FloppY_ wrote:
Sisco10 wrote:
So I started playing again, this time on normal with a Vanguard. And I´m getting my ass handed to me. I just arrived on the citadel, and on Eden Prime Ashley died in almost every firefight.
I´m a bit pissed, because when I tell the bitch and Kaiden to take cover, they almost never fire on the enemy (or don´t hit, when they fire), so its all up to me. I wanted to specialise in pistols and shotguns though, and its pretty damn useless to fire a shotgun over distance and the pistols really suck in the beginning.
I figured, having Ashley cover us with a sniper rifle, while Kaiden is working his magic and letting me deal with opposition up close and personal should be enough.
Vanguard is pretty OP imo, just use throw and lift to immobilize enemies (liara + vanguard with full lift skill = unlimited levitation, even on Sovereign)
Shotguns become pretty accurate when you get the spectre ones, and for maximum effect use sledgehammer rounds to knock enemies down...
lol, normal as I said before. I improved vastly though, getting a few level ups. I was used to runnin into firefights head on as a soldier. Taking cover is necessary at this stage.
THe shotguns annoy me, cause I get that overheating bug. It just stays overheated until I load a game. So I always have to look on the heatlevel.
I got a question about the abilities though. What use is a partymember with high tech skill to me? Can I open tougher locks with that? Unlike Kotor, you can´t change characters here to take control of the technician to pick electronic locks.
On my first playthrough, I always got annoyed by downed satellites and weapon lockers I wasn´t able to open, due to me being a soldier.