
What Do YOU think of the Shitty W.O.W. game?

Yes, I Love it, Im a NERD.13%13% - 19
I HATE IT, Im Cool.86%86% - 117
Total: 136
+12|7069|Perth, Western Australia
I just realised, I haven't touched WoW in a week, I'll admit it gets boring at certain points, but it's still a decent game worth the fee. Might stop playing in a few months.

Wow, Jonsky, you have LAN Parties? I don't go that far, too much trouble, eg. Desk space, food etc.

I2elik wrote:

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

I2elik wrote:

Berserk_Vampire, in recognition of your blind stupidity, I present you this little picture I did in flash

http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y218/M … nedlol.jpg
lol, Zeus will save me and strike you're jet down.
That's not gonna stop the bomb is it?
Probably not thats why he will teleport me to Mount Olympus and then he will finish off you're family.
Tank commander
+83|7052|DUTCH snap ik!
i agreed with I2elik  because blizzard do care's about his players and bring updates and maintence every week and ea aint doing shit ! but still iam a ex-wower and i aint gonna play it any more so yeah
+12|7069|Perth, Western Australia

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

I2elik wrote:

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

lol, Zeus will save me and strike you're jet down.
That's not gonna stop the bomb is it?
Probably not thats why he will teleport me to Mount Olympus and then he will finish off you're family.
lol, you said you don't believe in any God/s, good ol' hypocrisy, just take the damn bomb like a man, who knows, maybe a toe nail will survive.

I2elik wrote:

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

I2elik wrote:

That's not gonna stop the bomb is it?
Probably not thats why he will teleport me to Mount Olympus and then he will finish off you're family.
lol, you said you don't believe in any God/s, good ol' hypocrisy, just take the damn bomb like a man, who knows, maybe a toe nail will survive.
I dont its called Humor, I dont belive in them but Greek / Norse Mythology is pretty cool stuff you gotta admit it makes the perfect setting in videogames and movies.

and all the girls in anything to do with these always have big round tits so thats a plus.
Say wat!?

supa_fly52 wrote:

It seems that most world of warcraft players are very protective about their game, and if someone says something shit about it, or something wrong, they seem to take it very personal, like this guy above (I2elik) had nothing else to 'insult' me about but my msn space...
Well Kudos to you buddy, Kudos, your choice to be a nerd.
Im completely willing to critisise it, it has many problems, what i dont like is ppl like Berserk calling ppl who play it 'Nerds', first hes a fucking hipocrit seeing as he plays online games, and seeing as he has had no comback to my original post he obviously has no life to speak of.
+39|7053|Amsterdam,The Netherlands
W.O.W can be a nice game but what really sucks is that you have to walk for hours to get somewhere and that is why i am not gonna buy it and the other thing is they hit each other each turn thats retarded LOL
+0|7005|Tampa, Florida
I played WoW when it came out and I decided to give it up because i did NOT feel that $30.00 per month after paying $50.00 for the fucking game was fair besides, when they have problems it takes an act of congress to get them to fix it. I was a level 65 Shadow Priest and played PvP.
I also played EverQuest which was a major ripoff and cost $30.00 per month also. WoW was great when it started out but you can only go to level 65...but i hear now they are going to up the level to 70...after a year of waiting...alot of my friends gave up on the gaame...it became boring and dull and now they play either Guild Wars (NO MONTHLY FEES) or BF2 ( NO MONTHLY FEES). So I feel for you about NOT wanting to play WoW so come back to BF2 and kick some fucking arse.


Who want to nuke Austrlia??

supa_fly52 wrote:

I think its a shit game, and almost everyone that i know that  has hated the game, has tried it out, and became addicted to it.

Always talking about it, trying to convert me into a nerd, and now they sit at the library every lunch, either talking about W.O.W. or playing chess.

Also they pay $30 a month (i think, or year) to play this shitty online game.
okay dude face it U JUST SUCK! let me guess your a pvt. go play your little kitty games that u kick 6 year olds asses in lol!!

supa_fly52 wrote:

I think its a shit game, and almost everyone that i know that  has hated the game, has tried it out, and became addicted to it.

Always talking about it, trying to convert me into a nerd, and now they sit at the library every lunch, either talking about W.O.W. or playing chess.

