
What should we do?

Nothing, leave it as it is.33%33% - 33
Go in, dismantle all the goverments, burn it down.7%7% - 7
Deport everyone to Madagascar.3%3% - 3
Fuck 'em, kill every last one of them. Nukem.42%42% - 42
Bake them cookies and hope they leave us alone.13%13% - 13
Total: 98
TaNk WhOrE
+1|6857|Charlotte N.C.
Cougar wrote:
Am I the only person that is SICK of hearing about all the stupid shit that the people in the middle east do on a day to day basis?!  I'm so tired of it, what is wrong with these people??  Here's a list of the top 10 things that I'm sick of hearing:

10. Osama Bin Laden made a video tape.  Let me guess....he said he was going to attack the US soon.  Yeah, we know, he said that in the last 10 tapes he made.  Shut the fuck up and do something or stop making these shitty video tapes with your old ass 1989 Canon Video Recorder.  You can carry around a dialysis machine but not a camera that’s worth a shit?  No wonder you live in a cave.

9. Syria says they didn't do it.  Bullshit, yes you did.  Hariff threatened your government and made you lose ground physically and politically.  Syria is known for being a major contributor of terrorists in Iraq, imposing them selves on Lebanon, as well as being on of the tag team nations that got the bright idea to attack Israel and get their ass kicked, and to top it all off....the Syrian president meets with that Iranian jackass of a president at the HEIGHT of his international deboggle.  But Syria wonders...."Why does everyone think we did it?"

8. "BRUTAL FIGHTING IN AFGHANISTAN!!"  No, there isn't.  Maybe every now and then, but 90% of the time it's some Afghani equivalent of a redneck sitting on a big hill and lobbing about a dozen mortars onto a base.  Then he runs away and gets wasted by either a) Convoy of Security Police. b) Fast response choppers, or c) the base just flat out opens up on his hillside and turns his body into mincemeat.  These un-organized amateurs are just plain stupid and useless.  I've been there, I've seen this, and I have friends there now.  It's pathetic.

7.  "Terrorists take another hostage".  How fucking stupid are these people?  Ok, let’s say you want something, whats the best way to get it?  I know!!  Lets kidnap an unarmed undefended female American journalist who has no power or political pull and we will demand the release of 15 terrorists or we will behead her!!!  DUMBASSES!!!  NO WONDER YOU LIVE IN THE DESERT!!!

6. Stampedes.  I recall from memory at least 4 stampedes in the Middle East last year.  Are you people to ignorant to possibly spread out a little bit?  Maybe even go to these places at different times or take a different way there?  Also, if someone yells "BOMB", don't run, you’re already dead.  I heard the stampede at the Mecca pilgrimage was caused because some tripped over some misplaced luggage.   ......*sigh*

5. Everything is always worse in the Middle East.  Anyone here about the ferry that sank with 1300 people on it?  WTF kind of ferry is that?  That’s almost the same as the Titanic sinking and all this is,...is a fucking ferry!!  Their worse than Mexicans!  If you wreck into a van on a Texas interstate you may accidentally kill 8 illegal immigrants, crash into a van in the Middle East and your either going to explode or kill at least 30 of them.

4. Suicide Bombers.  Dumbest...idea....ever.  Kill 2 Americans and 27 Iraqis.  Those are great odds.  You fucking people.

3.  "Our religion is better than your religion."  I'm getting real sick of that shit.  Every time you hear from anyone in the middle east of importance it's the same old shit "America is the infidel, Mohammed this Allah that, Allah supports us and not you blah blah blah"  Take you radical religious bullshit and cram it up your asses!!  Where was Allah when two of your "radical regimes" were toppled in under a year?  I guess it is Allah who forces you to hide in caves and hide your faces under turbans when you have innocent journalists and contractors trying to rebuild your shitty joke of a country, held hostage in a basement.  You are cowards.  If they want to bring the religion thing into all the time, FINE!  My religion just kicked the shit out of your religion.

2.  Iran.  Enough said.  Keep being a radical extremist jackass and see what happens.  Iran as opposed to Iraq actually has the support of the UN and EU as far as the ass whippin he is steering his people towards.  Keep it up, I might just have to re-enlist so I can can come over and stick my size 14 Cochran Marauder up your ass.

