die Jord die
Find some backroads and drive around._j5689_ wrote:
I'm wondering if I should partake tomorrow or not. I wouldn't wanna do what I did last 4/20 though where me and my friend were about to smoke mid-grade on his coworker's back porch with her and then her mother caught us before we even started, soooooooooo awkward. And then I don't think I even got another chance to smoke that day
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
I prefer not to do it while driving, I don't think I ever have, I get too nervous about cops and I know there's gonna be shitloads of them out tomorrow looking for that in particular.UnkleRukus wrote:
Find some backroads and drive around._j5689_ wrote:
I'm wondering if I should partake tomorrow or not. I wouldn't wanna do what I did last 4/20 though where me and my friend were about to smoke mid-grade on his coworker's back porch with her and then her mother caught us before we even started, soooooooooo awkward. And then I don't think I even got another chance to smoke that day
I like to do it in somebody's house, preferably with nobody's parents around and with black people, lol. I don't know many white people I like to smoke with and black people don't stress me out about stupid things
Last edited by _j5689_ (2012-04-19 15:56:27)
wat_j5689_ wrote:
I prefer not to do it while driving, I don't think I ever have, I get too nervous about cops and I know there's gonna be shitloads of them out tomorrow looking for that in particular.UnkleRukus wrote:
Find some backroads and drive around._j5689_ wrote:
I'm wondering if I should partake tomorrow or not. I wouldn't wanna do what I did last 4/20 though where me and my friend were about to smoke mid-grade on his coworker's back porch with her and then her mother caught us before we even started, soooooooooo awkward. And then I don't think I even got another chance to smoke that day
I like to do it in somebody's house, preferably with nobody's parents around and with black people, lol. I don't know many white people I like to smoke with and black people don't stress me out about stupid things
Superior Mind wrote:
happy 4/20! edible time
Pg. 124 for a month. 4/20? new page.
Last edited by ROGUEDD (2012-04-20 07:10:14)
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Brownies are so good, made oil last night and my friend made butter which we are going to make cookies from scratch with later ~
I had edibles for the first time last weekend, after not having THC in my system for over 2 years. Completely fucked for a good 12 hours. Good times.
fuck each and every one of you smoking good weed today

reminds me of when i was in the army
Tu Stultus Es
ajajajajajajajaeleven bravo wrote:
reminds me of when i was in the army
Suddenly everyone is a smoker.
nah. too mainstreamMacbeth wrote:
Suddenly everyone is a smoker.
To a real pot smoker, 4/20 is just another day.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
hhahahaha happy 420 guys im sooooo high right now hahaha i have no idea wahts going on im bout to watch the wizard of oz with dark side of the moooooon!

herp derp
jord wrote:
herp derp

lol these two seniors who smoke tons of piff live on the first floor in my entryway. its smelled like weed since 2pm (EDT, 6pm GMT for you eurofags).

omg!nukchebi0 wrote:
lol these two seniors who smoke tons of piff live on the first floor in my entryway. its smelled like weed since 2pm (EDT, 6pm GMT for you eurofags).
Tu Stultus Es