Also they pay $30 a month (i think, or year) to play this shitty online game.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7072|The Netherlands
so who cares.
the one likes WoW and the other doesn't
instead of bitching you can also try to respect that. not everyone has the same taste and no one is perfect.

and don't start bitching on me. I don't own WoW and I never played it. but i don't believe there are like 4 million domb asses on this world just because they decided to buy WoW.
If a game sells 4 million copy's it just cant be trash.
that you don't like it is all up to you.
+12|7069|Perth, Western Australia

GrimReaper121 wrote:

I played WoW when it came out and I decided to give it up because i did NOT feel that $30.00 per month after paying $50.00 for the fucking game was fair besides, when they have problems it takes an act of congress to get them to fix it. I was a level 65 Shadow Priest and played PvP.
I also played EverQuest which was a major ripoff and cost $30.00 per month also. WoW was great when it started out but you can only go to level 65...but i hear now they are going to up the level to 70...after a year of waiting...alot of my friends gave up on the gaame...it became boring and dull and now they play either Guild Wars (NO MONTHLY FEES) or BF2 ( NO MONTHLY FEES). So I feel for you about NOT wanting to play WoW so come back to BF2 and kick some fucking arse.


Who want to nuke Austrlia??
Spell the name of my home country correctly retard.
The Mushroom Man

ThePriest1750 wrote:

i agreed with I2elik  because blizzard do care's about his players and bring updates and maintence every week and ea aint doing shit ! but still iam a ex-wower and i aint gonna play it any more so yeah
all them people paying to play every month? they would bloody wanna fix everything thats wrong quick damm smart

personally i think its over priced and you should only have to pay for the time your online! if it was like that pay for your time and a little cheaper i may consider it.. but how it is currently no way in hell id pay!
Save a Mouse, Eat a Pussy
+8|7072|Gold Coast, Australia

[BambiKillerz]Brian wrote:

supa_fly52 wrote:

I think its a shit game, and almost everyone that i know that  has hated the game, has tried it out, and became addicted to it.

Always talking about it, trying to convert me into a nerd, and now they sit at the library every lunch, either talking about W.O.W. or playing chess.

Also they pay $30 a month (i think, or year) to play this shitty online game.
okay dude face it U JUST SUCK! let me guess your a pvt. go play your little kitty games that u kick 6 year olds asses in lol!!
And What Little Kiddy Game Would That Be? BF2?

BTW: I dont really give a shit about my stats, and im a first sgt.
Save a Mouse, Eat a Pussy
+8|7072|Gold Coast, Australia

GrimReaper121 wrote:


Who want to nuke Austrlia??

Who Would Want To Nuke Florida??, No-One Important Lives There.
Ok, just read this thread (not all the posts cus there was so mutch worthless crap with no point!).

WoW players spupid f**cks, nerds etc?: What, u mean theres no nerds in BF2? is that what ur trying to say?

Nerds: nerds r smart people right? lol, u need to have a little more intelect to play wow at high lvl than what u need for running around shoting people! Or, what did u mean by nerd? If u know some wow players that r unsoscial, it dosent mean all of em r! Got many friends that r playing it, that r great soscial people, nice, inteligent and cares about theyr friends more than computergames! Computergames r just entertainment u know!

Wow is about tactics, u need to think and figure out ways to get things done! To defeat people online in pvp u need to think fast, trick em, outsmart em etc etc, and do the same when ur in raids doing instances!
Basicly u need to be a smart person to play good! If ur dumb, u spimply cant become a good player! And dumb people go bitchin about it here?
Dont try to tell me u need to be smart to play BF2, dont wanna laugh my guts out! What u need to play good at BF2 is reflecs, be quick and just get use to the controls! u can play BF2 godlike and still be a dumb s***!

Wow has no storyline???: WHAT THE F***??? cant belive someone sayd that!!! Wow has a good and huge storyline! Ever read the story? Play the game AND READ the books u can find in the game, READ what the quests r about, READ AND LISTEN when u start the game and r watching the start movie after u have made a character! every race has a story, every city in the game and everything has a reason and story in the game! ever heard of "just because the game intro movie dosent tell u mutch, dosent mean it dosent have a story!"? U can read the basic storyline at the wow's home page!
I cant belive u sayd that wow dosent have a storyline! Does BF2 have one?.... No?... il tell u the BF2's story line: WAR! there, i told u!
Dumb people preff games with simple gameplay like BF2: relax, dont think, just shoot... shoot... oh, aim and shoot.... lol.

Im not saying all BF2 players r dumb or the only smart people in the world play wow! There r inteligent people that dosent even care about games! If i dont like a game, i dont say its a shit game! its simple, i just say i dont like the game or its not my kind of game.

