Seriously, fuck off.
+103|7007|"The Empire"

War Man wrote:

UK|Hooligan wrote:

My attack 3 joystick works perfect now, the assend was the wrong way around, but put a quick change in the air contol values sorted that out and now it handles similar to bf2 choppers.
Quick change, what?
This was on the EA forums and it worked for me. Written by someone called BrainExploder.

Hi Guys I posted this on the US forums but since no one reads those here is a repeat.

I have a Saitek X52 and since the new patch last night my joystick controls have been inversed like they were with the original release, there was a fix but it did not work with the new patch so I went through and guessed on which values needed to be changed to -1 and here is the break down. If someone wants my air file I can give it to you too, maybe someone can post it too, anyhow here it goes hope it helps.

First find your air.dbx file, I have the steam version of this game so it put my air file in C:\Users\Username\Documents\BFBC2\input

Open it up in notepad and go to Edit>Find in the search field type in "pad" no parenthesis. Hit find once then find next, basically you are looking for the second instance of pad controls when you hit the second one change the "1" value to "-1" in the below line
<field name="ScaleValue">1</field>

This will inverse your throttle controls

After that hit find next 4 more times and again changed the "1" value to "-1" in the same field this will inverse the Yaw

<field name="ScaleValue">1</field>

This should fix all your probs on the x52, did for me at least.

Also if anyone cares the 4th instance of the pad search will inverse the pitch so if your uav is giving you probs maybe you want to inverse it here and then pick the inverse option in the game and the two might work out for you just how you want them.

That's all there is to it, hope it helps.

Here is the breakdown of the pad fields

1st instance changed to -1 did not change anything
2nd instance changed to -1 inversed the throttle
3rd instance changed to -1 did not change anything
4nd instance changed to -1 inversed the pitch I did not want this to inverse so I kept it at 1
5nd instance changed to -1 did not change anything
6th instance changed to -1 inversed the yaw
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Blade4509 wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Haven't had a lot of luck with bullets against tanks or buildings tbh...
Congratulations you missed my point completely..

ignorance award for you sir.
I'll shoot my rockets and all types of explosives at everything all day long and if some infantry get caught in the mix BONUS POINTS!

And I know the point you were making, it was another QQ about explosives *yawn*
K, so since I got the new patch I've been rubberbanding like mad. I can barely advance forward because I'll take twenty steps forward and then jump twenty steps back. I think it's a connection issue because I've been getting disconnected (connection lost) more frequently as well. It's not my internet... is there anything I can do to get rid of this? The game's unplayable as it is now.

t0mhank5 wrote:

K, so since I got the new patch I've been rubberbanding like mad. I can barely advance forward because I'll take twenty steps forward and then jump twenty steps back. I think it's a connection issue because I've been getting disconnected (connection lost) more frequently as well. It's not my internet... is there anything I can do to get rid of this? The game's unplayable as it is now.
I've gotten that once or twice since the patch, but not a lot
It actually may be my internet... which is very confusing. I'll have to look into this more.
Rod Foxx
+78|6303|Perth, Australia

t0mhank5 wrote:

It actually may be my internet... which is very confusing. I'll have to look into this more.
It's not your internet, or at least not likely. It appears to be quite a common issue and they are presently testing a new server update (beta 16 i believe).

Also it seems dice ninja nerfed the AT4. It now does as much damage as the RPG. Awesome work dice.

Rod Foxx wrote:

t0mhank5 wrote:

It actually may be my internet... which is very confusing. I'll have to look into this more.
It's not your internet, or at least not likely. It appears to be quite a common issue and they are presently testing a new server update (beta 16 i believe).

Also it seems dice ninja nerfed the AT4. It now does as much damage as the RPG. Awesome work dice.
hah as if the AT4 wasn't useless enough already.

Thanks for the info; I suppose it's comforting know that it's not on my end since I wouldn't know how to fix the problem anyway
Yeah I can't believe they nerfed the AT4 like that. Now there is literally no reason to use it. Similar to what they did to the M95.

Their weapon balancer is a massive idiot.
+1,010|6605|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Yeah I can't believe they nerfed the AT4 like that. Now there is literally no reason to use it. Similar to what they did to the M95.

Their weapon balancer is a massive idiot.
Did they really nerf it???

The only positive it had was the increased damage and the fact you can LOS-Guide it to it's target...

The guide does not justify beeing equal in damage to something that can be tracer-dart'd
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Yup. It does the same damage as the RPG now, but has a slower rocket, can't lock onto tracers and you have to be exposed the entire time it's in flight.

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Well that's fucking gay then isn't it?
If anything they should've made it a touch more powerful.
+1,010|6605|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Yup. It does the same damage as the RPG now, but has a slower rocket, can't lock onto tracers and you have to be exposed the entire time it's in flight.