1. Middle Eastern people in general.  You people demand the respect of the world yet you burn flags and kill people over a FUCKING CARTOON!!!  GET OVER IT!!  You elect a terrorist party to government in Palestine and then ask for aid?  Shut up.  You bomb your own civilians and murder innocent people in the name of your Holy War?  Idiots!  Stampedes, bombings, riots, endless protests over nothing, terrorist breeding and harboring, drug markets, etc etc etc YOU PEOPLE SUCK!  I couldn't imagine why ohh WHY anyone nation would want to go to war with you people.  Maybe because we're SICK OF YOU!

In closing of my rant and wonderful venting section I would just like to summarize.

People of the Middle East, your radical religious beliefs, your ignorant politics, your lack of discipline and moral, social and common sense and frankly, just you in general ALL SUCK.  You don't deserve to breath.

Coug Out.

it is about damn time that someone started yelling and screaming at the fucking middle east
i think most of them just dont understand.
im form australia and i think it was the smart idea to go in.my dad is in the defence force and im joining soon and if u dick heads thought it was the wrong thing to do and u wanted us to stay out u can all get fucked u dumb ass he was inslaveing his own people. would u want no one to help u if u where in there situation comon before u have a opinon look at the real facts
I agree with Cougar. I don't care about all their excuses of why it's ok to blow up, kidnap, and behead people. I have no sympathy anymore. They are the cause of their own strife. Many US troops went there with the glory of helping the helpless in their eyes. But all they get in return is shrapnel and lead. If they (muslims worldwide and the iraqis) can get all pissed off and form huge rallies in the streets over a fuckin cartoon, why won't they do that to denounce losing 10-100 of their own people every single day to the moron insurgents? The answer is... they don't fucking care about human life. They all believe that Allah will save their souls if they just sit there and let the unholiest jihad ever continue. And yes I know muslims too, my girlfriend is Iranian, very nice and well educated people. But Damn!!! get a fucking grip on your lives people! I say... we lost a lot of good dudes trying to make their lives livable so they don't have to live like packs of wild dogs, and they haven't done shit with it. Ok, some iraqis are good people and take up arms, fight, and die battling the people (... uh... did I say people? I meant walking feces) who are the only frickin cause of all the bullshit. The way I see it, they fuckin owe us. We'll take your oil, assholes.

Thanks to all the US troops who shed blood for an undeserving people.

BY THE WAY.... less iraqis die per year since the war started then before!!! If that doesn't tell you something, then you need to seek treatment for your cranial rectal disease.

By the way again, thanks for this website, it is the BOMB! (que stampedes)

Last edited by theFightingSeabee (2006-02-25 20:12:00)

El pistolero7
[u GOT THAT quite right hellboy, There are individuals who give religion a bad reputation, and use it to their own benefit. I know muslims too and they are better ppl than some christians an ateists that i met.
How many muslims are forced into their army to fight Us , and are really nice guys, but they brainwash them
just like Gi Joes.
This equation i´m solving,    and the leaders are responsible.  Us,Colombia, israel, palestina etc...
El pistolero7
Are u kidding me Seabea...
Iraqui ppl suffer more now than they did with saddam.
And the fact is US armed this guy Long ago, and now u detroning him.
Shit ,u in America belive everything from ur leaders.
If u were starving and homeless in the street, do u really think George Wbush would come and help u and invite u to his house, He´l give a dam about U, That guy is dangerous, And America has lots of internal problems, so dont come acting like policemen, Solve ur problems ,and after all alot of ppl know that US wants the iraqui oil . ...
Now lots of soldiers are giving their lives for this cause.
Dont forget something very important.......
Arabs and iraquis are gods creation too... Now ur killing them,
I wonder what god would say
Maybe thats why u got 3 Major hurricanes, last year. so u open ur eyes
If things get worse, u will suffer too , and im not talking about terrorism...
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6979|MA, USA

El pistolero7 wrote:

Iraqui ppl suffer more now than they did with saddam.
Yeah, because disappearing in the night or being gassed is preferable to the risk of bombs
The life of the average Iraqi is actually marginally improved, as compared to life during the economic sanctions.

El pistolero7 wrote:

And the fact is US armed this guy Long ago, and now u detroning him.
This is a myth.  Iraq didn't use US arms, they used Soviet Arms, almost exclusively.  What wasn't Soviet, was French.

El pistolero7 wrote:

Shit ,u in America belive everything from ur leaders.
While you believe everything from TV.

