
What Do YOU think of the Shitty W.O.W. game?

Yes, I Love it, Im a NERD.13%13% - 19
I HATE IT, Im Cool.86%86% - 117
Total: 136
Save a Mouse, Eat a Pussy
+8|7072|Gold Coast, Australia
I think its a shit game, and almost everyone that i know that  has hated the game, has tried it out, and became addicted to it.

Always talking about it, trying to convert me into a nerd, and now they sit at the library every lunch, either talking about W.O.W. or playing chess.

Also they pay $30 a month (i think, or year) to play this shitty online game.
All of these games are shit a waste of money and pointless the only people who play them are ones with no friends and talk to people in a big game world wondering around like an idiot talking to there e-friends and pay $40 a month.

Basicly you pay $40 a month to play a game that has no point or story you just wander around a big boring bland world fighting monsters level up buy more powerful armor and weapons for what? No point you dont progress or anything its pointless and retarded.

Theres also cheap generic quests so the game feels like a rpg but these types of games are for really obese people.

Not to mention all the stupid chinese and asian kids who kill themselves over these stupid games or parents that live t here kids at home wile they go play these and when they come back the kids are dead.

supa_fly52 wrote:

Also they pay $30 a month (i think, or year) to play this shitty online game.
Eh.. if u are talking about World of Warcraft, its like 10USD each month.

And yeah, hate teh freekin' game too.
It's just dull.
first you have to pay to have it, then you have to pay to play it WTF why.
The Kid
That's the strange thing about MMOs... I played one, but didn't really get into it.

But seriously, 30 or 40 bucks a month?  Get your facts straight if you're going to insult something.  I belive it's 14.95 a month, or 13.95... or something.  Either way, I'm going to defend WoW on this, partly because I love warcraft, and partly because you're a fucking idiot.
RPGs are meant to be offline with a beautiful story, not online!

Dumb tards call it "Socail interaction" social interaction my ass go outside to meet people

RedFiercare wrote:

That's the strange thing about MMOs... I played one, but didn't really get into it.

But seriously, 30 or 40 bucks a month?  Get your facts straight if you're going to insult something.  I belive it's 14.95 a month, or 13.95... or something.  Either way, I'm going to defend WoW on this, partly because I love warcraft, and partly because you're a fucking idiot.
I enjoy it from time to time. I couldn't get all sucked in like alot of people. But it was game of the year if Im not mistaken. But I know people who won't touch a FPS because they just play the RTS or MMO's. It may not be your thing, but its a pretty well made game. I haven't touched it since BF2 hit shelves.
Say wat!?
BTW this is in responce to Berserk.
I enjoy WOW alot and i can quite happily say the following:

2. I have atleast 50 very good friends who i know all very personally, RL friends that is half go to my school.
3. I go out most weekends on a friday or saturday.
4. I spend 10 hours a day with my mates.
6. Its £8 a month, o no im spending £8 a month from the £500 i get a month, that still leaves me with a shit lot of money to spend on clothes and going out.
7. Um and... FUCK U ASSHOLE

That is all.
nice one;P vilham

Last edited by CBRacky (2006-02-03 07:21:52)


Vilham wrote:

BTW this is in responce to Berserk.
I enjoy WOW alot and i can quite happily say the following:

2. I have atleast 50 very good friends who i know all very personally, RL friends that is half go to my school.
3. I go out most weekends on a friday or saturday.
4. I spend 10 hours a day with my mates.
6. Its £8 a month, o no im spending £8 a month from the £500 i get a month, that still leaves me with a shit lot of money to spend on clothes and going out.
7. Um and... FUCK U ASSHOLE

That is all.
Your parents must be freakin' rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't even get half that when I went to university....

besides, any game that requires a monthly fee automatically gets thrown in my reject pile... simple daylight robbery...
That and WOW sucks ass....

I recently got a good laugh from that plague thing that was spreading in wow....  That MUST have pissed several people off...
Say wat!?

DocZ wrote:

Your parents must be freakin' rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't even get half that when I went to university....

besides, any game that requires a monthly fee automatically gets thrown in my reject pile... simple daylight robbery...
That and WOW sucks ass....

I recently got a good laugh from that plague thing that was spreading in wow....  That MUST have pissed several people off...
Yeah i have a job... i get £75 a month from my parents and they buy me nothign that isnt to do with school. Its A2 level aswell so its not realy school.

DocZ wrote:

I recently got a good laugh from that plague thing that was spreading in wow....  That MUST have pissed several people off...
I got this from one of my friends that plays WOW.  I thought it was pretty funny.  I don't play WOW but i hear its pretty good, but you cant always believe what you hear.