About the vote that's put up for this topic: Solution 1 "I HATE wow im cool"?? solution 2 "I love wow im a nerd"??? U think anyone wants to answer that one unless ur a dumb s***? U cant even put up a vote! so if u like wow, u also have to say ur a nerd? lol.. and if u hate it, ur cool?
U wanna answer this one: How old r u?

About the fees: U think blizzard would earn anything if they dont put up fees? Thats like, oh im gonna have broadband internett connection in my house but, im not gonna pay for it..
The huge servers Blizzard use does cost MONEY to keep running! This servers r not like those simple game servers at BF2. This servers can keep thousands of people online playing at the same time!
People r working at Blizzard 24/7 to make sure theres not any problems with the servers! U think they wanna stay up all knight to make sure everything is ok for free?
People r also working with patches to fix bugs and to se what they can do about the players requests.
Blizzards have workers working at all times to make sure all players r ok, help players and simply to make sure everyone is having a good time!

Im not saying that i hate BF2 my self, i do play BF2 cus, Yes it is fun! I also play wow some times, but not mutch lately.

Didnt i make things clear egnouth for u? Then i supose no one can help u!
I didnt whrite this post cus im trying to defend wow and the players. I whrite this post cus i could'nt belive how spupid, pathetic and lame childish coments u kids could come up with! What u had sayd about the game wasent even true, and ur insulting people when u face the fact that u r WRONG! U even sayd that all wow players r stupid!

It makes me feel sic when im reading this bulls**t, so im slaming the truth back in ur face! Face it, shut up now or keep bitching about this if ur even dumb egnouth to do that!

Thank you!

Last edited by Wargru (2006-02-07 01:45:22)

+12|6993|New Zealand, CHCH

Vilham wrote:

BTW this is in responce to Berserk.
I enjoy WOW alot and i can quite happily say the following:

2. I have atleast 50 very good friends who i know all very personally, RL friends that is half go to my school.
3. I go out most weekends on a friday or saturday.
4. I spend 10 hours a day with my mates.
6. Its £8 a month, o no im spending £8 a month from the £500 i get a month, that still leaves me with a shit lot of money to spend on clothes and going out.
7. Um and... FUCK U ASSHOLE

That is all.
you get 500 pounds a month?  thats not very much man, i get 500 pounds a week in comparasin to pounds and dollars

this game is still gay,

g=has taken some of our clan members, one of those members was an admin for our site, i dont htink he will be pat of us for much longer no names but... Mezzaire and kylinjah, check there last battles, theyve been playing a stupid elves and mysticla creatures since then!
+4|6977|Australia, Adelaide
Yo, I just love BF2,
Im a master sarge, and I introduced my mate- hardened fps to BF2 and within the day he was teaching most players online lessons, via sending them to spawn again and again.

Now my understanding of PvP in WoW is that there is NO contest No point and No fun in a Level 10 fighting a level 60.
(Correct me if im wrong in my understanding.)

See where I am going with this? Respect to the WoW, but its stupid that level 60’s think they are the best when in reality they’ve just spent more time on it levelling up.
It’s stupid I cant walk in there and show my skills on my first day to a level 60.

If I was a level 60 too he may beat me, he may not, but we’ll never know because Ive got better things to do with my time than he does, for example, write in forums.
Dead Meat
Well. I agree that WoW may be an ok game but... the whole pay-to-play thing does suck. I have a family to support and whatever it costs a month is not worth it to me.
The way I view WoW is: people who play it are affraid to play a real game that actually takes skill to play.
You attack... they attack... and so-on is gay. Get your blood pumping with some gun fights or something.
Iguess maby that's why you WoW players are refered to as fat nerds. Us Bf2 nerds are skinny!!!
Anyway... good topic... and play what you want. It's your money.
I would like to see less of the cuss words. I know that your parents don't let you talk that way and you think that you are Gods when you get your fingers on a keyboard but... please. At least have some respect for others. I cuss alot at work and w/ my friends but I like to keep it clean in a forum. When you use abusive words, it gets peoples attention but it realy shows everyone else how childish you are. Grow up.

SlyFox wrote:

Yo, I just love BF2,
Im a master sarge, and I introduced my mate- hardened fps to BF2 and within the day he was teaching most players online lessons, via sending them to spawn again and again.

Now my understanding of PvP in WoW is that there is NO contest No point and No fun in a Level 10 fighting a level 60.
(Correct me if im wrong in my understanding.)

See where I am going with this? Respect to the WoW, but its stupid that level 60’s think they are the best when in reality they’ve just spent more time on it levelling up.
It’s stupid I cant walk in there and show my skills on my first day to a level 60.

