
Beatdown Patrol wrote:

2ndLt.Tucker wrote:

Ok here is something i can understand.  They are most upset about Muhammed actually being depicted.  But i still think it is messed up that they can have all this offensive propaganda against us but any amount we have on them is pretty much an act of war.  Personally i have NO RESPECT for any fundamentalist islamic.  This is in large part to having my ass shot at, seeing friends killed, and watching innocent civilians getting their heads cut off with a butter knife.  Also seeing some of their propaganda showing American soldiers on chopping blocks is another reason.  I'll make sure I am shot and killed before i let them exploit me for their sick agenda. At some point it is inevitable that there will be another "Crusade" like war.

When this happens though...I hate to say it but the Islamic religion is going to be almost annihilated from the face of the earth.  There are some good muslims out there but the fundamentalist muslims have given their religion as a whole a serious problem.  To teach your superior to everyone else in the world and that its ok to kill anyone who doesn't believe in your religion is a huge problem of some sick sons of bitches.  Its almost like the middle east is full of tan Hitlers for their leaders.  World War 3 will start in the middle east.  And it wont be pretty at all, possibly the end of the world...who knows.
Agreed, EL-Tee. 

The biggest issue I have with the Islamic religion is the conflicting messages I get from people that subscribe to the religion.  Don't get me wrong...maybe Americans are simply not being exposed to such things, but I personally don't think that we are THAT sheltered.  On one side, you have the "nice" Muslims saying that Islam is a religion of peace, blah blah blah...but on the other side, I simply DO NOT HEAR of Muslims doing acts of kindness like missionary and charity work.  In addition, anytime I hear the word Islam and Muslim, it is usually attached to some terrorist act, riots, car bombings, flag burning, and comments of how Israel should be destroyed. 

You can not preach a conflicting message in the modern world where a news story will circle the entire globe 10 times within an hour after the story breaks.  No way.   Simply put, Islam has a VERY....BAD...REPUTATION in the minds of probably the majority of the world.  And Muslim countries wonder why the US and EU DON'T want them to have nuclear weapons?!?!  That would be like giving Attila the Hun an Imperial AT-AT Walker and then setting him loose in New York City.  Might it be because we don't feel that Muslims can control themselves or their emotions?  Somebody commented that the cartoon was as offensive as urinating on the Virgin Mary and that might be true.  However, the difference is that CIVILIZED nations at least TRY to protest such things in other ways besides blowing up the person who offended them.  The perfect example would be back in '87 with the "Piss Christ" controversy (  There was outrage, yes.  There were calls for boycotts, yes.  There were calls for an apology, yes.  However...there were no riots.  No calls for fatwa or the assassination of the artist.  No fire bombing.  No DEATHS.

Muslims MUST change their mentality that you are either Muslim or an infidel because their current philosophy is a big fat double standard.  They feel morally justified in anything they do in the name of Islam and Muhammad because if you are an infidel, you are pretty much trash and you have no rights to co-exist with them anyhow.  In their minds, an infidel's opinion and rights don't count.  Why Muslims feel the need to enact God's "will" of removing infidels from the Earth is beyond me.  I would figure that if we were so horrifically bad, God is more than powerful enough to smite us from the planet like the dinosaurs and be done with it. 

It is that same steadfast cultural intolerance that has cause the rest of the world to leave them behind.  Islam is philosophically stuck about 1400 years in the past.  Islam has not evolved along with the rest of the world and now they find themselves "behind" in relation to the rest of the world in areas of wealth, power, technology, philosophy, and civility.  They want the respect of the rest of the world and equality in relation to the rest of the world, but then they don’t consider us to be equal to begin with.  That is a major contradiction.   