El pistolero7 wrote:

Dont forget something very important.......
Arabs and iraquis are gods creation too... Now ur killing them,
I wonder what god would say
Maybe thats why u got 3 Major hurricanes, last year. so u open ur eyes
If things get worse, u will suffer too , and im not talking about terrorism...
Have you ever been to Iraq?  (Why do I ask?  Of course you haven't, or you wouldn't say such ridiculous things.)  If one is a believer in God, that country would be living proof that he hates Arabs.  I'd rather chance the hurricanes than live there.

whittsend wrote:

El pistolero7 wrote:

Iraqui ppl suffer more now than they did with saddam.
Yeah, because disappearing in the night or being gassed is preferable to the risk of bombs
The life of the average Iraqi is actually marginally improved, as compared to life during the economic sanctions.

El pistolero7 wrote:

And the fact is US armed this guy Long ago, and now u detroning him.
This is a myth.  Iraq didn't use US arms, they used Soviet Arms, almost exclusively.  What wasn't Soviet, was French.

El pistolero7 wrote:

Shit ,u in America belive everything from ur leaders.
While you believe everything from TV.

El pistolero7 wrote:

Dont forget something very important.......
Arabs and iraquis are gods creation too... Now ur killing them,
I wonder what god would say
Maybe thats why u got 3 Major hurricanes, last year. so u open ur eyes
If things get worse, u will suffer too , and im not talking about terrorism...
Have you ever been to Iraq?  (Why do I ask?  Of course you haven't, or you wouldn't say such ridiculous things.)  If one is a believer in God, that country would be living proof that he hates Arabs.  I'd rather chance the hurricanes than live there.
that is one of the best posts ever, how long did it take u to put it together?
Go cougar !
I would say, nuke all of those dress-head fucks.
But leave their virgins alone.. (there must be some hot chicks underneath those bed sheets, i bet ya)
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6979|MA, USA

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

that is one of the best posts ever, how long did it take u to put it together?

It only took a few minutes.  If one takes the trouble to keep oneself informed, rebuttals to nonsense flow fairly freely.

Edit: Corrected spelling.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-02-28 10:05:08)

Best post ever?  This is quickly turning into the best thread ever.
Ohh and by the way, the poll is tied at 35 and 35 for the pro and anti death to muslims debate.
Quakecon Attendee
+17|6880|SLC, Utah, USA
Hoo boy, 9 pages of political talk.  Too much to read in one sitting.  I read the first page and skipped to this last page.  Anyway, there's just some inconsitencies that I wanted to discuss

But it's the next thing you said.. do you seriously think the U.S. invested all that capital over a personal vendetta?
That's always bugged me.  It's not THEIR money they're spending.  If its not your money, then you tend to not care about the cost, so that's not really a factor.

As for America's stance on isolationism before WW2?  It was too extreme, yes.  Now our non-isolationism?  too extreme.  We need a mid ground here, people.  Too many times we deal in absolutes.  With us or against us kind of idea.  The idea of isolationism was taken too far.  It was meant that we just need to make our country more self-sufficient, rather than to just ignore the rest of the world.  When we tried to ignore the war going on over there, that was a dumb idea.  I'm glad we snapped out of it, not just by the fact that it dragged us out of a depression, but that life style was killing us.

And my stance on separation of church and state.  All that was originally started for was not to ignore religion, but to keep it from governing FOR us.  We all hated the church's power over us in England, so we came here so that no church would tell us how to live or what to worship.  The way we have it now, is rediculous.  You so much as whisper a holy word in a "public" place and someone is going to call you on church/state separation.  To me, that's imposing a religion on me!  Atheism!  People should be allowed to do their own religious whatever-they-wanna-do without being stopped.  Otherwise, that steps over the barrier into freedom of religion.

As for the good ol' Middle East, well, I can't say that either of us are in the right here.  America didn't really have a right to do what we do, but they don't have a right to do what they are doing.  Just because our military is the "greatest fighting force" out there, doesn't mean that people should just try to fight using that convention.  If you remember, the british army was actually the best fighting force out there during the revolution.  How did we win?  By doing almost exactly what the people in Iraq are doing.  Fighting outside the box.  Doing hit and run tactics.  In war, it's really the idea to stop their army from doing its job.  Way back when, we didn't fight the conventional way of lining our guys up to their line, and valiantly firing our innacurate guns at them?  They could fire faster than us!  They slaughtered us that way!  So we fought OUR way.  Shoot them when they're not ready for battle.  Run before they shoot back.  Hey, it won it for us.

I'm not condoning THEIR tactics completely though.  Our way involved people that are there to BE killed.  Soldiers paid to fight and die.  The people in Iraq are using innocents as shields, and to increase the casualty numbers.  It's win-win for them.  We get depressed killing innocents accidentally, and the Iraq public get mad at us, since if we were gone they wouldn't be shot by us (nevermind that it's the enemy that's putting them at risk, that's not whos directly killing us).