One of NickofLouse's E-mails wrote:

In a bizarre case of art imitating life, players of the Blizzard
Entertainment game World of Warcraft suddenly found themselves dying
from a mysteriously rampant plague that ravaged their virtual world.

The plague began innocently enough. Blizzard introduced a new dungeon
area in the world, intended to give high-level players a bit of a
challenge. But when players reached the boss at the end of the
dungeon, they got more than they bargained for — and unknowingly took
a little something back to town to share with their friends. The
dungeon boss, called Hakkar the Soulflayer, cast a spell called
Corrupted Blood. The powerful spell caused about 280 damage points to
anyone it hit, and spread to other members of the attacking party as
well. Such powerful spell attacks aren't unusual in the World of
Warcraft game world. But what happened next was just plain weird.

When infected adventurers returned to town at the end of their quest,
they inadvertently passed along the Corrupted Blood infection to those
nearby. In short order, the plague ravaged the population. Soon entire
cities fell victim to the artificial disease. And while 280 damage
points may be easy for a level-58 Night Elf warrior to contend with,
it's enough to kill a lower-level player in seconds.

Game administrators were baffled. As they scrambled to quarantine
areas of the game world, the disease quickly spread beyond their
control. Partially to blame was the game's "hearthstone" feature,
which allows players to essentially teleport from one area to another,
and which made it possible for the plague to reach the most distant
regions of the map in just minutes.

Eventually the game's administrators came up with a "spell" to cure
the plague and managed to distribute it to the players en masse. But
the legacy of Corrupted Blood remains. While software viruses are
nothing new, Corrupted Blood is unique in that it's the first such
infection ever to spread through a virtual environment without being
deployed by malicious intent. It was, in a certain sense, naturally
occuring in its environment. You might even say it evolved and sought
self-propagation, just as any lifeform would do.

In the days since Blizzard eradicated the plague, the company has
remained surprisingly quiet about what happened. But you can still
find plenty of players willing to talk about it. One 14-year-old Orc
told me openly of the incident: "Humans were dying left and right. We
just laughed and laughed."
I like copy and pasting stuff make my life easier...
Death StatPadder
+228|7086|Human Meat Shield
I was wondering what WOW was... I thought I was another army game; something like Warriors Of Weapons ; until I did a search on it.
+12|7069|Perth, Western Australia
I play WoW, does it make me a nerd? No, you're calling 7 million players nerds, which is fucking ignorant in my books, you're probably some shitty 13 year old who couldn't get past level 5.

It isn't a shit game, it does HAVE a story, I have alot of gripes with it, but it doesn't mean I stop playing, it's an addictive game. I have no idea why you hate it so much, you can say you hate it, but for fuck's sake, a friggin Forum is what you post on to vent it?

You might want to deny it, bogan (omfg I called you a bogan? Oh yeah, I hate you fucktards with a fucking bloodcurdling vengeance), but WoW players DO have social lives outside WoW in real life, I hate idiots like you that put pictures of hot women in their sig, thinking they're teh dogz bollox by putting a pic of some girl that they have no chance in HELL of getting, so quit dreaming fucktard.

One last thing, have fun mixing cement when you're older.
Save a Mouse, Eat a Pussy
+8|7072|Gold Coast, Australia

Vilham wrote:

BTW this is in responce to Berserk.
I enjoy WOW alot and i can quite happily say the following:

2. I have atleast 50 very good friends who i know all very personally, RL friends that is half go to my school.
3. I go out most weekends on a friday or saturday.
4. I spend 10 hours a day with my mates.
6. Its £8 a month, o no im spending £8 a month from the £500 i get a month, that still leaves me with a shit lot of money to spend on clothes and going out.
7. Um and... FUCK U ASSHOLE

That is all.
No Offense, but you and your friends are all nerds. Get a Life. 10 hours a day? On the weekend? while u get 500 pound a week... FOR SHAME.
Death StatPadder
+228|7086|Human Meat Shield
What's WOW? Women Of Wrestling?
Aspiring Objectivist
I will never pay again for an online game, the whole star wars galaxies left a bad taste in my mouth, i.e. they shot the load & rolled over.

Besides wow has cartoon graphics like CS , Im not to eager to be in looney tunes.
Personally, I do not play any MMORPG's... so I do not play WoW... why? Because I do not see any sense in buying the game, spending cash on the internet connection but then have to pay for the online use of the game as well... especially if the game has no singleplayer/offline capacity. To me this is just plain ripoff.