- Beatdown
your another gay fuckin homo.

right you've never heard about muslim charity organisations?COZ WE DONT FUCKING ADVERTISE TO EVERY FUCKER WHAT WE DO!!! charity aint something like you advertise it on TV... "oh we help  10000000000 each year save lives..we also do this and fuck that....blah blah blah..." thick asshole charity and gving donations are something that you should , stupid low expectation ever  motherfucker you know what, you come out with the most fucked up excusez av ever heard, here give you a charity name now yh?muslim hands, theres many more gay boy you aint gonna help eitha of em so no point me tellin you hahaha wenz the last time you donated? and all these big charity organisations you know what the fuck they behind the TV?! they feed our muslim brothers and tell em they can only fucking eat if they convert to christianity?did you no that gay boy? bet you did your just too fuckin embarresed to admit it fella, get pissed and jerk yar fuckin dad off fella haha

Hero764 wrote:

atlvolunteer wrote:

sgk479, you are a true ambassador for your religion.
And what would I be? A screwed up, nonsensical moron?
appreciate your concern, was flickin around and come across this forum, all these gay boys can only talk shit like this on the net, they aint got the ballz (maybe coz they stuck em soo fuckin down their mumz throats!!!) to do it loud coz theyl get fukcked uup heavy,

2ndLt.Tucker wrote:

Hero764 wrote:

atlvolunteer wrote:

sgk479, you are a true ambassador for your religion.
And what would I be? A screwed up, nonsensical moron?
No your atleast being reasonable and I can respect that.  Its that sgrk whatever his name that is pathetic.  He is right that the Kuran has not been changed since its origins. I wish i could say the same for the Bible but we had some fucked up popes at one time that changed it.  Hell thats how the crusades started was cuase we at one time believed the popes word was God's word.  But its his kind of attitude that is giving a horrible name for Islam.  There are descent Muslims out there as a whole but there are also a large majority that are fucked up.  Same with the Christian faith but the double standards have to stop for us to be able to coexhist peacefully.  The vatican had it fucked up times of philosophy deleting passages from earlier scripts and such.  But christianity is also based of Judaism and its Torra.  I know the Bible has been changed and I also know about my lord and my God.  I don't believe everything in the Bible becuase it has been changed so much but I still believe in the most important part. 

While I may disagree with some things that are posted and insult my religion I will by no means start a war or start killing people over it.  No religion is perfect becuase every single one is subject to a persons interpretation and that is how denominations of religion come about.  Islam and the Shi'ites and Sunni while Christianity has alot more.  But it is that wanker who is rampaging about him being superior and us inferior that is pissing me off.  It is that mentality that will start a war among the ignorant.

Sgk479 for your information though i also know about the profits in my religion and your religion happened to spawn off of Abraham.  The 12 tribes of Israel also came from Abraham, he is the father of both religions.  John the Baptist is another prophet of ours and Jesus was born from a virgin at the time.  It is also believed that later on he had a brother named James.  I bet you could ask my almost anything about my religion and i could tell you about it.  So kiss my ass.
lol i wouldnt like to kiss your as anyway when was the last time you washed your ass? you ever even washed your hands after takin ap piss, hell you eat with the same fuckin hand dirty mother fucker what am i gettin on your nerves?haha suck my dick i couldnt give a 2 fuck about you or your fuckin sister who you've alredy given the screw, you no its true you fukin homo, my religion is perfect, no mistakes any where in between, yes our people are fucked up and prophets dont write what theyv inherited gay boy they write and speak the word of our lord yh? how can you trust a reliogion thats been tuned, messed with?and changed aswel???youve created your own reliogion boy!!!! hahaha!!!!!

Last edited by sgk479 (2006-02-07 02:48:07)

+2|6951|Perth, Western Australia
Sadly the outrage caused by the publication of these (admittedly tasteless) images appears to be the construction of some parts of the Muslim community designed to cause as much trouble as possible, further  bear in mind that the original publication of these images caused almost no fuss.

Now note that the taboo against drawing the Prophet is a mutable one, one that has waxed and waned over many years based on the interpretation of 2 key passages in the Hadith :

"And who is more unjust than those who try to create the likeness of my creation?"


"Angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture."

Add these 2 quotes (especially the first) with the traditional Koranic precept of respect for the Prophet and you have the reason behind the injuctions against representing him. However there is still considerable debate over why those restrictions exist.