And lastly, the muhammed cartoons.  They were nothing more than a provocation!  To us, cartoons are nothing.  Or are they?  As middle-eastern culturals online say, there's not really anything similar in our culture to an insult such as what the cartoons were.  It's not that we depict him as a terrorist, it's that we depict him at all.  It's a huge no-no taboo to them.  Probably as close as we can get to a blasphemous cartoon would be, for us Christians, would be (now remember, this is something I read online) Christ masturbating through the holes in his hands.  Sick huh?  Kinda make you hate whoever drew that huh?  Well, for people in a country who can't really write a complaint letter, and get that  newspaper to retract and apologize, there's not much choice.  They're used to taking to the streets in protest.  They did what they could the most.  They took it out on the Danish people in the area.  This made pressure on the Danish government to do something about the problem.  The newspaper wouldn't give a darn if people die in some country thousands of miles away, let alone getting some complaint letters.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6979|MA, USA

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

As for America's stance on isolationism before WW2?  It was too extreme, yes.  Now our non-isolationism?  too extreme.  We need a mid ground here, people.

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

And my stance on separation of church and state.  All that was originally started for was not to ignore religion, but to keep it from governing FOR us.  We all hated the church's power over us in England, so we came here so that no church would tell us how to live or what to worship.
What was hated was a state established religion.  They fought wars over it over there (English Civil War).  In any case, don't believe that the Americans who came over here on the Mayflower were tolerant.  They were just intolerant of different things.  In any case, our state of 'tolerance of religion' evolved over quite some time, from, 'Tolerance of any religion, as long as it is Christian' to the current 'Tolerance of no religion whatsoever.'

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

The way we have it now, is rediculous.  You so much as whisper a holy word in a "public" place and someone is going to call you on church/state separation.  To me, that's imposing a religion on me!  Atheism!  People should be allowed to do their own religious whatever-they-wanna-do without being stopped.  Otherwise, that steps over the barrier into freedom of religion.
There is a simple way of dealing with this issue that I am surprised the courts haven't adopted:  If it costs taxpayer money and has to do with religion - it is unconstitutional.  If it doesn't cost taxpayer money, it's ok.  So, a manger scene, or a star of David, or whatever on the town common, erected by a local church group, would be cool.   Doesn't cost the town a cent.  A manger scene, the cost of which is footed by the taxpayers, would be a no-go.  Simple.

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

If you remember, the british army was actually the best fighting force out there during the revolution.  How did we win?  By doing almost exactly what the people in Iraq are doing.  Fighting outside the box.  Doing hit and run tactics...
Getting a major superpower of the day (France) to help us...

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

Way back when, we didn't fight the conventional way of lining our guys up to their line, and valiantly firing our innacurate guns at them?  They could fire faster than us!  They slaughtered us that way!  So we fought OUR way.  Shoot them when they're not ready for battle.  Run before they shoot back.  Hey, it won it for us.
It HELPED win.  Without France, it is unlikely there would be a US today.  Just saying...superpower help is necessary sometimes.

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

Our way involved people that are there to BE killed.  Soldiers paid to fight and die.
I got paid to fight.  They didn't pay me enough to die. 

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

And lastly, the muhammed cartoons.  They were nothing more than a provocation!  To us, cartoons are nothing.  Or are they?
To me they represent the most prized of all my freedoms...the one without which none of the others are possible: Speech.

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

As middle-eastern culturals online say, there's not really anything similar in our culture to an insult such as what the cartoons were.
That's funny, I would have thought that to a Christian, depicting the son of God (who, according to the idea of the Trinity is an aspect of God himself) in a bad light would be immensely insulting.  Yet, it happens all the time.

Edit:  And if their culture is so different, how the hell would they know anyway?  I can tell you from experience that they either; a) Are ignorant of what pushes our buttons, or; b) Don't care.  Either way, they really have no right to be preaching to us about causing offense.

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

It's not that we depict him as a terrorist, it's that we depict him at all.  It's a huge no-no taboo to them.
Quite frankly, tough shit.  I am not even remotely interested in curtailing the least of my freedoms to avoid giving offence to their 7th Century ideals.  I'd rather fight them (and have).

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

Probably as close as we can get to a blasphemous cartoon would be, for us Christians, would be (now remember, this is something I read online) Christ masturbating through the holes in his hands.
We have seen Christ immersed in urine and titled 'Piss Christ'.  Not quite as bad, but pretty frigging nasty.  Not so much as a stone thrown from the Christians over that.

