EDIT: Anyone with problems with CD KEYS when buying EA's Medal of Honor: 10th Anniversary, here you go:
The CD KETS DO work, there are merely printed out of order.
HOWEVER, MOH SPEARHEAD expansion disc, DOES NOT have a CD KET Printed on the back of the Manual, as it should. The only option is to either E-MAIL EA, or contact Customer Support Via PHone, to get A PROPER CD KEY for MoH SPEARHEAD
E-Mail DOES work, but you must deal with "SPAM" responses from EA first. Overall, the PHONE CUSTOMER SUPPORT is quicker, but the E-MAIL DOES work.
SO I bought the nice 10th box set for 20$. It is the first EA game I bought in a looooong time.
Sure enough, the CD Keys are either invalid, or are SUPPOSED to be numbers only, and trying to type in letters into the CD Key field results in a little chime indicating that what I am doing is wrong. This, Apparently is a known issue, as it is posted quite a few times on the EA forums..... Last year.
I guess it's my fault for not investigating an EA THOROUGHLY before buying it, as I rarely ever bought an EA game that didn't come with some bullshit problem. So, instead of your typical angry rant to Support, I decided to remain at least a bit realistic, knowing who these support guys work for, and what they must read everyday, and have a little fun.
The CD KETS DO work, there are merely printed out of order.
HOWEVER, MOH SPEARHEAD expansion disc, DOES NOT have a CD KET Printed on the back of the Manual, as it should. The only option is to either E-MAIL EA, or contact Customer Support Via PHone, to get A PROPER CD KEY for MoH SPEARHEAD
E-Mail DOES work, but you must deal with "SPAM" responses from EA first. Overall, the PHONE CUSTOMER SUPPORT is quicker, but the E-MAIL DOES work.
SO I bought the nice 10th box set for 20$. It is the first EA game I bought in a looooong time.
Sure enough, the CD Keys are either invalid, or are SUPPOSED to be numbers only, and trying to type in letters into the CD Key field results in a little chime indicating that what I am doing is wrong. This, Apparently is a known issue, as it is posted quite a few times on the EA forums..... Last year.
I guess it's my fault for not investigating an EA THOROUGHLY before buying it, as I rarely ever bought an EA game that didn't come with some bullshit problem. So, instead of your typical angry rant to Support, I decided to remain at least a bit realistic, knowing who these support guys work for, and what they must read everyday, and have a little fun.
My first, semi-bitter Inquiry wrote:
I Don't expect a return reply. This is EA after all. I am sure you are aware your Medal of Honor 10th Anniversary Edition package has junk CD keys. This came up months ago on your forums, I just found out, and you have no response, or offer to help. Your customer support is a joke, and I will not be wasting my time.
Unfortunately, I just bought this bundle, unaware of this problem. For so long, I heard about cool games, only to find they are being released by EA. I skipped over so many possibly good games (Mass Effect, Dead Space, etc.) cause EA has always been a nightmare company, and I wanted no part of the hassle. I finally gave you a chance, but I had little faith, so I bought a 20$ dollar box set instead of risking 50$.
Thank god I did, cause it is worthless. The CD keys, of course, don't work. HOW can this be overlooked?! For more than one game in one box set! WELL DONE. I would be mad under these circumstances, but this is EA, so I actually find this humorous.
And this company wonders why so many people pirate your games? The only way to get WORKING COPIES of your games is to crack them or download illegal copies, apparently. Keep it up, it must be working for you, because is is still banking good money. I am amazed that fu¢king your customers so often still works for you. I guess we customers are the stupid ones for always coming back. I guess we deserve it, for still forking over money and basically allowing this, as a gaming community, to continue. At least the Spore DRM thing got interesting eh?
So, I just want to let you know you are still shipping defective products (big surprise huh?) this time it's MOH 10th, and I will be returning your game to the store.
EA's Typical Useless Response wrote:
Thank you for writing to EA Games Support.
We request you to remove the dashes in between the code and try putting again. If you still face problem, then please reply with the scan copy of the game manual where the CD key is printed.
Also please take a 'screenshot' of the error message screen and send it to me? Then I can see what you're seeing, and that will help me get a good idea on where to start in troubleshooting this problem with you.
To save a screenshot, simply hit the 'PRINT SCREEN' key when the screen you want to save appears. The Print Screen key is usually located above the arrow keys on most keyboards.
To save the screenshot:
- Click the 'START' button.
- Choose 'RUN'.
- Type 'MSPAINT' in the text field.
- Click the [RUN] button and Microsoft Paint will open.
- Once PAINT has opened, click the 'EDIT' menu and click 'PASTE'.
- It may ask if you want to enlarge the bitmap, go ahead and click YES.
- Once the screen appears, click 'File' on the top menu, then 'Save'
- Give the file a name, and choose '.jpg' or 'jpeg' as the file type.
- Click [save] and make sure to save the file somewhere on your computer where you can find it.
To send us the screenshot:
- Click the link above to update this incident
- Under the Attach Additional Document to Question section click the Browse button
- Browse to the file you saved and attach it to the reply
- Then click Submit Update to Question button
Once I get the information, I'll take a look and let you know what to do from there.
Thank you,
EA Rep Rafael
Player Relations EA.
KEY WORDS FOR GOOGLING (FOR HELP, since EA doesn't offer online explanation)--- Medal of Honor 10th Anniversary CD KEY SPEARHEAD Spearhead CD-KEYMy mutually useful response wrote:
No, I will not send you a screenshot. as it is impossible to get a picture of something that isn't happening.
LETTERS: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY and Z. numbers: 0123456789 will work, letters won't (See previously posted letters for reference.)
How can I take a screencap of something that is NOT happening? Why don't you just ask me how good a game that won't install, looks on my computer? Jesus you guys have a twisted sense of humor. But after all the bull EA's junk product put you support guys through, I don't blame you.
I will humor you on this one surely you guys are fu¢king with me on this for laughs, so out of mutual love of spite, I will continue to communicate. You at EA must know of this password issue, where the CD KEY has letters and numbers, but when typing the letters of the CD KEY, the input screen lets off a chime, ONLY with letters. Getting a little redundant in my description, but since you guys pretty much didn't read my last help request, I guess I will say it a few more times.
OH I KNOW this is my fault, and the reason it is not working is because I am a muling inbred imbecile that knows nothing about computers or anything outside of Nascar and Incest. So your suggestion of "We request you to remove the dashes in between the code and try putting again" Floored me with brilliance.
I know full well you customer support guys get the brunt of EA's failure, and it shows in your response. "Dashes", lol, what a$5holes! lmao. You did also get me to waste more time on this. Well done.
I probably wouldn't have bothered, but your "helpful responses" are so insulting, apparently assuming all your customers are idiots, and your suggestions and requests, ideas, apathy, are making me laugh.
So I am keeping this correspondence going, although I am still returning the game later today anyway. But judging from my last effort to get help, you won't read much, if any of this message, and will try to "help" (read: pi$5 me off further) without reading that I had returned the game already. Because you obviously don't read these customer requests, as your own response, had you read my inquiry, would have been obvious that it was BS.
I ANXIOUSLY await your insulting, and seemingly INTENTIONALLY unhelpful response.
Please take a screenshot of your return message (in Electrical Current form) being sent through the internet to my E-Mail inbox. Thanks.
Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2009-05-02 22:32:45)