In the strictest sense these statements would require that no living thing may be pictured, nobody could have their photograph taken, illustrated books such as biology textbooks would end up without pictures and of course you may not in any way depict Mohammed. Other Islamic scholars argue that the intent of the prohibition is to prevent people worshipping the images of the Prophet, thus denying Allah his rightful worship.

Under the second, more reasonable (to Western eyes) interpretation then even satirical images (as allowed by laws and the various 'freedoms' of speech/journalism afforded to most Western democracies) such as those published are acceptable as they are clearly not intended to become objects of veneration.  As examples consider that the following depictions of Mohammed have all existed at one time or another (and many continue to exist):

The US Supreme Court has a statue of Mohammed who serves as the prime example of ancient law-makers.

William Blake, Salvador Dali and many other painters have painted Mohammed in their representations of Dante's Inferno, in which the Prophet ends up in Hell with his entrails hanging out and such images, whilst controversial haven't resulted in the burning of embassies or the like.

A German food company used images of Mohammed in the late 1920's for advertising bouillon.

France, a country with a notable Muslim population, has seen the publication of many books on Islam which depict the Prophet on the cover or inside the book to no noticeable outrage.

South Park featured a singing and dancing Mohammed in an episode back in 2001, again with little in the way of criticism from the Muslim community.

As for depictions of the Prophet in Muslim communities, well the Ottoman Empire depicted Mohammed in many ways, often in sculpture and often depicted his face on such works too (though it was quite common to leave the face blank or veil it out of respect). 

Even today in a strict Islamist state such as Islam there exists a considerable trade in images of the Prophet, though asmittedly the prohibition is strictest amongst Sunnis rather than the Shia who dominate Iran.

At any rate, the point I'm trying to make is that the incident has been blown out of proportion for the purposes of a group of men who delight in foment, chaos, disorder and prejudice. To join in the outrage, on either side, to rant about freedom of the press or the sacrosanct nature of the Prophet, is to give them victory. The simplest way to defeat them is to understand and respect the differences between the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds.

Havazn wrote:

Have some respect for what you dont understand.

It's very hard to understand something you don't respect. For example if you don't know fire is hot, if you don't understand that then you'll stick your hand in it and get burnt. Of course, once you've done that you'll understand fire is hot and respect that in future. It's a shaky analogy I know, but it should serve to illustrate that ignorance is not a condition conducive to respect and that before you can respect somehting you need to learn something about it. In short, whilst the West is ignorant of Islam and Islam is ignorant of the West then respect (mutual or otherwise) is virtually impossible and this kind of problem will re-occur...

Last edited by RhadamanthysSCC (2006-02-07 01:28:09)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7069|Cologne, Germany

sgk479 wrote:

Flavius Aetius wrote:

sgk479 wrote:

you really think half the world is gonne be on your side? you dumd fuckin asshole 33%are christians out of which half dont even know what to believe,you walk down the road, come across a muslim, ask him who his prophet is, garunteed he will tell you its muhammed, walk down the road ask a 'christian' who his prophet is, lol he'l probably say sumthin like "MICHEAL JACKSON!" or since hez a paedo you might hear some1 say david chapelle yh,look forget half the christians hw much do you no about your religion???you believe jesus is the son of god???do you? well in that case if jesus is, then y isnt mohammed?y isnt abraham??? they were all prophets, no jesus was NOT the son of god fella we believe jesus as our prophet, we also believe the bible has been changed soo many times that you cant get two copies of a bible which have the same words made from different bible writters edittors whereas the quran hasnt been changed, it cant be changed you no why?coz 1 fifth of the muslim population know the quran with out looking at it.

