+42|6159|Flyover country
I have not heard about fixes for the squad bug
This can mess up some games and I have seen servers reset to fix it (one team is often working fine and the other cannot form squads at all, or only gets one) it can get awfully unbalanced if only one team has some organized squads and the other is reduced to lone wolfing it. It can be overcome, but it sure isn't fair.

Also there is a commander bug, where one team is denied a commander, I don't know if that one is tied in with the other commander "issues" that have been fixed by this patch (cartillery and similar hack is supposedly a thing of the past now ?)
got any popo lolo intersting?

Pubic wrote:

Have they fixed the missile lock bug?  The one where if the pilot swaps out it loses lock
Yeah back in 1.12 bro.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
edits his title too much
+2|5766|New Orleans
I have a question about copying patches.

I hear I should leave a copy of 1.41 on then get 1.5.

How do I make a copy of 1.41, do I just go on desktop, and then right click on BF2 icon, and hit copy, or something else?
be nice
+2,646|6761|The Twilight Zone

kr4kh34dk3nny wrote:

I have a question about copying patches.

I hear I should leave a copy of 1.41 on then get 1.5.

How do I make a copy of 1.41, do I just go on desktop, and then right click on BF2 icon, and hit copy, or something else?
You go to your BF2 install folder in Program files and rename it to lets say ".Sup is sexy" or just move it somewhere else
stephen brule
For all those who wants to know.

Go to your EA Games folder, So My Computer/C/Program Files/EA Games.

And in your EA Games folder you will see your Battlefield 2 folder, Copy your Battlefield 2 folder don't click any further into it.

And then paste your copied Battlefield 2 folder right beside your original in the EA Games folder and then patch it up, and the original folder will be copied, So go ahead and rename your shortcut you have now to something like BF2 1.5 and then once you have the patch installed go into your copied folder and then just make a shortcut for the BF2.exe and bring it to your desktop and rename it something like BF2 1.4. That's what I did.

So you guys know this is a mistake I made, I would go into the 1.5 Beta and switch the resolution an 1920x1080 resolutions which 1.4 does not understand yet and you will not be able to boot up 1.4 because of the high resolution in the 1.5 Beta if you changed it. So if your going to change it, When you get done if you want to play 1.4 again change it back to something like 1024 by xxx or whatever just as long as it is in 1.4.

DeathUnlimited wrote:

Pubic wrote:

Have they fixed the missile lock bug?  The one where if the pilot swaps out it loses lock
Yeah back in 1.12 bro.
No, no they haven't.  I see evidence of this regularly, hence why I still QQ about it.
The Mas
+311|6995|NYC, a place to live

DeathUnlimited wrote:

Pubic wrote:

Have they fixed the missile lock bug?  The one where if the pilot swaps out it loses lock
Yeah back in 1.12 bro.
I don't think so.

I can haz titanium paancakez?

DeathUnlimited wrote:

Pubic wrote:

Have they fixed the missile lock bug?  The one where if the pilot swaps out it loses lock
Yeah back in 1.12 bro.
Anyone tried the blackhawk to see if its any good now?
say that 2 my face fucker not online
lol @ pp19 in 1.41, never noticed that
The fuck? AA is PERFECT as it is, Air to air missiles actually require skill and timing to hit (except against F35 or Mig29) and ground based AA missiles have 100% accuracy if you don't deploy flares...
I disagree.  I hardly ever pilot or use the chopper, so I spend a lot of time in the AA.  Even if I manage to get 2 perfectly timed, perfected aimed missiles (which even happen to hit the target!), a chopper will just turn around and unload a handful of rockets at me and fly away like nothing happened.  The AA is almost useless unless the chopper or plane already has damage.  I'd rather use the 50cal on a chopper rather than the AA, now that makes no sense...

It seems like everyone that argues that the AA is fair are chopper sluts.  I spend every game getting rockets up my butt by choppers and being useless to fight them because the AA doesn't do enough damage or the rockets do a 180 as soon as I shoot them for some reason even though I have a clean lock.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6306|Aberdeen, Scotland
Mobile AA is fine as it is vs helis, stingers are pretty useless though as they won't pose a threat to any decent heli team
If anything needs improvement, it's the helicopters flares. They aren't very effective at causing AA missiles to miss.

And should AA really be improved to the point where it's highly effective against a good soloer or crew? I mean, using choppers effectively takes skill while sitting in a stationary AA does not. Also, when even one missile hits a chopper, that chopper is pretty much going to have to go back for repairs or else leave itself highly vulnerable to other threats.
say that 2 my face fucker not online
get rid of the bloody in-out delay when scoping and moving too much.

its a skill to move around fast enough so you don't get hit, and snipers shouldn't be punished for it.
using 50cal was better against chopper because they had to locate you first and get the hell out of there before taking to much damage.

AA against jets was shit, if you managed to get lock on they just dropped flares and reached for the sky and then aiming straight at the AA when coming down resulting they winning without a single problem. The amount of AA on the map was low.
There is.
+1,380|6998|Devon, England

Ataronchronon wrote:

If anything needs improvement, it's the helicopters flares. They aren't very effective at causing AA missiles to miss.

And should AA really be improved to the point where it's highly effective against a good soloer or crew? I mean, using choppers effectively takes skill while sitting in a stationary AA does not. Also, when even one missile hits a chopper, that chopper is pretty much going to have to go back for repairs or else leave itself highly vulnerable to other threats.
Are you serious?

I think you just said the opposite of what should happen (In my opinion).

Chopper flares kick ass. Try shooting a Cobra down with missiles in a jet. If the flares don't get your missiles, the general shape of the chopper will dodge them.