If I was a level 60 too he may beat me, he may not, but we’ll never know because Ive got better things to do with my time than he does, for example, write in forums.
U wanna show ur skills in pvp on wow? just go to battlegrounds, where u team up with people on ur side and fight ur enemie! The battle u will get into has only players around ur lvl and makes it a fight where the best team winns!

spacebandit72 wrote:

Well. I agree that WoW may be an ok game but... the whole pay-to-play thing does suck. I have a family to support and whatever it costs a month is not worth it to me.
The way I view WoW is: people who play it are affraid to play a real game that actually takes skill to play.
You attack... they attack... and so-on is gay. Get your blood pumping with some gun fights or something.
Iguess maby that's why you WoW players are refered to as fat nerds. Us Bf2 nerds are skinny!!!
Anyway... good topic... and play what you want. It's your money.
I would like to see less of the cuss words. I know that your parents don't let you talk that way and you think that you are Gods when you get your fingers on a keyboard but... please. At least have some respect for others. I cuss alot at work and w/ my friends but I like to keep it clean in a forum. When you use abusive words, it gets peoples attention but it realy shows everyone else how childish you are. Grow up.
Ok, im sorry for using bad words! I respect that, but those words does show that i mean what i say! Those words r used to show that i was angry while i was whriting! Not beeing childish! I dont think its anything childish about using em, unless ur using em only to insult and piss off people!

If u think fees suck in a game, then dont play it!

people who play it are affraid to play a real game that actually takes skill to play? Well, u need skill to play wow! U need a compleatly different skill than the "aiming and shoting" type! As i sayd, its tactics and strategy, u NEED skills to come up with a good strategy etc! Its a compleatly other way of gaming, its very flexible and u can come up with tonns of different ways of playing it!

You attack... they attack... and so-on is gay????: thats "gay"? lol, didnt u say something about childish..... um, and You attack - they attack is just like in BF2 and all other action games...!

BF2 nerds r skinny and wow ones r fat? What the...?? that one was comfusing! Btw, I play wow, im not fat at all! lol, wounder why u came up with that one!

Oh, and i do respect people even tho im just whriting on a forum! Otherwise, if someone dosent show me respect, then dont expect to get anything back!

No offence by this post, i just dont think that some of u really know what RPG is all about! Its something u have to play and get to really know, it takes time!
Save a Mouse, Eat a Pussy
+8|7072|Gold Coast, Australia
Ok, here is my version of a 'NERD'

--Someone that sleeps outside the cinema overnight to see a starwars movie, when they can just wait 3 weeks and you'll have the whole cinema to yourself (basically, well here in Australia, yes).
--Someone who NOT only plays W.O.W. but talks about it ALL the bloody time that you just want them to shut up.
--Someone that plays Dungeons and Dragons. (Like that 40 y.o. dude that shot his friend with an arrow just to prove a point in the 'game' (If i find a URL ill post it.))
--Someone that TALKS in leet speak.
--Someone that keeps saying stupid computer jokes that no-one gets but him.

These Things Dont Make You A Nerd:

--Playing W.O.W. (i made this thread because most ppl i know that play it, have gone from a cool funny guy to a nerd that sits out the front of the library, and thats what annoys me.)
--Someone thats Smart
--Someone one that spends alot of time on the computer.

Last edited by supa_fly52 (2006-02-07 05:54:26)

The Kid
Alright, let's get this party started-

Hi.  My name is Red.  Over the course of 6 months, I have put in 260 hours to BF2.  I have also put an equal amount of time into sleeping, going to school, and having a social life.  I call myself a geek.

Over the weekend I found myself addicted to WoW.  My brother plays it, his roomate plays it, and one of my best friends plays it.

I love the game.  Whoever said he started a character and didn't get a quest for "A few levels" must be mentally handicapped.  I guess he just didn't see the 5 NPC's with the quest ! over their head?  Way to go, sport.  Tomorrow try putting your clothes on without any help.

But y'know what?  I hung out with a variety of different people over the weekend.  I didn't just sit and play WoW all the time.  I also have lots of friends in general, as I am an amiable guy.  Probably half of them are girls (Which I assume our threadstarter and his supporters have none.  Well, that's not true.  Their mom always gives them womanly advice!)

I don't put "hot girlziz" in my sig, because it's unneccesary.  I'm confident in my masculinity.  If you need a half-naked woman in your signature to announce to an ONLINE COMMUNITY who has NO INFORMATION AND NO DETAILS ON YOUR SOCIAL LIFE that you are, infact, a heterosexual, I can only imagine how awkward you are in real life.