so much as you watchin a guy screwin a donkey gay mother fucker wondor y you were watchin shit like that? you got no sisters to fuck ugly mother fucker?jst gonna pull ur dick out n jerk off over a guy screwin a donkey?wtf u myt aswell stick your dick into your fuckin dysonz hoover gay mother fucking sister shaggin queer bstrd and we bein the decendatns of the prophet does not mean we have to have an affair with our sister thick fucker the prophet had cousins obviously right? well f a cousin did marry then is that marrying your sister??? gay fucker you know you've been bustid starin at your mamz ass haha bet you learnt how to fuck by lookin at your dad shaggin your mumz sister thru the key hole then when your mum gets home you tell her the story no wonder y half you fuckers are divorced within several yearz of marraige!!!
We're not saying the religion is wrong. Its just christians and jews around the world do not go up in arms everytime something dear to them is desacrated. You think the world is out to get you. Notice how my posts lack a sense of fuckyness. That is because I can control my temper. You seem to know a lot about incest, care to elaborate?
my dear Flavius Aetius  suck my fucking dick yh, then get fuckin pissed and like most pissed fukcers you drink till you drop or 'blackout' huh? dumb mother fucker you dont black out you end up shaggin your mum coz you wen your pissed that thing of yours hangin out needs sum fuckin atentino now you dont give a shiit if its your wife whgz gna give your dick attention, or your sister, or even your mother, son of a bitch you'd fuck your grandma or your daughter thick fuckin fucker you say i cant control my temper?son of a bitch you cant control your FUCKIN DICKZ NEEEDZ mother fucker you cant do shit!!! HW THE FUCK ARE YOU FUCKERZ GONA CONTROL YOUR ANGER WHEN YOU CANT CONTROL YOUR DICK???

lol you dumb fuckin asshole hahaha
skg479, I have watched you insult forum members long enough now. Either you try to discuss the matter with some decency and politeness ( which I do hope you are capable of ), or you will be demoted / banned from these forums. LAST WARNING !
Beatdown Patrol  you say islam is in the past? then y the fuck are your people in the fucking pentagon studyin the quran???science is still agood two hundred years behind the quran, what science has found in the present about nature, the quran had it 1400 years ago hey asshole like i said,we brought education into your shit hole, lol

B.Schuss wrote:

sgk479 wrote:

Flavius Aetius wrote:

We're not saying the religion is wrong. Its just christians and jews around the world do not go up in arms everytime something dear to them is desacrated. You think the world is out to get you. Notice how my posts lack a sense of fuckyness. That is because I can control my temper. You seem to know a lot about incest, care to elaborate?
my dear Flavius Aetius  suck my fucking dick yh, then get fuckin pissed and like most pissed fukcers you drink till you drop or 'blackout' huh? dumb mother fucker you dont black out you end up shaggin your mum coz you wen your pissed that thing of yours hangin out needs sum fuckin atentino now you dont give a shiit if its your wife whgz gna give your dick attention, or your sister, or even your mother, son of a bitch you'd fuck your grandma or your daughter thick fuckin fucker you say i cant control my temper?son of a bitch you cant control your FUCKIN DICKZ NEEEDZ mother fucker you cant do shit!!! HW THE FUCK ARE YOU FUCKERZ GONA CONTROL YOUR ANGER WHEN YOU CANT CONTROL YOUR DICK???

lol you dumb fuckin asshole hahaha
skg479, I have watched you insult forum members long enough now. Either you try to discuss the matter with some decency and politeness ( which I do hope you are capable of ), or you will be demoted / banned from these forums. LAST WARNING !
with all due respect, i have read most of this forum and just because the other members are not using phrases such sa 'fuck', 'dick' etc doesnt mean theyr not insulting, read carefuly what they are jst as carefully sa you read what i wrote ok? dont take offence of this message i aint accusing you of anything
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7069|Cologne, Germany

I'd love to watch xanthpi and sgk479 discuss this...

@sgk479: you heard me, right ? stop insulting people. swearwords won't help your arguments at all.
Aussie Outlaw
Fuckin, some of these muslims need to get carrots removed from their asses
Aussie Outlaw

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

Muslims MUST change their mentality that you are either Muslim or an infidel because their current philosophy is a big fat double standard.  They feel morally justified in anything they do in the name of Islam and Muhammad because if you are an infidel, you are pretty much trash and you have no rights to co-exist with them anyhow.  In their minds, an infidel's opinion and rights don't count.  Why Muslims feel the need to enact God's "will" of removing infidels from the Earth is beyond me.  I would figure that if we were so horrifically bad, God is more than powerful enough to smite us from the planet like the dinosaurs and be done with it. 
- Beatdown
Sounds like alot of christians...