Yeah so basically its a "use it and die, but be able to hit smoking vehicles" rocket launcher now
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6764|The Land of Scott Walker
Quite like the new chatbox ... sucks they nerfed the AT4 ... M14 feels much better ... lighting change on White Pass helps ...
Platinum Star whore
+365|6997|Middle of nowhere
Can you actually confirm that it does the same damage as the RPG? Or perhaps are you just bitching about a few times where it seemed like it did? Like did you go into an empty server with a buddy and test?

Not trying to be a jackass, just an honest question.
Rod Foxx
+78|6303|Perth, Australia
They tested it over on the EA UK BC2 forums. And it is in the game files as well:
Wrench turnin' fool
That's so garbage I loved the at4 for the greater damage. It deserves it too since its not tracer active.
"Raise the flag high! Let the degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
+590|6259|Kentucky, USA

Ever since this damn patch my game keeps locking up.
Map Pack 3 out for PC:

Kalms wrote:

Map Pack 3 is out since a few hours.

It includes the following two levels:

Laguna Alta, Squadrush - (code name "mp_003sr")
Nelson Bay, Squad Deathmatch - (code name "mp_008sdm")

If you are a player

There are already some servers up & running the new maps. Go look for them in the server browser!

If you are a server administrator

The maps are available to your server once your RSP has performed a configuration change [essentially: added a commandline option].
After that, the server recognizes the new maps in maplist.txt.


Apparently some servers are running a leaked R16 exe modified to allow SPECACT weapons, AND allowing people to get the All Bronze Weapons awards.  Here's a video of SPECACT weapons in use.  I think there may be a few other similar vids floating around on YouTube: "@zh1nt0 there yah have SPECACT: ... (shall i also make DICE slug video ?)
YouTube - Bad Company 2(PC) - SPECACT unlocked (HD) -" "@zh1nt0 are you aware people are using the r16 server on home pc's? is this game going to go the way of ..." "@cod6tweets We are aware of it"


BC2 + some Antivirus/Internet Security products: Server browser problems:

Kalms wrote:

As noted in several forum threads, Client R8 doesn't work very well with some antivirus products.

Kaspersky Internet Security

Symptom: The server browser freezes for a long time when it is about to return results. The more servers that your search will return, the longer the freeze.

Reason: The server browser has been modified to do server-pinging using the non-admin Icmp* functions in Win32. (Earlier it used raw sockets.) This change makes the server pinging also function for non-administrators, but Kaspersky triggers on the game's behaviour.

We are in contact with Kaspersky Labs about this. We have no ETA for a fix.

Until then, known workarounds:
1) Use join-by-friend, or your favourites list, or your history list
2) Make sure you search queries are so narrow that you only get 10-20 results
3) Uninstall Kaspersky Internet Security (merely disabling will not help; neither will adding an exclusion for BFBC2Game.exe) -- NOTE: this makes you vulnerable to viruses and the like.

ESET Smart Security

Symptom: All ping times are displayed as - or 999

Reason: ESET Smart Security thinks that all the ping responses are coming in from servers are the result of a Denial-Of-Service attack that has been triggered from some other machine, and it begins to ignore those the incoming ICMP PING responses.

We have not yet been able to reach ESET about this.

In ESET Smart Security, go into Setup> Personal Firewall> Advanced Personal Firewall Setup> IDS and advanced options> ICMP protocol attack detection: disable
This will not make your machine vulnerable to viruses, it only means that someone can crash your computer remotely using an ICMP-based Denial-Of-Service attack (which is a very unlikely event).


If you experience either of these symptoms:
* Server browser freezes
* Server browser shows - or 999 in ping column for all servers

... then reply to this thread, and state:
* Which symptom you are experiencing
* which antivirus/internet security product you currently have installed (incl. version number)
* if you found any workaround not yet mentioned - do tell


The history of DICE, parts 1-4.


Hmmmm... "@zh1nt0 Any chance to get an answer about the last 2 insignias for PC? Got all bronze stars, still no insignias" "@pbalau We are aware of an issue with it. You don't need specact for that however "

================================================== "@Bazajaytee R15 PC: AT4 nerf for no reason (its useless now), G3 damage unchanged. Any chance of fixing these soon?" "@RealHorrorsh0w Will need to get @Demize99 to check them when he gets back from vacation to see if its as he intended."


Last edited by GullyFoyle (2010-07-06 10:28:06)

Platinum Star whore
+365|6997|Middle of nowhere
Actually from what I've read (and experienced ingame) the G3 actually did get a damage buff. I haven't tested it out yet personally (will do so tonight) but I'm fairly certain it did.

I tested the AT4 out this morning with a buddy, and it definitely does the same damage as the RPG. So... wtf DICE

I like how they nerf a gun that doesn't need it instead of one that does (an-94 anyone)  Oh software developers.

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