( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yeah more DnB.

Leave that ministry stuff for the remixes that will happen anyway.
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6759|Brisbane, Australia

1:00 onwards, that beat.

Compare to:

At around 2:30.

Is it just me or are they really similar.
+1,716|7051|St. Andrews / Oslo

[-DER-]Omega wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

[-DER-]Omega wrote:

My point is that mainstream music doesn't necessarily mean it's shit music, although there are many cases where that is true. You should try to formulate your own opinion by actually giving them a listen yourself.
So not only did you take what he said completely out of context, but you're completely ignoring the main point of his post as well

liquidat0r wrote:

Cool. Will probably give it a listen.

People always say at least a couple of the following: They suck; they're too mainstream; they're over-hyped; they're not that good; and that there's better music out there. But I: a) Don't really know enough about them or the genre in general b) Don't care
read it again.
Eh? It's not like I'm disagreeing with his post, I'm purely pointing out that mainstream music isn't always bad music, which is how his "people" apparently view it (not like Pendulum is that mainstream anyway). I therefore assumed that that was the reason he cba to listen to them.
christ, must I break down the quote for you? He said he doesn't care what people say, and will "probably give it a listen".

Last edited by Jenspm (2010-02-22 02:50:20)
+1,716|7051|St. Andrews / Oslo

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

1:00 onwards, that beat.

Compare to:

At around 2:30.

Is it just me or are they really similar.
It's really similar to a million other songs tbh

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

1:00 onwards, that beat.

Compare to:

At around 2:30.

Is it just me or are they really similar.
Reminded me of Heartbreaker as soon as it started at ~30seconds in.

Also, in the background just before 30 seconds it sounds a bit like

(now I'll actually listen to the rest)

Actually it's more like Shinichi Osawa's version.

In the background, this is
So The Island sounds more like club/dance and then at about 3mins it goes a bit electro ... is it just me or does this not sound like drum and bass at all?
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6759|Brisbane, Australia

liquidat0r wrote:

So The Island sounds more like club/dance and then at about 3mins it goes a bit electro ... is it just me or does this not sound like drum and bass at all?
Pretty much.

Is very Prodigy, I like it better than The Island though.

Bit more DnB'y at least at the start.

As well.

I cant really make up my mind until I hear proper versions recorded properly and "finished" so to speak.
1st vid:

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

Is very Prodigy
Yeah I agree.

Sounds much more like their older stuff

Same as 2nd, yeah. More dnbish

And yeah, I'll reserve judgement until I've heard the final masters. Also that MC'ing/etc at the beginning is fucking annoying. But I guess it's what you get when you see it live.
Best ___ in Aus
Meh. Noisia's upcoming album > this album, imo
+3,611|6940|London, England
Hmm... didn't really sound like pre-Silico pendulum to me

ok, maybe abit

not that I didn't like Silico, just that I'm getting abit bored of their style tbh

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2010-02-26 13:02:16)


tazz. wrote:

Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6475|Vancouver | Canada
I hope they have more of that dirty electro/fidget style in their new album.
Super Awesome Member

liquidat0r wrote:

So The Island sounds more like club/dance and then at about 3mins it goes a bit electro ... is it just me or does this not sound like drum and bass at all?
Most of pendulum's stuff doesn't sound like proper dnb. Mainly because it isn't.

Peter wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

So The Island sounds more like club/dance and then at about 3mins it goes a bit electro ... is it just me or does this not sound like drum and bass at all?
Most of pendulum's stuff doesn't sound like proper dnb. Mainly because it isn't.
oh no you DIDNT just pull the "pendulum isnt real dnb" card

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Super Awesome Member

Uzique wrote:

Peter wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

So The Island sounds more like club/dance and then at about 3mins it goes a bit electro ... is it just me or does this not sound like drum and bass at all?
Most of pendulum's stuff doesn't sound like proper dnb. Mainly because it isn't.
oh no you DIDNT just pull the "pendulum isnt real dnb" card


PrivateVendetta wrote:

tazz. wrote:

Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432



Salt in the Wounds: 6/10
A good song, but far too repetitive to be 6 minutes long. Make it 3 minutes and I'll be happy.

Watercolour: 9/10
I just like this song. Nuffsaid.

Set Me on Fire: 7/10
Like the different vocals, and their grime/dubstep approach

Crush: 8/10
I like this song too. Not really that dnb'ish, but as a song I think it flows nicely and sounds good.

Under the Waves: 7.5
A bit bland, but is similar to their original and In Silico stuff. I also S2 Swire's vocals here.

Immunize: 8/10
I like this song, because I like the prodigy.