Except good muslims read the bible as well as the koran
Greenie_Beazinie you tosser you need to stop puttin your carrot down your sisters throat, well actually its most of the british born christians and US people (talkin about the guys) who love gettin carroted up the ass yh not muslims, lol, gay boy get your factz straight
If you can read this, your already dead
+33|6910|Stillwater, Ok
For anyone who is interested in religion it is best to know about the 3 main ones.  This atleast helps people to understand each other a bit more.  And Sgk is right in that at one point the west was behind the middle east.  They did invent mathematics and were able to create siege engines.  We did copy off them in architecture areas as well.  But seriously sgk I would have respected your opinions alot more if your were not rambling on saying "fuck you", "go fuck your mum, sister whatever."  As for the first library which i think you stated in an earlier post (i may be wrong) you were incorrect on that.  The great library exhisted WAY before even christianity cam to be.  It was in Alexandria, Egypt before it was burned down in a siege.  Its been said that that loss set the human race back by over a thousand years.  There were examples of early steam engines and such there.  None the less both religions have benefited off each others technologies and some of the best engineers in the world of Muslims.  But please as much as you get pissed off sometimes and frustrated stay civil.  You will be amazed i think as to how many more people will see your side in certain areas.  "Do i think it was wrong to draw the pictures?"  Yes and No. It was wrong if your Islamic because it does insult your religion, but as far as freedom of speech goes it was not.  I myself would never have drawn and posted those simply because i knew it would offend some. However if it is true that a very conservative group of Imams drew there own to rile up the middle east then i think they should be shot or stoned by those in the middle east for no only depicting what their religion as claimed to be wrong but also in leaving many to the thought of war as a resolution.
of course their pissed, coz they dont have that kind of stuff in islamic countries
Beatdown Patrol you wrote sumat bowt we muslims see others as trash yh, bt now bein honest wiv you, we dont, we respect others just like our selves, to you I may be an asshole or sumat yh,hw do you think christianz convert to islam???you ever thought y they do it?the person who converts a christian into a muslim obviously setz a good example, treats him with respect, now if you ever came out of the blue and knocked on my door askin for some help, or even if you were gonna discuss sum matters, ad invite you in to ma house,ad offer you food and drink and treat you with respect, no we dont see every non-muslim in a bad way bt theyr are some mother fuckers who really aint got shit to talk bowt bt dis other religions, and yh Beatdown patrol, your 1 of them many, many wankers   
I have no problems with any race,religion,culture,or what ever there is in this fucked up world,but when someone starts fucking around with mine and my familiys and my Countrys existance (DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE)

                                               !!!! NUKE THE FUCKERS !!!!

2ndLt.Tucker wrote:

For anyone who is interested in religion it is best to know about the 3 main ones.  This atleast helps people to understand each other a bit more.  And Sgk is right in that at one point the west was behind the middle east.  They did invent mathematics and were able to create siege engines.  We did copy off them in architecture areas as well.  But seriously sgk I would have respected your opinions alot more if your were not rambling on saying "fuck you", "go fuck your mum, sister whatever."  As for the first library which i think you stated in an earlier post (i may be wrong) you were incorrect on that.  The great library exhisted WAY before even christianity cam to be.  It was in Alexandria, Egypt before it was burned down in a siege.  Its been said that that loss set the human race back by over a thousand years.  There were examples of early steam engines and such there.  None the less both religions have benefited off each others technologies and some of the best engineers in the world of Muslims.  But please as much as you get pissed off sometimes and frustrated stay civil.  You will be amazed i think as to how many more people will see your side in certain areas.  "Do i think it was wrong to draw the pictures?"  Yes and No. It was wrong if your Islamic because it does insult your religion, but as far as freedom of speech goes it was not.  I myself would never have drawn and posted those simply because i knew it would offend some. However if it is true that a very conservative group of Imams drew there own to rile up the middle east then i think they should be shot or stoned by those in the middle east for no only depicting what their religion as claimed to be wrong but also in leaving many to the thought of war as a resolution.
i get your point fella, look i aint got shit against you ok?i really dont, i dont hate christianity n i dont hate the jews,i hate those who opress against my religion you really will never understand the love we muslims have for our religion. i have christian friends and jewish friends, but likewise you get good people and assholes everywhere. look put it this way, even f my real brother went against my religion, i wouldnt hesitate in going against him and putting him down. i have respect for your religion and your people, but there are more christians in the world who are moslty grown up with a stereotypical mind thinkin all muslims are terrorists, tell me y is it you think this? because 1 muslim organisation attacked america on an several occasions??? for crying out loud, you know about IRA, theyv done enough damage man al-qaida were trained by them, we dont run half a mile or we dont kick english people or americans out of pakistan, saudi malasia if theyr wearin a cross round there neck or looking too religious! we dont accuse every christian for IRA attackz! fair enough IRA hasnt really done much damage to us muslims bt still we know theyr crazy and theyl fuck us all up any time or sumthin bt we dont look suspicously at every holy christian who walks the street
+35|6984|UK - England

