M.O.A.B wrote:
AussieReaper wrote:
M.O.A.B wrote:
As if yours are solid. 'Hurr Iz butthurt, MW2 bad, IW bad, PC gamers being prejudiced against!' Stfu about it for once. For hating the game so much you certainly give it a lot of attention.
Our hate for IW is solid.
You do know what a dedicated server is don't you? P2p connections are from a decade ago in PC gaming.
Yes I do, but what good is complaining about it going to do? The game has already been released, IW has tried something different because its what they thought to do. Good decision? Depends how you look at it. I don't really care because I don't play the MP. But this anti-everything related to the new game, branding the
entire game a piece of shit because it didn't have the common internet system, not willing to try anything new plus the over-the-top whining and moaning and insulting, just goes to show that the 13-year-old console kiddies that are so often referred to, aren't secluded to the consoles.
You best be trolling.
If you dont play the MP, you have just payed $60? $70? for 5 hours entertainment. As far as games go, thats pitiful.
There is much more to it than dedicated servers.
Gameplay overall is just not good - no recoil, stupid perks etc,
Deathstreak rewards.
Killstreak rewards.
+1000 points, TRICK SHOT bullshit.
No mod support.
No ability to kick people from games.
Arbitrary limiting of HC mode.