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

Sick huh?  Kinda make you hate whoever drew that huh?

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

They're used to taking to the streets in protest.
Just plain wrong.  In most Muslim countries, if they had a serious protest about anything without government permission the Police and the Army would cut them down where they stood.  Where did we see the worst violence?  Syria and Iran.  Yeah, those are countries with a long tradition of freedom to protest

[RDH]Warlord wrote:

The newspaper wouldn't give a darn if people die in some country thousands of miles away, let alone getting some complaint letters.
Freedom of the Press means never having to say you are sorry to censors.  Don't like it?  Then you are either don't get it, or are a supporter of totalitarianism.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-02-28 13:23:40)

One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6915|San Francisco

The0wner wrote:

its been to long hearing of middle eatern stuff on these forums THESE FORUMS were made specificly for bf2
I just want to reiterate the fact that this is the Debate and Serious Talk forum, and it is not meant to be a thread for BF2 discussion.  While this site indeed is a community for BF2 players, this is a forum that allows people to discuss and debate serious topics apart from BF2. 

If you want to talk BF2, simply go back and click on the appropriate BF2 discussion thread.
El pistolero7

whittsend wrote:

[q there.
Whittsend , u been in iraq?, well i have talked with iraquis, and they were very Good ppl,very modest..
1 thing for sure, God, doesnt hate Iraqui ppl neither americans,  they bring evil to themselves.
And tv, lol...  Tv brainwashes u quietly, especially lots of the hollywood crap..
Im a nature person , a kanotist, and spend lots of time in the wilderness, so i hardly think im a tv person,
but for u  i dont know?
And for IRAQ my friend,  after ww2 the british occupied that land, from the germans, so do u really
believe they didnt discovered ,that the country haved OIL.. And britain and the united states come hand in hand. And we all now that the brittons suppresed INDIA and haved over there a huge monopoly ,suppressing the ppl
and keeping them poor. The history says it all.....
the list is long.....Chile, nicaragua , el salvador, vietnam, liberia, cuba, haiti,, have i missed some 1?
So if i were U living in America,  I would start opening my eyes, asking questions and renewing myself,,
Dont get me wrong in this forum,,
I dont hate united states citizents,, i critisicing ur government,,  among others in the world,
the thing is that US government have started ww3 little by little,
Us should leave iraq,  let them handle their own problems..   But maybe im just dreaming, i forgot the OIL....
Get back on topic Marconius.


El pistolero7 wrote:

whittsend wrote:

[q there.
Whittsend , "un-intellegable non-sense so i hardly think im a tv person,
but for u  i dont know?
And for IRAQ my friend,  after ww2 the british occupied that blah blah blah blah SNORE
and keeping them poor. The history says it all.....
the list is long.....Chile, nicaragua , el salvador, vietnam, liberia, cuba, haiti,, have i missed JESUS CHRIST LEARN HOW TO SPELL!!   But maybe im just dreaming, i forgot the OIL....
That has got to be...BY FAR, the most poorly written and non-understandable reply in the history of the internet.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6886|NT, like Mick Dundee

Learning alot about the world with these forums... More than at school anyway, useless bloody teachers. Somebody get that YAAFM:Muslims onto CNN or some other cable channel... if they didn't like the cartoons what will they think of that...

On the other hand, just because the general population of the muslim religion take islam more seriously than most christians take christianity some kind of balance has to be found Many european countries used to be as overly zealous as the muslims are, we cant drag them into the 21st century, they have to find their own way...

I would love to see CNNNN (Chaser National Non-stop News Network) do a story about this topic and the cartoons....
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

Cougar wrote:

10. Osama Bin Laden made a video tape.  Let me guess....he said he was going to attack the US soon.  Yeah, we know, he said that in the last 10 tapes he made.  Shut the fuck up and do something or stop making these shitty video tapes with your old ass 1989 Canon Video Recorder.  You can carry around a dialysis machine but not a camera that’s worth a shit?  No wonder you live in a cave.

9. Syria says they didn't do it.  Bullshit, yes you did.  Hariff threatened your government and made you lose ground physically and politically.  Syria is known for being a major contributor of terrorists in Iraq, imposing them selves on Lebanon, as well as being on of the tag team nations that got the bright idea to attack Israel and get their ass kicked, and to top it all off....the Syrian president meets with that Iranian jackass of a president at the HEIGHT of his international deboggle.  But Syria wonders...."Why does everyone think we did it?"

