I am all that is MOD!

I think you should just follow this advice-
Smoke copious amounts of weed and don't trip alone.

I'm probably the most experienced here in this sort of thing so you should pay attention to me. Oh and don't be surprised if the first time isn't mind-blowingly powerful.
I am all that is MOD!

Oh and no matter what you think, you aren't really wet.
Uzique The Lesser
ken i bet i have done acid more than u

& i dont even smoke weed cause i'm not black or a pussy

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-18 14:27:09)

Pfft acid is nothing.  2C-P, now that's a helluva drug.
Uzique The Lesser

I am all that is MOD!

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

ken i bet i have done acid more than u

& i dont even smoke weed cause i'm not black or a pussy
Very well could be. I had a period from about 16-20 where I did it a lot, with only about a 9 month gap during that period (rehab in a 3rd world country yay!). A lot meaning a few times a week. I lost count somewhere around 120+ trips and over 300 doses. I wasn't nearly as bad with ecstacy. During the same time frame, it was probably around 40 times total. It took a very long time for my brain to heal from that. According to my parents I was a completely different person back then. It got to a point where we wouldn't be taking hits- we would communicate how much we were doing by saying "I'm going to take a 10 puddle" which would literally be a small puddle of 10 hits of liquid. It makes me shudder to think about. For me and my addictive personality it went far beyond recreational use.

Drugs are bad
Uzique The Lesser
well, fuck that. that sounds like acid abuse.
I am all that is MOD!

I'm just happy there are no long term effects (so far that I can tell).  And only 1 flashback ever, while I was in rehab. Like I said, kind of sickening to think about now, 10+ years later. Drug abuse in every sense.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I've done acid about a half dozen times. I feel like a church goer in comparison.

Seriously though, I'm surprised you haven't had any further psychological problems. Though a friend of mine who took a trip with me on my first trip told me he too had done over 300 trips in his life (he was 27 at that stage, I think I was around 23/24) but I'm guessing over a much extended period to you.
Uzique The Lesser
i have a pretty addictive personality - but hallucinogens? i really don't see the appeal. half of acid's potential profundity lies in its ability to shake you out of 'ordinary' consciousness, of routine, of the banal and quotidian. if you did it every weekend, or hell, even more often than that... how would it keep that special aura? that ability to shake you out of your comfort zone? being whacked out and tripping all the time, enough to become a 'new normality', is a weird way to be. i was like that at my worst on various uppers and hypers during my uni years... but at least they let you retain a basic sense of reality, albeit a pretty hyperactive and agitated one.

Wreckognize wrote:

Pfft acid is nothing.  2C-P, now that's a helluva drug.
acid isn't nothing, and there are long term effects. i have a history of abuse similar to KENNINGS, and there are auditory/visual triggers that happen to me still.

the one drug that i can say that didn't land me in any legal trouble was pot, and the one drug that i feel that didn't have a lasting effect was psilocybin. the reason i drink too much is i have no feeling of being buzzed until i'm drunk, but drinking is the only legal drug i'm willing to abuse. it lessens the pain and takes the edge off, and i'm unwilling to loose my house chasing down illegal drugs at this point.
I am all that is MOD!

reality goes out the window as a continuing, permanent experience.  You become more or less apathetic (and part of that was the ecstasy use, definitely).  Like living with a permanent fog around your cognitive abilities.  According to my parents, it would take me a minute to reply to simple questions and much longer to form coherent thoughts.  The interesting part (as with all drug abuse) is that I couldn't tell I was fucked up - it had gone on for long enough where it simply didn't occur to me that I was destroying my brain.  After about maybe the 30th time or so - right around the time it became 'something to do when we were bored' as opposed to an experience - was when it became stale, predictable, boring, just a way to get high as opposed to an enlightening journey.  To the point where I would look at my watch and know exactly when I was going to peak, when my come down would start, when I would start to experience the 1-2 hours at the end of the trip where you just want to sleep/not be was not as fun as it should be.

I had a family friend who literally would manufacture these drugs.  Someone would ask him about a certain hallucinogen and he would go off explaining the chemical compounds and how they interacted with your body, etc.  Thinking back, the guy really was a brilliant dude.  Still the only person I know who always had mescaline, ayahuasca, peyote, lsd, ecstasy, DMT, mushrooms, you name it.  Out of all those, DMT and mescaline are the only psychedelics I would take again.  LSD and MDMA scare me to think about.  Peyote/ayahuasca - no fucking way.  NOPE.
Uzique The Lesser
i'd like to set-up a means to harvest my own shrooms. that would be the ideal. my own little piece of alfafa field for the rabbits.

and we used to make a mescaline brew in university quite a lot. and some other stuff involving boiling up a cactus in a kettle. it tasted bitter-shit.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-18 17:45:50)

I am all that is MOD!

i have a friend who believe it or not did waaay more than I did.  Probably double over the same-ish time frame.  He still does not like to drive at night because the lights are too much.  Close and then open your eyes - see how everything is kind of an oil painting?  That's what his vision is like at night.  He's also waaay out there, but he was that way before the psychedelics.
I am all that is MOD!

