Ok. So shoulders can be a long training day indeed, as you have a few muscle groups that you need to work. As a quick generalization you have your traps, delts, and rear delts. Remember, I swear by pyramid setting as this allows for adequate warm up and heavy lifting.
Shoulder Press AKA milirtay press AKA barbell sholder press. Take a slightly wider than shoulder width grip on the barbell and slowly lower it to teh front of your chest (upper chest) then press it straitght up. This is a GREAT exercise which will work your delts and traps mostly. Beginners can do this on teh smith machine. The smith machine is basically a barbell with offsetting glides on it which will balance the bar for you.
Arnold presses are also good to follow up with. Coined by Arnie himself this exercise is great for working your traps, delts, and since you get a full rotation of motion your triceps as well. Start seated with dumbells at chest level, palms facing in towards you. move teh dumbells out towards your shoulders while rotating to a palms out position, then slowly press them straight up.
Note, you can also do regular dumbell presses, to do these just hold the dumbells at your shoulders palms out, and press straight up. Remember to bring the weights ALL THE WAY DOWN back your shoulders. This full range of motion and muscle contraction is IMPERITIVE.
Moving on to barbell shoulder shrugs. Pretty simple here, grasp the barbell with a narrower grip than normal, slightly less than shoulder width (overhand). Raise the be bar up with your shoulders and squeeze your shoulders and traps as you raise the barbell. You see alot of guys rotate their shouldres doing this, this is bad form and will tear the fuck out of your rotater cuff. Just raise up and squeeze. THis excercise will work your traps mostly.
Upright rows are also a good excersise for your traps and delts. These can be done with dumbells, bands, and the EZ bar and small barbell to name a few. Stand with the weights hanging free griped overhand and rasise them straight up, bending your arms out laterally.
Ok, by now we've hit your traps and a little delts. lets move on to proper delts and rear delts.
Front dumbell lateral raises, alternate movement arm to arm, hold the dumbells palms facing overhand (in) and raise them up to about nose/eye level. KEEP YOUR BACK STRAIGHT, often i lean against a wall to prevent cheating.
power partials are good too, stand gripping dumbells overhand at your side, raise them latterally till parrallel with your shoulders.
These can also be done seated, again try not to use your back as momentum.
Time to hit the rear dealts, generally I only do about two excercises here, tehy are easy to isolate and by now you are proabably exauseted.
Rear delt flies. bend over and touch teh top of your head to a bench at a 45 degree angle, touching your head to the bench will help keep you from using your back as momentum. As long as your forhead is touching the bench you will not be swaying back. so hold the weights overhand as shown, hanging down, and raise them out in a flying motion, think wings of a bird here. you can bend your elbows, but try to keep the at a very mild angle to hit the rear delts.
I follow these up with a seated variation of this exercise. same premise here, but its up to you to not sway your back since you dont have the bench as a guide. Also, you will start with your legs slightly out mroe to allow clearence for the weights.
Well heres a good shoulder workout for ya. If you need anything else or help with other training days, just ask. Also, remember its also 75% what you eat, if you want help wiht a diet plan I can do that too. GLHF!!