Well Uzique is absolutely right on that the boat left 4 years ago. I don't care that WoW is bigger now than it has ever been, it doesn't matter. What matters is that the community has simply gone to shit and the imaginative people who got everything going have left ages ago.Finray wrote:
Really disagree with your "no-one cares" clause. WoW is bigger than it ever has been. Lots of Youtubers making a living off WoW videos, lot more players, etc etc. A lot more people do care than did, WoW's lost it's "geek, shut-in, forever alone" reputation, it's become quite socially acceptable. So no, more people care. Just less hardcore people care, so you don your little hipster shades with no lenses, because it came more mainstream, you don't like it any more.
Besides, the geek shut in forever alone reputation has never changed for the people who are either top PvP or PvE.
Why wouldn't it have been socially acceptable to play WoW when it started? If anything it was the coolest shit back then.
inane little opines