The Island Pt1: 7.5/10
As a song, this is sure to be in clubs and remixed all over the place. It isn't dnb, and at least Pendulum made that obvious.

The Island Pt2: 7.0/10
Again, not a dnb song. I preferred Part 1 a little bit more.

Comprachicos: 6.5/10
I didn't mind this song again. It has slight traces of DnB, heavy use of guitar and a different use of Swire's vocals

The Vulture: 6/10
I'm sorry Pendulum, I didn't realize you were the new Hadouken. You didn't copy them on this one or anything. Even the vocal's sound like theirs, and Hadouken's latest album was garbage. In light of that, I thought this song was OK. It's more new rave than dnb though, and I don't like new rave.

Witchcraft: 8.5/10
I love the intro to this song, some more fast paced music and finally something that is drum and bass. Good vocals, a nice, fast paced beat, and they use guitars really well in my opinion in this song. I actually wish they made this one longer.

Self Vs Self: In Flames: 8.5/10 Pendulum : 6.5/10

Ok, I love both Pendulum and In Flames. As an In Flames song, this is fucking great and the dnb beat would make for a great song. However, this is a Pendulum song. This song seems out of place, a sudden metal theme in what is largely an electronic based album. Pendulum makes a very small contribution to this song, Swire repeat's 2 lines over in the chorus, and the dnb backbeat is very pretty faint in comparison to the guitars and Anders Friden's voice. If I want to listen to In Flames, then I'll listen to their albums.

The Fountain: 8/10

I like the way it soothes my ears after the In Flames song for a start. A piano throughout, a decent dnb beat, and the vocals are good once again. Another quality song right here.

Encoder: 7/10

An OK song. I can't really label this as any genre. This song should have come well beforehand, and had the fountain finish it off. The liquid DnB sounds of Still Grey are the best album finisher of the three in my opinion, and something like that would have been better. I like the ocean noises at the end if that's any consolation. Once again, the song itself is good, but not DnB.

When In Silico came out, I was disappointed because I didn't get the drum and bass Pendulum I was expecting. I was faced with rock music when I was anticipating a DnB album. I started to think that way for Immersion as well, when I realized that I can't expect Pendulum to churn out DnB like they did in Hold Your Colour.. They aren't a DnB group any more, they now have a huge rock influence as well as taking sources from different genre's as well. Self Vs Self proves this. In Silico was simply a transition album for Pendulum, from the DnB HYC to Immersion. Half the songs on this album aren't DnB at all, yet I still like them. There were some standout songs ( Watercolour, Witchcraft, The Fountain) and some which left me slightly annoyed. I like all the songs on Immersion, but some of them just don't seem to belong in the same album together.

As an album to be judged on face cover, I give Immersion an 8/10. Almost all the songs are good. As a DnB album, I give it a 5/10, but like I've already said, Pendulum aren't Drum and Bass any more.

Writtan boi Jesse Jestar Star

Last edited by Jestar (2010-05-20 04:32:54)

hold your colour was barely drum n bass - it was an exercise in recycling samples

good effort with the review, though. at least you're honest.

im not even gonna waste my time downloading this album, im sure i'll hear it from other people's ringtones eventually enough
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+515|6974|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
Listening to it for the first time now.

I like it. Purely because it sounds good, makes me happy listening to it, and I don't have any prerequisites for music to sound good. I don't care how it's made, how repetitive/sampled it is, if it sounds good it sounds good right?
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Uzique wrote:

hold your colour was barely drum n bass - it was an exercise in recycling samples
HYC was dnb with some electro influence and only uses samples from 3 sources. It was a dnb album nonetheless.

And yes Microwave, it is a pretty good sounding album.

Last edited by Jestar (2010-05-20 05:36:51)


Microwave wrote:

Listening to it for the first time now.

I like it. Purely because it sounds good, makes me happy listening to it, and I don't have any prerequisites for music to sound good. I don't care how it's made, how repetitive/sampled it is, if it sounds good it sounds good right?
yeah you're right justin bieber is totally awesome
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+515|6974|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
He doesn't make me happy! But to the little girls who like him he probably is awesome.
I'll probably listen to this in a bit, just to see what's what. I'm not expecting it to be amazing, but who knows - it might be nice to listen to.
I can haz titanium paancakez?
It's not bad; as long as you don't take it very seriously. I like it.
+81|7089|LEEDS!!!!!, Yorkshire
Its all right to have on in a club but I think i'll stick to dubstep.
Dear God please let my karma one day reach 100, whether it be tomorrow or 1000 years in the future i want it to happen.

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