8. "BRUTAL FIGHTING IN AFGHANISTAN!!"  No, there isn't.  Maybe every now and then, but 90% of the time it's some Afghani equivalent of a redneck sitting on a big hill and lobbing about a dozen mortars onto a base.  Then he runs away and gets wasted by either a) Convoy of Security Police. b) Fast response choppers, or c) the base just flat out opens up on his hillside and turns his body into mincemeat.  These un-organized amateurs are just plain stupid and useless.  I've been there, I've seen this, and I have friends there now.  It's pathetic.

7.  "Terrorists take another hostage".  How fucking stupid are these people?  Ok, let’s say you want something, whats the best way to get it?  I know!!  Lets kidnap an unarmed undefended female American journalist who has no power or political pull and we will demand the release of 15 terrorists or we will behead her!!!  DUMBASSES!!!  NO WONDER YOU LIVE IN THE DESERT!!!

6. Stampedes.  I recall from memory at least 4 stampedes in the Middle East last year.  Are you people to ignorant to possibly spread out a little bit?  Maybe even go to these places at different times or take a different way there?  Also, if someone yells "BOMB", don't run, you’re already dead.  I heard the stampede at the Mecca pilgrimage was caused because some tripped over some misplaced luggage.   ......*sigh*

5. Everything is always worse in the Middle East.  Anyone here about the ferry that sank with 1300 people on it?  WTF kind of ferry is that?  That’s almost the same as the Titanic sinking and all this is,...is a fucking ferry!!  Their worse than Mexicans!  If you wreck into a van on a Texas interstate you may accidentally kill 8 illegal immigrants, crash into a van in the Middle East and your either going to explode or kill at least 30 of them.

4. Suicide Bombers.  Dumbest...idea....ever.  Kill 2 Americans and 27 Iraqis.  Those are great odds.  You fucking people.

3.  "Our religion is better than your religion."  I'm getting real sick of that shit.  Every time you hear from anyone in the middle east of importance it's the same old shit "America is the infidel, Mohammed this Allah that, Allah supports us and not you blah blah blah"  Take you radical religious bullshit and cram it up your asses!!  Where was Allah when two of your "radical regimes" were toppled in under a year?  I guess it is Allah who forces you to hide in caves and hide your faces under turbans when you have innocent journalists and contractors trying to rebuild your shitty joke of a country, held hostage in a basement.  You are cowards.  If they want to bring the religion thing into all the time, FINE!  My religion just kicked the shit out of your religion.

2.  Iran.  Enough said.  Keep being a radical extremist jackass and see what happens.  Iran as opposed to Iraq actually has the support of the UN and EU as far as the ass whippin he is steering his people towards.  Keep it up, I might just have to re-enlist so I can can come over and stick my size 14 Cochran Marauder up your ass.

1. Middle Eastern people in general.  You people demand the respect of the world yet you burn flags and kill people over a FUCKING CARTOON!!!  GET OVER IT!!  You elect a terrorist party to government in Palestine and then ask for aid?  Shut up.  You bomb your own civilians and murder innocent people in the name of your Holy War?  Idiots!  Stampedes, bombings, riots, endless protests over nothing, terrorist breeding and harboring, drug markets, etc etc etc YOU PEOPLE SUCK!  I couldn't imagine why ohh WHY anyone nation would want to go to war with you people.  Maybe because we're SICK OF YOU!

In closing of my rant and wonderful venting section I would just like to summarize.

People of the Middle East, your radical religious beliefs, your ignorant politics, your lack of discipline and moral, social and common sense and frankly, just you in general ALL SUCK.  You don't deserve to breath.

Coug Out.
In responce to 10, 8, 7, and 4.
These people are not going to stop attempting to express thier view bespite the losses.  In fact, the will probably reduoble thier efforts.  Coug, lets play a little pretend game...Lets say the country you know and love (texas lol) has been taken over by mexico in a armed action.  The US has withdrawn and cannot mount a counter attack.  You are on your own.  What would you do?

Syria....I kind of agree with you here.  I also think the syria goverment is corrupt and should be on the master list for W.O.T.  On the other hand, I think if the Syrian Goverment cracked down the terriorists it had in hand and no longer offered them safe haven I think that would go a long way.

6 and 5
In your example you draw from texas and compair it to there.  Well why not compair apples and bricks.  Yeap those two are about the same in comparison.  The middle east has few of the laws the enforce safty that we enjoy here.  Much like max. Ocupancy ratings for vehicles.  I'm sure you can remember a day when kids use to ride in the back of the truck.  If we didn't have those laws I'm sure people here in the states would do the same damn thing...