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i'd like to set-up a means to harvest my own shrooms. that would be the ideal. my own little piece of alfafa field for the rabbits.

and we used to make a mescaline brew in university quite a lot. and some other stuff involving boiling up a cactus in a kettle. it tasted bitter-shit.
every heard of hells bells (or belladonnas)?  LSD doesn't make you hallucinate to the point where you literally see/feel things that aren't there.  Maybe you get a little bit of a white or grey wolf in your peripheral, but nothing too crazy.  I saw my afore-mentioned friend literally hallucinate - pantomiming holding things, running into fake walls, falling because he was getting pushed (by nothing).  Fuck that shit

here's what I'm talking about:
Uzique The Lesser
i've never actually vividly hallucinated on LSD, but i have been way 'out there', as in perceptively aware of my surroundings, but still acting way out of character and doing shit that is just on another level. i danced in a road once, in the rain, dancing in oncoming lights of cars. that was far gone. i knew they were cars and shit, somewhere, cognitively/rationally, in the recesses... but the light was too fantastic.
I am all that is MOD!

ive seen faces morph into shit, vivid colors/patterns, walls/ground breathing, all the generic stuff.  Never actually saw white elephants dancing in unison or stuff like that.  Plenty of mind boggling stupid acts, even loss of speaking abilities.  And there's the "omg i'm going to be stuck like this forever" or "it feels like 5 hours have passed but it's only been 10 minutes" and my favorite "I have found the key to unlocking happiness.  I just need to remember it when I'm sober" times too. 

I recommend everyone take LSD at least once in a controlled environment.  It truly is a mind-expanding experience.  But it's not something to fuck around with
Uzique The Lesser
me and all my friends once collectively lost our speech (aphasia?) because we were all on a really bad batch of a horrible synthetic amphetamine compound. god knows what it was cut with but i think it basically all caused us to have mini strokes. we were all struck dumb for like 2-3 hours, just holed up in my bedroom at the time, living out a quick-motion hell. pretty funny looking back on it, but literally terrifying at the time. perfect streams of thought in our heads, but a total inability to do anything but gesture and emptily mouth things to one another. weird shit. drugs were fun.

i would still recommend anyone to take acid, maybe once a year or so. in the summer. keeps you grounded. keeps that little consciousness bubble from becoming too hermetic and egotistical.
I haven't taken acid in many years. When shrooms come around I'll eat a cap or two but I no longer search them out.

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i'd like to set-up a means to harvest my own shrooms. that would be the ideal. my own little piece of alfafa field for the rabbits.

and we used to make a mescaline brew in university quite a lot. and some other stuff involving boiling up a cactus in a kettle. it tasted bitter-shit.
Setting up a shroom grow op is pretty easy, there are plenty of guides online for it.  You can make your own substrate and grow them in sterilized mason jars; I've even seen sterilize grow bags for sale that you just inject with the spores. 

Damn, I didn't know you could find mescaline in the UK; I can't even find it here in the states.

When it comes to psys, IMO nothing beats DMT.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Never tried DMT, just acid and shrooms, both around half a dozen times each. I'm keen to try either, though for me shrooms tends to be a more winter occasion, probably because when I was living in Tasmania that was the only times I could take them - all the months without the letter 'R' in the name - May, June, July, August.

Since I've been informed about the silk road it seems that getting anything will no longer be a problem, at least for the foreseeable future.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7024|Riva, MD
Maryland is finally making some progress with its Marijuana laws.  The Senate is about to pass a bill that decriminalizes it so if you have less than 10 grams you only get a $100 fine and a citation(This is also done in Chicago and Philadelphia) instead of 90 days of jailtime, a $500 fine and a misdemeanor.  The House is also looking at a bill for full recreational legalization for people 21 and over just like Colorado but I'm not sure what the status is on that yet.

The ball is in our dumbass governor's court now to sign whichever laws pass into effect, turns out he himself has completely reversed his opinion on legalizing medicinal marijuana and now he's backing a bill to do that as well.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2013-03-19 09:44:51)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
90 days of jail for 10g of pot?

Land of the free.

I've had up to 5oz on me at one time (ten years ago) and may or may not get that much if caught.
I am all that is MOD!

He quoted the maximum sentence. You could get none of that or all or a mix. All up to the discretion of the judge/city attorney.
Uzique The Lesser
it still does strike me as a staggering contrast/anomaly that certain states in america have effectively legalized weed, but others will basically put you in jail for 20 years if you get caught 3 times with a quantity of such soft drugs.

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