sorry you feel that way

Brasso wrote:

i don't see this game losing popularity any time soon
meh I figured that after 6 years people would get bored of it. Especially considering the shit state it's in now.
inane little opines


cataclysm dec 7th

WoW is easily gonna be the most played PC game for another 2 years

'the shit state its in now' is entirely relative. shit to the old hardcore elite? yes. i'm bored of it. shit to the millions of casual subscribers and people that enjoy their easy-epics and instant-gratification achievement points? no. best game ever, apparently.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Mutantbear wrote:

The game has a low skill ceiling but it is very very fun to play with friends
you didnt play vanilla, shut up

you're like finray with the CoD games
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6284|London, England

Uzique wrote:

Mutantbear wrote:

The game has a low skill ceiling but it is very very fun to play with friends
you didnt play vanilla, shut up

you're like finray with the CoD games
Do you want me to extend my post saying it was very difficult in vanilla compared to today and at the current state the game has a low skill ceiling.

Because I thought vanilla being more difficult was implied
sorry you feel that way
Vanilla was "hard" because few people knew of the existence of stuff like wowhead and pvp forums, movies and the like which would sorta teach how to play. The actual skill ceiling was ridiculously low for most if not all classes.

IMHO wotlk s6-7, s3 tbc were dam good, wouldn't know after that, quit. Imagine it has gotten terrible with people flinging shit like shadowmourne around which just completely destroys anything.

What I missed the most in the game is that you had to figure out stuff by yourself, tutorials, information and the like is all so readily available and easily accessible in the game that it takes much of the fun out of discovering something new. It doesn't actually happen.

Uzique wrote:

shit to the millions of casual subscribers and people that enjoy their easy-epics and instant-gratification achievement points? no. best game ever, apparently.
I feel this just has to be very temporary. It's probably mostly new players. The game is just really fucking boring once you get everything you need thrown in your lap.

Last edited by dayarath (2010-11-02 11:06:18)

inane little opines

dayarath wrote:

figure out stuff by yourself
like quests lololol

i iz pro quester even without wowhead i gud at wow
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
dayarath the 'incredibly low skill ceiling for most classes' is a bit reductive, isn't it? raiding in vanilla was fucking hard. i wouldn't say there's anything low-skill, in relative MMO terms, about c'thun, for example.

also i'm getting more and more hyped for cataclysm... i can't explain why. going to roll a gnome priest methinks, and get my main to 85 to see what the end-game is like. ALSO, directx11 features look =
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
jeeeeeesus the pre-cataclysm patch has changed a LOT

so many huge fundamental changes to the game... and i must say, i like the sound of a lot of them

especially the rehauled emblem/honor system. seems to be paving the way for a much more concentrated, hardcore system again.

dec 7th
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
really impressed with all the changes they've made to the game... not sure how they'll play out in time, but WOW. so much has radically changed. the interface, the way you level up, the talent system, the graphics, and of course soon-to-be the entire in-game world. the game is 5-6 years old now and is looking to go through it's biggest revamp and refreshing since launch-day. the excitement gathering around cataclysm is reminds me of starcraft 2's launch.

anyone here planning on buying into the game come this expac? or rerolling? or resubscribing?

i'll probably keep the main character i've had since release-day, play that, and level a new class/race on the side with donkless and co.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6284|London, England

Me probably
i just hope rated bg's and raid content has a hardcore element again

and i REALLY hope the achievement-obsession shit dies down... "link achievs to join this raid" always pissed me off. 99% of the achievements were asinine, time-sink shit, anyway. not being able to get into raids, some of the easiest raids the game has seen since release, whilst my char is sitting on a bank full of AQ40/Naxx and old-PvP gear... was a joke. knew how to play rogue better than 99.99% of people on the server but was kicked out of some raids for not having some wanky achievement. it's like xboxLIVE only for even bigger retards.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