Please, know something before you start flaming it.  Lets see, I assume your a christian.  Lets see what the catholic church has done...Crusades, inquasition (spelled wrong), stole a shit ton of money, I could go on and on.  My point is, these "radicals" are using religion to convince those weak minded people to fight for thier cause.  Most islamic people I know really detest how these people are interpreting Islam.  Religion is the opium of the masses....

The reason Iran is in trouble is because of thier Nuclear program.  That there makes every nation in the world cring just because of the political instability of the region.  But lets face it, Nuclear energy is the way to go and eventually every country in the world will dip into it.

Why would you contribute the acts of a few to an entire population??  That would be like me saying all Texans obviously hate anyone not from the US based on your own statements....hmm  Just because its so televised don;t assume everyone is involved.

And to reply to what someone wrote on the first page. 
What good has come from the WOT?
A nation is now free to elect thier own officials and not live in fear.
The Alqueda (spelled wrong) infrastructure is a fraction of what it once was...
Terriorists around the world are rethinking what they want to do....
The US has for ONCE stood its ground and followed through for its allies...We should of liberated Iraq during the first gulf war...

I wish to God people would poke thier heads out of thier boxes and see whats going on around the world.  You can no longer just worry about your own backyard.  Because your backyard is now the backyard of everyone else.  Everyone has a part to play..
El pistolero7

Mr texas, i understand u love ur country,  but u seem not to be able to argue abut this topics
u rspond like a little child, maybe ur 13 yrs old, are u?
And about spelling, what languages do u know? parlez francais? Pratar du arab he , Jänkar jävel.
Parlare italiano? Habla espanol?
are u like ur papa bush? duhhh fool
U exposed urself , and i am foreigner, now i know 1 texans opinion...
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6979|MA, USA

El pistolero7 wrote:

whittsend wrote:

[q there.
I'm going to go ahead and call that a misquote.

El pistolero7 wrote:

Whittsend , u been in iraq?

El pistolero7 wrote:

well i have talked with iraquis, and they were very Good ppl,very modest..
Good.  I'm sure they would tell you anything that reflected poorly upon themselves or their country.

El pistolero7 wrote:

1 thing for sure, God, doesnt hate Iraqui ppl neither americans,  they bring evil to themselves.
That isn't what you said before.  And I stand by what I said.  If I were a believer in God, having been to Iraq I would assume God hates Arabs.  Can't think of any other reason he would put them in such a horrible place.  I mean, apart from the obvious, all the little things are nasty too...the frigging ladybugs BITE there for God's sake.

El pistolero7 wrote:

And tv, lol...  Tv brainwashes u quietly, especially lots of the hollywood crap..
Im a nature person , a kanotist, and spend lots of time in the wilderness, so i hardly think im a tv person,
but for u  i dont know?
Judge me by my words, they are informed, but rarely by TV.  I make valid points based on facts (a decidedly rare commodity here) and I don't follow anyone blindly - Certainly not Bush.  You, on the other hand, seem incapable of judging facts from bias.

El pistolero7 wrote:

Something incoherent from which I was unable to deduce a point
Care to restate?

El pistolero7 wrote:

I dont hate united states citizents,, i critisicing ur government,,  among others in the world,

El pistolero7 wrote:

the thing is that US government have started ww3 little by little,
Not ok.  Drivel.

El pistolero7 wrote:

Us should leave iraq,  let them handle their own problems..   But maybe im just dreaming, i forgot the OIL....
I would love to have our troops leave...but (and I know I am asking a lot of you here), try to imagine what would happen if the US did leave.  My guess it wouldn't be pretty, and people like you would start saying, "Evil Americans left without finishing the job...etc."

Fuck the oil - we aren't going to get any of it anyway.  You might not know this (why would you, you don't know much else), but the US gets most of it's oil from outside of the Middle east.  Our interest there is to make sure YOU can get YOUR oil from there.

The real crime of the war is that we pissed away over 2000 lives and  $300 Billion that could have been used to research Fusion or Fuel Cell technology.

sfg-Ice__ wrote:

In responce to 10, 8, 7, and 4.
These people are not going to stop attempting to express thier view bespite the losses.  In fact, the will probably reduoble thier efforts.  Coug, lets play a little pretend game...Lets say the country you know and love (texas lol) has been taken over by mexico in a armed action.  The US has withdrawn and cannot mount a counter attack.  You are on your own.  What would you do?

Syria....I kind of agree with you here.  I also think the syria goverment is corrupt and should be on the master list for W.O.T.  On the other hand, I think if the Syrian Goverment cracked down the terriorists it had in hand and no longer offered them safe haven I think that would go a long way.

