After having it lying around for almost a year, I'm finally playing.
I'm on Feros right now and about to finish that up. However..
1) Where are the prime places to go? What else should I do to get credits?
2) How can I get stronger guns?
3) How do I do all these: biotic throw, biotic warp, biotic singularity, etc
4) How can I create a romance subplot? Ashley Williams is a hot piece of ass.
5) What are paragon/renegade points?
Any help/tips/suggestions are appreciated.
I'm on Feros right now and about to finish that up. However..
1) Where are the prime places to go? What else should I do to get credits?
2) How can I get stronger guns?
3) How do I do all these: biotic throw, biotic warp, biotic singularity, etc
4) How can I create a romance subplot? Ashley Williams is a hot piece of ass.
5) What are paragon/renegade points?
Any help/tips/suggestions are appreciated.