I was actually thinking of playing a month or two (for once) after the expansion, but the way you describe the achievements makes me not want to bother.

still playing
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I was actually thinking of playing a month or two (for once) after the expansion, but the way you describe the achievements makes me not want to bother.
well i'm talking about the way they have been in (early) WotLK... not speculatively in the expansion.

play with a few friends and it's not as if it matters, anyway.

i get anal about things like achievement points and so it affects my enjoyment detrimentally, mainly because i took the most of the last 3 years off and stopped playing... and now my character, which arguably experienced the hardest content in the game's history, looks 'crap' in one respect (i.e. achievement points). most people don't care... but that bothers me a bit. hard to explain-- it's irrational.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

i just hope rated bg's and raid content has a hardcore element again

and i REALLY hope the achievement-obsession shit dies down... "link achievs to join this raid" always pissed me off. 99% of the achievements were asinine, time-sink shit, anyway. not being able to get into raids, some of the easiest raids the game has seen since release, whilst my char is sitting on a bank full of AQ40/Naxx and old-PvP gear... was a joke. knew how to play rogue better than 99.99% of people on the server but was kicked out of some raids for not having some wanky achievement. it's like xboxLIVE only for even bigger retards.
yeah i might give it a go
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
hmm i played about 9 months ago but only bought vanilla wow.  i hit 60, felt limited in what i could do and just stopped playing because i didn't want to dish out another $70 on expansion packs.  however the game was a lot of fun, not going to lie.  best mmorpg i've ever played.

edit: yeah just checked, they even have an offer for me to save 20% if i get all 3 expansion packs and it'll still cost $90.  not sure if that's worth it, not to mention the $15 per month to play

Last edited by HaiBai (2010-11-07 21:20:18)


bf2s guild gogo
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+304|5803|Bolingbrook, Illinois
dude this could revive bf2s.  maybe chuy could rename it to WoWs and turn the stat pages into that armory shit

or does that just sound gay
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6284|London, England

There would need to be an american and europe guild
+93|6992|Alaska, mother fucker.
Thinking about reinstating my account once Cataclysm hits, but quite frankly this game always has just pissed me off.  Can't get into a solid guild that doesn't have shit tons of drama, and whatever class I'm playing for whatever x-pac always gets nerfed into the shitter once I get said character geared enough to do good in arenas.

Just the fact that I was in glad range in S2,S3,S4 and S6, but never got it, pisses me off enough to not want to play.
sounds like a whole lot of QQ to me

people that (re)roll classes based on flavor of the month patch changes deserve to forever be switching between different shitty cookie cutter chars

sounds a lot like what happened to you in arena, too. arena is fucking easy. especially if you're the sort to roll FOTM
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

HaiBai wrote:

dude this could revive bf2s.  maybe chuy could rename it to WoWs and turn the stat pages into that armory shit

or does that just sound gay
Or the Starcraft section could just get renamed to Blizzard Games and we could move all the Warcraft/Diablo stuff there.

wasn't that proposed the first time around? it always made more sense

the only reason it didn't get done is because of the stupid infantile anti-WoW/anti-MMO sentiment here
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Yeah, you'd think. Maybe someday, when Diablo III's out and Warcraft IV's being dreamt up...

It was debated in the mod section before Starcraft II went up. The Blizzard notion lost because it was felt that having 'Starcraft II' on the section's name would attract more members. I didn't really see any anti-MMO sentimentality there.
That Guy
+236|5355|Massachusetts, USA

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Yeah, you'd think. Maybe someday, when Diablo III's out and Warcraft IV's being dreamt up...

It was debated in the mod section before Starcraft II went up. The Blizzard notion lost because it was felt that having 'Starcraft II' on the section's name would attract more members. I didn't really see any anti-MMO sentimentality there.
You must be pretty blind, there were about a dozen WoW threads that got nuked because of that anti-MMO sentiment. Any Warcraft thread usually went in the same direction as well.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.

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