It does take some skill to man an AA gun and shoot a chopper down. Most people will lock and fire within a second. Most Chopper pilots will flare on lock. Here's the kicker, though: If the AA waits til after a flare deployment, he can get the chopper to 1/5 health at most, but will often have the missiles miss. Whilst it's doing this, though it will just be sitting there completely defenceless waiting. If the chopper waits for the AA's missiles to fire to use the flairs, it can flare on AA release and in the meantime shoot at the AA gun.

AA needs more Accuracy.
TITS or gtfo.
+97|6828|Polish state of EU
I lol'd at new blackhawk, recently i was piloting it in the way to Wake's airfield, and my gunner, accidentally, THE WHOLE Z-8 !

also,  i think runway griefing still doesnt work, i saw it once, a dude went under a starting plane and the pilot got a tk..

Last edited by _Dominiko_PL (2009-05-24 06:52:48)

Mobile AA is fine as it is vs helis
We can agree there, the mobile AA is pretty effective.  But usually there's one maybe two a map.
If anything needs improvement, it's the helicopters flares. They aren't very effective at causing AA missiles to miss.
Are you kidding me?  without the flares the missiles miss 1/3 of the time.
And should AA really be improved to the point where it's highly effective against a good soloer or crew? I mean, using choppers effectively takes skill while sitting in a stationary AA does not. Also, when even one missile hits a chopper, that chopper is pretty much going to have to go back for repairs or else leave itself highly vulnerable to other threats.
I just think 2 hits from AA stinger should be enough to destroy a chopper.  I mean, half the time they miss, and when they do connect the chopper simply turns around and unloads 4 missiles on me.  Either increase the damage by the AA missiles or give 1 or 2 more per volley.  It's just useless, even if you time it perfectly.
If the AA waits til after a flare deployment, he can get the chopper to 1/5 health at most, but will often have the missiles miss.
EXACTLY!  This is what I do all the time, I wait for the flares to dop, then get a good shot lined up...still miss usually.

I dunno, probably because I play infantry most, if not all, the time, but I think the airpower is ridiculously overpowered.    I mean cmon, the jets can drop 4 bombs just fly across the runway and get rearmed to strafe again?!  It's nearly impossible to defend or even attack against that.  Like I said above, the jets can get 4 bomb drops at once (sure to kill almost anything instantly) but the AA only gets 2 weak, inaccurate missiles?  It's just silly and unbalanced.  Same thing with Chopper, 4 missiles plus the gunner?  And it takes at least 3 AA missiles to destroy a chopper even if you manage to hit it without getting 4 jet bombs down your throat!

Obviously in real life airpower dominates...but that doesn't make for a fun game.  Half the time I'm playing it's either artillery killing me, jets dropping bombs on me, or choppers shooting 4 rockets at once at me

I mean, using choppers effectively takes skill while sitting in a stationary AA does not.
Ok, I'll assume that's true.  ...but even if you are VERY skilled at stationary AA against a mediocre pilot you are still pretty much useless and outmatched.
stationary and mobile AA needs a longer target range or quicker lock in my opinion. The jet should not be able to target you before you target it. A good pilot can target and gun ANY AA down prior to the AA even able to get a lock.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2009-05-24 12:17:32)

Germans did 911
+427|6988|Disaster Free Zone
AA is only meant to support your other aircraft in taking down the enemy.

Aircraft should beat AA every time if they are aware of it one v one.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6306|Aberdeen, Scotland

northsider wrote:

Obviously in real life airpower dominates...but that doesn't make for a fun game.  Half the time I'm playing it's either artillery killing me, jets dropping bombs on me, or choppers shooting 4 rockets at once at me
Just to fill you in on the airpower in BF2; all fighter jets (single seat) carry 2 bombs, fighter-bombers (dual seat) carry 5 bombs + LGMs, and all attack helis are armed with 5x 8-rocket pods controlled by the pilot.

The only weapon that really grates on me these days is arty; it tends to ruin the most intense fights and isn't 'fun' for anyone really, except maybe the commander watching from above
Fodder Mostly

MrAnderson wrote:

northsider wrote:

Obviously in real life airpower dominates...but that doesn't make for a fun game.  Half the time I'm playing it's either artillery killing me, jets dropping bombs on me, or choppers shooting 4 rockets at once at me
Just to fill you in on the airpower in BF2; all fighter jets (single seat) carry 2 bombs, fighter-bombers (dual seat) carry 5 bombs + LGMs, and all attack helis are armed with 5x 8-rocket pods controlled by the pilot.

The only weapon that really grates on me these days is arty; it tends to ruin the most intense fights and isn't 'fun' for anyone really, except maybe the commander watching from above
Maybe a way for someone near an arty can warn their team of the strike and/or a sound in the distance thin for anyone withinhalf the map of the artillery
Looks like I may need to reinstall BF2.  I thought they were done with it!
I stopped playing since I got a widescreen monitor.. I hate looking at a stretched HUD even though "Widescreen" supposably works. ugh. that and big ugly text due to res.
On most air maps there are 6 AA's situated around the map, only two aircraft. If you want to kill an enemy chopper get in a friendly chopper and TV it. Jet's missiles shouldn't hit choppers - they should be used on enemy jets. I see it too many times when an enemy MiG takes 5 sweeps at us in the AH and both F35 pilots are doing nothing about it.

Believe it or not, choppers don't just hover near enemy AA's and wait for someone to get in them to kill, generally I'm trying to TV enemy tanks/choppers/jets to help my team get flags, I've spend hours perfecting TVs and I don't expect a game mechanic such as the randomness of AA to simply kill us.

Too many people who say AA is underpowered simply don't know how to use it because you've never been in an air vehicle long enough to work out what's hard to counter kill. Also; nothing annoys me more than being in a dogfight with an enemy jet and some fucking random who's spent the whole round on an AA to fire both his missiles at me and kill me. That shows no skill or ability what so ever.

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