads (tac and/or assault) plus a scout squad, commander + librarian...EPIC!

Really though, this game is fun, but the lack of scale in DoW 2 annoys me.  I guess DoW 3 and its "mega armies" are aimed at fixing that.

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