Also, a BF2 clannie of mine has played over 1000 hours of WoW.  Call him a nerd, really.  I'll call Blazin or MaxPower or anyone else on the top-10 a nerd.  I know you worship them, and I know it will hurt your delicate feelings.

Also, to the person who hates it because he has to support a family:  You know that designer pair of jeans your daughter wants?  Buy her a REGULAR PAIR OF PANTS and you have enough money left over for a months worth of gaming.  Seriously.  You could be homeless and get enough cash to pay the monthly subscription in 2 days, tops.

Also, Berserk, you MUST have no friends.  Picking a fight with someone over the internet?

Now finally:  People who sell you the game for $100.00 are scam artists.  If you're dumb enough to fall for them (Which I assume a couple of you WoW haters are) I'm glad the scam artist did his job.
It isn't $40.00/$30.00 a month.  It's either 15/14/13 a month, depending on how long you sign up for.

Oh, as for my weight?  I'm overweight.  Doesn't stop me from having a good time.  Online, or outside.

Last edited by RedFiercare (2006-02-07 06:40:24)


GrimReaper121 wrote:

I played WoW when it came out and I decided to give it up because i did NOT feel that $30.00 per month after paying $50.00 for the fucking game was fair besides, when they have problems it takes an act of congress to get them to fix it. I was a level 65 Shadow Priest and played PvP.
I also played EverQuest which was a major ripoff and cost $30.00 per month also. WoW was great when it started out but you can only go to level 65...but i hear now they are going to up the level to 70...after a year of waiting...alot of my friends gave up on the gaame...it became boring and dull and now they play either Guild Wars (NO MONTHLY FEES) or BF2 ( NO MONTHLY FEES). So I feel for you about NOT wanting to play WoW so come back to BF2 and kick some fucking arse.


Who want to nuke Austrlia??
Thats 30 pesos? Clearly your math skills are lacking, or your parents didnt tell you how much they were putting on thier credit card.

RedFiercare wrote:

Alright, let's get this party started-

Hi.  My name is Red.  Over the course of 6 months, I have put in 260 hours to BF2.  I have also put an equal amount of time into sleeping, going to school, and having a social life.  I call myself a geek.

Over the weekend I found myself addicted to WoW.  My brother plays it, his roomate plays it, and one of my best friends plays it.

I love the game.  Whoever said he started a character and didn't get a quest for "A few levels" must be mentally handicapped.  I guess he just didn't see the 5 NPC's with the quest ! over their head?  Way to go, sport.  Tomorrow try putting your clothes on without any help.

But y'know what?  I hung out with a variety of different people over the weekend.  I didn't just sit and play WoW all the time.  I also have lots of friends in general, as I am an amiable guy.  Probably half of them are girls (Which I assume our threadstarter and his supporters have none.  Well, that's not true.  Their mom always gives them womanly advice!)

I don't put "hot girlziz" in my sig, because it's unneccesary.  I'm confident in my masculinity.  If you need a half-naked woman in your signature to announce to an ONLINE COMMUNITY who has NO INFORMATION AND NO DETAILS ON YOUR SOCIAL LIFE that you are, infact, a heterosexual, I can only imagine how awkward you are in real life.

Also, a BF2 clannie of mine has played over 1000 hours of WoW.  Call him a nerd, really.  I'll call Blazin or MaxPower or anyone else on the top-10 a nerd.  I know you worship them, and I know it will hurt your delicate feelings.

Also, to the person who hates it because he has to support a family:  You know that designer pair of jeans your daughter wants?  Buy her a REGULAR PAIR OF PANTS and you have enough money left over for a months worth of gaming.  Seriously.  You could be homeless and get enough cash to pay the monthly subscription in 2 days, tops.

Also, Berserk, you MUST have no friends.  Picking a fight with someone over the internet?

Now finally:  People who sell you the game for $100.00 are scam artists.  If you're dumb enough to fall for them (Which I assume a couple of you WoW haters are) I'm glad the scam artist did his job.
It isn't $40.00/$30.00 a month.  It's either 15/14/13 a month, depending on how long you sign up for.

Oh, as for my weight?  I'm overweight.  Doesn't stop me from having a good time.  Online, or outside.
Nice, u said it! Wish there was more people like u around at this forums!

And Supa fly, i know what a nerd is! It only pissed me off when u sayd ALL wow players r nerds! and as if nerd was also a very very bad thing!
Just dont get it, why so many people have to screw around on forums just to piss people off!?

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