Mass Media Casualty

I don't know how many people feel the same or different. I don't really care.

World of Warcraft is the biggest piece of shit ever. I say this as someone who has experianced the game first hand, and also suffered through his mates being affixiated by it.

So first, you get a computer that is worthy of playing this gay piece of shit. This for most of you is granted, but to me - well, as I have so frequently said, my machine can't run Solitair. Then, you spend $100, (New Zealand,) buying the game, and you install it. After that you suffer through various updates, and finally, with your brand new product, you try to play.


You have to pay more money! (And we think EA is bad.)
For those who don't know, it's an average of fifteen dollars a month, which sounds little, but mounts up. At this stage I would be thinking, "Fuck this, I don't want to play the damn game, I already paid once," but it astounds me how many people just bend over and take it up the tailpipe like good little Blizzard Entertainment prostitutes.

Now I understand pay-to-play games have been around for a while, but don't you think it's right to offer a free verson too? I refer of course to Runescape, for a while the only form of entertainment my computer offered until even that fucked up, (and ceased to be entertaining but I can't blame my computer for that.) I can't believe this idea ever took off, but it did, so those who are stupid, pay.

Now, this whole scenario is not what happned to me, thankfully I didn't have to pay for this, I didn't have the opportunity, (take previous comment on crappiness of current computer and add the fact that I'm permenantly broke,) but some good friends of mine did. I used to hear at school about their current adventures in the virtual world, but they began to get so repetitive and boring that they sort of ran into each other until bloody and life threatening fights with monsters entertained me less than what's on TV right now, (which is why I am here ranting about WoW.)

So, after hitting my friends more than a few times and telling them they were stupid to not only play the damn game, but continue paying for it, I was talked into actually trying it. I logged onto a mates account and started my little character. I was honestly kind of excited about the 'fully customisable characters,' and was upset to learn that you changed little but their face, (about five to chose from, none of them good,) hair style, (maybe six this time,) and skin colour, (in my case, all rather worrying shades of purple.)

The point remains that whatever combination you use, you came up with someone looking exactly like Fabio.

My character was a "Night Elf Rouge", all of which sounds very cool, but is far from it. He has a stupid low voice and the only communication he can manage is to tell you that "I can't do that" or "Not enough Mana/rage/power/whateverthefuck it is." Some issues there yes? He only talks to himself.

I was far from giving up though, I tend to give even things I mock a fighting chance, (such as Linkin Park,) so I wandered around this fairly interesting looking place. I found some things that looked like wild boar and some things that looked like tabby cats. I killed them. Cool huh?
...No, not really.
Of course, maybe I'm just not cut out for RPGs, or MORPEGGIES or whatever the fuck they're called, but I feel that if I pay a decent amount of money for a game, a fight should be a little more that "Point-Click-Watch the animation." I mean, how can you get excited over your character just stabbing every five or so seconds and some random number generator is working out how much damage he causes or if he hits at all. Skill involved? Excitement? Entertainment? None that I could see.

However, did I give up just yet? No! After  gaining a few levels, (the bright sparky-type lights the only entertainmnt I could find thus far into the game,) I was told to try a quest. A-ha! Yes, I shall go off into the wild and put my life on the line, and have amazing adventures and... no... wait... what are you telling me to do?
"Err, ahh, well old chap would you be so terribly kind to dash over there and kill a few of those boar-like creatures and tabby cats for me?"
That's what I had been doing, and as far as I could see was the only thing to do in this game. So, I completed the quest, all the while being scolded to that "it gets exciting later," by my oh-so-supportive group of friends.

Later turned out to be more of the same, except this time the cats and pigs had gone and were replaced by spiders. Ooh. This time they had a different number above their heads. Ooh. When I asked when I could fight an army of zombies, or do so many of the cool looking things I had seen in the starting video, I was told, "well, this is what you do."

By this stage, I was well and truly out of there. I made sure my character suffered a terrible death, (by what I could see, slowly 'jumped' to death by green furry spiders.) and logged out. Still my torture had not ended. I kept on being told that "It get's better later", (a new tagline perhaps - "World of Warcraft: It get's better later.")

Undaunted, my friends told me to try their characters. I chose one that looked fairly funky, but I was in for more of the same. This time there were new creatures to face, with even bigger numbers above their heads, but since this character was older, fighting them was exactly the same to fighting the green spiders and tabby cats.
My friends chose another character for me, this time one of the magic guys. As I said before, I did enjoy the pretty lights and patterns while leveling up, so thought maybe there was hope in the game still.
Short answer, no.
The magic spells were pathetic. A few of them helped hurt my opponent, (this time something that looked like a mixture between an armadillo and a speedboat,) but most meerly delayed certain death. This one made sure he didn't move for five seconds, (five whole seconds,) and this one turned my target into a different animal for ten seconds, (for me, a sheep,) but no matter how I stalled, my death was imminent. The armadillo/speedboat came up and in what looked like an agreeable nod, (or perhaps he was chewing something tough,) I was dead.