Ok... I have paid for BF2, I have paif for BF2 SF and I am going to pay for BF2 EF... also I pay for my internet... BUT: I can choose, when I play, for how long I play without additional cost. It makes no sense to me to pay the same amount of money every 3 months I paid for the game alone, just to be able to continue playing it... and this is apart from the title... be it WoW, Matrix Online or Ultima Online...
Say wat!?

supa_fly52 wrote:

No Offense, but you and your friends are all nerds. Get a Life. 10 hours a day? On the weekend? while u get 500 pound a week... FOR SHAME.
No u dumb fuck i dont play 10 hours a day.
and i said 500 a month u retard. which i spend half of going out and have fun with my mates.
On a side note, Blizzard updates WoW alot more often then EA/Dice, can it be because of the additional fee they are getting from the millions of players willing to pay for a bugless game that they think is fun...
Not that i hope they will ever charge a monthly fee for bf2 but the difference in supporting the game with updates is huge...
+76|7093|Antwerp, Flanders
I haven't played WoW, but to those who are breaking it down here: You're probably some of the most ignorant fucks mankind has to offer.
You either like the type of game WoW is or you don't, just like you either like BF2 style games, or you don't. As to the argument only socially backwards nerds play WoW, you can bet your retard asses on it that a lot of BF2 players belong in the same nerd category.
About the cartoonesque appearance of WoW: That's just the style of the Warcraft universe, if it would have had something close to realistic graphics, the game wouldn't even have sold a quarter of the number of copies sold to date - because people expect to be playing in the Warcraft universe they know and love from the Warcraft RTS games.
About the monthly fees: These are simply required to maintain the many servers which run the vast WoW world and to keep paying the software developers' employees because they continually adapt and expand the game.

And specifically to Berserk_Vampire, who posted the following:
"Basicly you pay $40 a month to play a game that has no point or story you just wander around a big boring bland world fighting monsters level up buy more powerful armor and weapons for what? No point you dont progress or anything its pointless and retarded."

You bought BF2, to which no real content has been added since its release, unless you bought the expansion and/or booster packs. Then you find yourself in a world with no storyline what. So. Ever. (believe it or not, WoW does have a storyline) And you're shooting at things bam bam boom you're dropping bombs. And for what? There's no point. There's no real progress or anything.

But somehow you don't think BF2 is pointless and retarded?
Say wat!?

Rosse_modest wrote:

I haven't played WoW, but to those who are breaking it down here: You're probably some of the most ignorant fucks mankind has to offer.
You either like the type of game WoW is or you don't, just like you either like BF2 style games, or you don't. As to the argument only socially backwards nerds play WoW, you can bet your retard asses on it that a lot of BF2 players belong in the same nerd category.
About the cartoonesque appearance of WoW: That's just the style of the Warcraft universe, if it would have had something close to realistic graphics, the game wouldn't even have sold a quarter of the number of copies sold to date - because people expect to be playing in the Warcraft universe they know and love from the Warcraft RTS games.
About the monthly fees: These are simply required to maintain the many servers which run the vast WoW world and to keep paying the software developers' employees because they continually adapt and expand the game.

And specifically to Berserk_Vampire, who posted the following:
"Basicly you pay $40 a month to play a game that has no point or story you just wander around a big boring bland world fighting monsters level up buy more powerful armor and weapons for what? No point you dont progress or anything its pointless and retarded."

You bought BF2, to which no real content has been added since its release, unless you bought the expansion and/or booster packs. Then you find yourself in a world with no storyline what. So. Ever. (believe it or not, WoW does have a storyline) And you're shooting at things bam bam boom you're dropping bombs. And for what? There's no point. There's no real progress or anything.

But somehow you don't think BF2 is pointless and retarded?
u just got owned Berserk_Vampire, again.

BTW as far as i know he hasnt bought the expansion coz hes always moaning about not wanting to pay to get the expansion.

Vilham wrote:

BTW this is in responce to Berserk.
I enjoy WOW alot and i can quite happily say the following:

2. I have atleast 50 very good friends who i know all very personally, RL friends that is half go to my school.
3. I go out most weekends on a friday or saturday.
4. I spend 10 hours a day with my mates.
6. Its £8 a month, o no im spending £8 a month from the £500 i get a month, that still leaves me with a shit lot of money to spend on clothes and going out.
7. Um and... FUCK U ASSHOLE

That is all.
I'm sure we all belive you and we can tell you're a WOW player by you're childish 4 year old mentality. Now for some one who spends 10 hours a day with some one who has 50 "mates" where do you find  the time to play WOW?

Just admit it you talk to you're  5 E-Mates on WOW wandering around like an idiot thinking you're hardcore with you're 4 year old mentality friends.

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