6 and 5
In your example you draw from texas and compair it to there.  Well why not compair apples and bricks.  Yeap those two are about the same in comparison.  The middle east has few of the laws the enforce safty that we enjoy here.  Much like max. Ocupancy ratings for vehicles.  I'm sure you can remember a day when kids use to ride in the back of the truck.  If we didn't have those laws I'm sure people here in the states would do the same damn thing...

Please, know something before you start flaming it.  Lets see, I assume your a christian.  Lets see what the catholic church has done...Crusades, inquasition (spelled wrong), stole a shit ton of money, I could go on and on.  My point is, these "radicals" are using religion to convince those weak minded people to fight for thier cause.  Most islamic people I know really detest how these people are interpreting Islam.  Religion is the opium of the masses....

The reason Iran is in trouble is because of thier Nuclear program.  That there makes every nation in the world cring just because of the political instability of the region.  But lets face it, Nuclear energy is the way to go and eventually every country in the world will dip into it.

Why would you contribute the acts of a few to an entire population??  That would be like me saying all Texans obviously hate anyone not from the US based on your own statements....hmm  Just because its so televised don;t assume everyone is involved.
10, 8, 7, 4 are debatable.

9.  I'm glad you agree with me and I agree with you.

6 and 5.  I understand where you are coming from, but you obviously missed my point.

3. The Catholics did all that?  Ohh.  Well I guess that would explain why I am a Protestant.  Martin Luther comes to mind, and also WHY he seperated the church.

2. I know.  Also, your right, all nations on Earth SHOULD be able to have nuclear power.  Unfortunatly we all live in the real world and all of us know that some people make fireworks with gunpowder and others make bullets.

1. Ohhhhh, I see, so your telling me I am in the wrong for contributing the acts of a few onto an entire populus.  So I guess I should be able to flame all the Germans, French, English, Norwegians, Fins, Dutch, Itailians, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian, Cuban, Venezulan, Brazilian, Irish, Portugese, Chilean, Canadian, Mexican, Indian, Vietnamese, Laotian, Georgian, Luxemborgians, and Eskimos that think all Americans are war mongering, greedy child murderers?  Fuck off.

El pistolero7 wrote:


Mr texas, i understand u love ur country,  but u seem not to be able to argue abut this topics
u rspond like a little child, maybe ur 13 yrs old, are u?
And about spelling, what languages do u know? parlez francais? Pratar du arab he , Jänkar jävel.
Parlare italiano? Habla espanol?
are u like ur papa bush? duhhh fool
U exposed urself , and i am foreigner, now i know 1 texans opinion...

Instead of giving you a response I will just tell you how my day went.

I woke up this morning and took shower, put on my clothes and went to my 6th grade class ( which co-incidentaly is where I wrote the orginal article).  Once there my teacher asked me "Mr. Texas, what do you think of Papa Bush?".  I just looked at her and said "Me no habla Englise'".  Then I exposed myself to her and then declared war on her neighborhood.  After I left school I came home and got on the "enternets" where by my sheer amazement....YOU KNEW EVERYTHING ABOUT ME!!!  How did you know?

Here are my stats:

Name: Mr. Texas
Age: 13
Location: Texas...duhhh fool
Occupation: Student
Status in school: Failing foriegn language courses.
Future aspirations: To be just like Papa Bush and have everyone on Earth hate me and everyone in my country.
El pistolero7

So u been to iraq?
As what ?

That place would have been better if u havent place ur foot over there.. honestly
u seem to believe i wanted Us to fight for my oil,   wow when did i vote for that? lol..
And dont come here with ur facts telling that US dont want the OIl, maybe they want something else? who are u kidding?
I see u have  red ur homework , and numbers...and facts, i hope ur not lying.....
But i think u are missing the hole perspective
Fuck the oil? all ur Military equipment depends of it..among other countryes military
Sadly your leaders doesnt believe that way...
And Iraq , i dont think its an awful place, maybe if u took away the US soldiers and fanatics,
It would be a good holiday destination with a lot of history...
Serious, u as american should  talk to ur politicians and convince them ,  to forget about IRAN...
but maybe its to late?
El pistolero7
Mr texas
              If u are what u say u are, dont missunderstand me,
              Im just telling u to express urself maturely,
              I might have get carried away myself with ur respond,then im sry
              And i dont hate Us citizents, God forbide
              As about Texas , it would be a interesting place to visit,,
              espeacially the indians cultures....among other things
              And i know about El Alamo
              Too bad ur president is from texas

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