That was the end of my WoW, (ironic that this boring game is known as "Wow!",) experiance, yet this obvious show to my friends of the pathetic nature of the game was not enough to sway them away from playing it. Apparently they were only six hours from leveling up, so they could fight monsters with a slightly higher number on their heads then before. I stayed a bit to watch them, thinking maybe it wasn't the game but my skill level, but honestly, in a game where you rely on randomly determined outcomes to win or loose, the need for skill is... somewhat lacking.

So, I happily quit and went to play BF2 on a free computer. While I was shooting people up, and having a good old time, my mate came over to see how I was doing.
"Sweet, just earned another silver medal. [Add explaination to a usual fun BF2 game here.]"
"Oh yeah, cool."
"So, what are you doing on Warcraft?"
'Oh well, I'm fighting this really high level guy."
"Oh yeah, did you win."
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know, you either won or lost right?"
'Well, actually I'm still fighting him."

I looked accross the room and indeed, my friend's character was duking it out with some weird looking tall beefy grey man.
I find that a game where you don't actually have to be present to play successfully just isn't for me.

So ends my rant on the shortcomings of this widely played game. It has captivated whole nations of people, (more people live in the Warcraft world than live in my country,) and has successfully drained enough money for Blizzard so it can cease to make any other games. It's currency of 'gold', (imaginative,) can be converted into real world money, (i.e: it has a trade weight index,) and has even suffered through an pandemic, (some programmer screwing up one of the magical attacks led to some characters dying from an unknown disease a while ago. Oh how I laughed.)

As for me, I'll just stick to playing 'Screensaver.' It's cheaper, and more rewarding.

I'm sure there's a planet somewhere in amongst these endless stars too.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-02-04 03:05:34)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Death StatPadder
+228|7074|Human Meat Shield
Jeezus... Glad I was at work and bored; I only read half of it.  Sooo that's what WOW means...

I don't pay to play online; I like the freebies.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7052|The United Center

screensaver is the best game EVAR!
Death StatPadder
+228|7074|Human Meat Shield
Off Topic: Thomas!!! haven't seen you in BF2 Kark in awhile!!

Hmm what about that game kiddies are playing now .. erm.. City of Villans, is that a pay thing too?? WOW got boring after 'The Frozen Throne' ...snicker... I dont' know I just looked it up; I know nothing about this game.

Last edited by imdead (2006-02-04 03:11:09)

I never tried wow cause i was expecting that is was a game that require no skills or REAL mental strategie/abilities and now you confirm what i was thinking....LMAO
cant believe people pay per month for this kinda stuff!!
that is a long post..
+572|6964|BC, Canada
i read a article about people losing their wives and stuff over that game... dudes that just work a 7-ll and make just enough to keep themselves alive while they play... never gonna go near that game.
mmorpg's are for the overweight pimpled crowd with fat fingers and double chins.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7088|The Hague, Holland
2 of my best friends play WoW. Its so stupid, they have spended what? 200 Bucks on this?
And no, they dont have g/f's or go out. *grin*
Raiders of the Lost Bear

That was fucking solid. I'm an MMORPG addict, quit Wow after i maxxed out my level and completed most of the team quests Its Rogue btw. And yes WOW sucks.

Still play Runescape? I've got full rune and all that crap left in my account.
Im thinking about buying cause all my friends play it
+2|7062|Lisse, Netherlands

ThomasMorgan wrote:


screensaver is the best game EVAR!
ok little off topic, Hi ThomasMorgan, I played with u on Karkand a few days ago. [FoT] iamamuts:D. Your're as good player
+1|7035|79605, TX
I've seen a few of my friends play, and i kept telling them how boring it looks. "oh it gets better you see, it changes all the time! the map is HUGE!" well yea...but still...it looks...well..boring. i don't know how people can lay down all that money a month/year/whatever just to level up and go back into a repetive game cycle. BF2 FTW!

Tyferra wrote:

Agreed, i played the $2 14 day trial from Harvey Norman (Cheapo me) and it was crap as hell, i turned all graphics on full, to see flat surfaces and jagged edges (yes, AA on 8)

The gameplay was just gay, i hated it
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6999|San Francisco
I got sucked into the Vendetta MMORPG for a while...$30 for 3 months.  3 months is pretty much how long it took to get really good at the game and become bored with it, especially when waiting for more user-created content.  It was an amazing space game, though.  Like Escape Velocity but online.
Mass Media Casualty

Three months? It took me three minutes to get bored with the game!

