Dear OH,
BF2s, i believe, has various groups around the board. There isn't just one big group. It's separated. Originally the AU server first brought many of us AU peoples together, and created new friendships that exists between the individuals whom both played and administered the server.
Since then, the friendships have grown strong. I hardly go into EE Chats because i dont know most of them personally, however in AU chats, i know them all very well, and love to communicate with them with the AU chats.
The AU Chats therefore could be conceptualised as simply a medium for us AUers to talk to each other.
PLus i dont consider AU chats "spam", nor do i really consider EE Chats "spam". I consider it a conversation between groups. Much like an IRC.
Then people ask, why dont you use IRC? Well, sir, IRC requires you to be logged in to see all the previous posts. AU chats can sometimes be spoken with posts ranging in time intervals, therefore IRC does not fulfill the requirements of the AU Chats.
Considering AU Chats has got up to so many posts, it can be considered that it is straight down perfect. It fullfills a need for us AUers, and it has done for years.
This also makes me wonder. Why, after 5 years of BF2s, do you want to close it? Cause there are no servers anymore? SInce when did ANY of the chats resolve around server issues?? -- they hardly ever did.
If AU Chats dies, part of my childhood will too.
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