And I wrote a little more than 'bla' thank you very much -_{MoW}_-Assasin. I tend to get that kind of responce with a lot of what I write.

Glad to see there are very few WoW 'patrons' here. Also glad to see those who were hooked got better quickly, (Polarbearz. And no I don't play Runescape anymore for more than one reason.)

Good to see I'm not the only clueless one out there. "Why the Hell is it so popular?"

That's what I asked of Crazy Frog too, and am yet to get a substantial response, but that's another issue.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+12|7058|Perth, Western Australia
It's your opinion, but you've really stereotyped the whole game into playing two characters, or two races. I can't play WoW till I renew my subscription, nothing happens to my account, so I can just pay for an extra two months and juggle that in with BF2. You pay monthly (or Bi-Monthly with Gamecards) for new content, such as instances, armour, weaponry, quests, a few new areas and alot of bug fixes, these are usually put in every month or at least 2 months.

To Beserk_Vampire: It is not for the "fast overweighted pimpled crowd", a couple of my friends that play it all enjoy social lives (something you are lacking) and are well within healthy weight, so I suggest you just shut up, you're making yourself look like an asshat to various people.

It's not as if the babblings of ignorant FPS players such as Berserk_Vampire will dent Blizzard's sales anyway, 7 Million Players > You People

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

mmorpg's are for the overweight pimpled crowd with fat fingers and double chins.
Except Shadowbane.

The PVP in that game is more intense than FPS and much more merciless...

Too bad Ubisoft did a bad job marketting it and because it was so hardcore only developped a cult following.
Is that girl banging that other girl in you're sig with a strapon? lol.

and yeah so many post's my friends this my friends that play the game there not fat were not nerds blah blah etc etc none of you have friends any one who plays these games are fat and have no lives cause these crappy games never end.

So stop living in you're own mmorpg fantasy world and stop calling you're e-friends actual friends alright? Thats better.
+12|7058|Perth, Western Australia

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

mmorpg's are for the overweight pimpled crowd with fat fingers and double chins.
Except Shadowbane.

The PVP in that game is more intense than FPS and much more merciless...

Too bad Ubisoft did a bad job marketting it and because it was so hardcore only developped a cult following.
Is that girl banging that other girl in you're sig with a strapon? lol.

and yeah so many post's my friends this my friends that play the game there not fat were not nerds blah blah etc etc none of you have friends any one who plays these games are fat and have no lives cause these crappy games never end.

So stop living in you're own mmorpg fantasy world and stop calling you're e-friends actual friends alright? Thats better.
What, like you do?

At least Tyferra explained why he hated the game, all you do is blatantly post the same shit over and over, "OMFG WOW PLAYERS ARE NERDS THAT HAVE NO FRIENDS", I think you should stop living in your own fantasy world where everyone is put into 1 singular stereotype depending on whether or not they've played WoW.

To hit the nail on the head, I do have friends, I've had them since I started back in Year 8 at high school, oh snap! before WoW came out.
I've already posted why the game is shit read more carefully tubby.
Wow = crappy pedestrian excursion simulation game
Wow without Warcraft universe = krukrukru...
+12|7058|Perth, Western Australia

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

I've already posted why the game is shit read more carefully tubby.
65kg at 180cm is tubby?
Negative Ping
World of Warcraft: It get's better later  ...get that copyrighted, sell it to Blizzard, get your money back. 

Nothin wrong with MMORPG's tho, well...except WoW and SWG.  I played Dark Age of Camelot a few years back with my brother, that is what got me into those,and I look to play RF Online when it's released at the end of the month.  Anyways, It's just like any other online game, except you pay to play it.  In a sence, a few ppl pay to play here...but you pay for servers.  Kinda the same difference.   
+4|6966|Australia, Adelaide
Yo, I just love BF2,
Im a master sarge, and I introduced my mate- hardened fps to BF2 and within the day he was teaching most players online lessons, via sending them to spawn again and again.

Now my understanding of PvP in WoW is that there is NO contest No point and No fun in a Level 10 fighting a level 60.
(Correct me if im wrong in my understanding.)

See where I am going with this? Respect to the WoW, but its stupid that level 60’s think they are the best when in reality they’ve just spent more time on it levelling up.
It’s stupid I cant walk in there and show my skills on my first day to a level 60.

If I was a level 60 too he may beat me, he may not, but we’ll never know because Ive got better things to do with my time than he does, for example, write in forums.

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