sgk479 wrote:

Beatdown Patrol you wrote sumat bowt we muslims see others as trash yh, bt now bein honest wiv you, we dont, we respect others just like our selves, to you I may be an asshole or sumat yh,hw do you think christianz convert to islam???you ever thought y they do it?the person who converts a christian into a muslim obviously setz a good example, treats him with respect, now if you ever came out of the blue and knocked on my door askin for some help, or even if you were gonna discuss sum matters, ad invite you in to ma house,ad offer you food and drink and treat you with respect, no we dont see every non-muslim in a bad way bt theyr are some mother fuckers who really aint got shit to talk bowt bt dis other religions, and yh Beatdown patrol, your 1 of them many, many wankers   
Very Nicely said.

CommandoRog wrote:

I have no problems with any race,religion,culture,or what ever there is in this fucked up world,but when someone starts fucking around with mine and my familiys and my Countrys existance (DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE)

                                               !!!! NUKE THE FUCKERS !!!!
Are you 12 or something CommandoRog? nuke the fuckers? I'd like to see you try. Oh boy your way over your head. Grow up!

CommandoRog wrote:

I have no problems with any race,religion,culture,or what ever there is in this fucked up world,but when someone starts fucking around with mine and my familiys and my Countrys existance (DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE)

                                               !!!! NUKE THE FUCKERS !!!!
what about when you fuckaround with us?all pput my nuke down your fukin mumz throat yu son of a bitch, trust me she'l enjoy the radio active shit i'll give her
They have to stop complaining, their own Arab papers have the same type of cartoons about Jews, and probably Christians too. And you dont hear us complain, no do you?
Calling us pigs, they're the pigs treating women like thrash and stuff, bunch of whining wankers.
Sadly the most of them are good people, and it's sad that those extremists give those people a bad name.

Last edited by JS-L1Wolf (2006-02-07 08:21:03)


JS-L1Wolf wrote:

They have to stop complaining, their own Arab papers have the same type of cartoons about Jews, and probably Christians too. And you dont hear us complain, no do you?
Calling us pigs, they're the pigs treating women like thrash and stuff, bunch of whining wankers.
Sadly the most of them are good people, and it's sad that those extremists give those people a bad name.
hey if you respected your religion soo much then you would not support the pictures your talkin about, bt then again, your a dozy fuckin wanker, we dont complain fucker we'l kill you if you try n take the rip outta our religion yh.

wtf, a sniper with an m24?wot that mean?the only reason you would want a sniper is coz you can fuckin perve on yar mother wen shez shaggin your uncle john two blockz down you gay fuker

Last edited by sgk479 (2006-02-07 08:25:15)

+302|6963|Salt Lake City

sgk479, do one thing.  Prove that any of your religion, or any other religion for that matter, is accurate.  If you can scientifically prove to me that God exists, and that Islam is the only correct, true religion, then I'll convert of my own accord. 

Religion is based on faith.  By definition faith is belief in something that cannot be detected by any of the 5 human senses, nor can it be scientifically proven, but people still believe in it.  So, until Islam, the Christians, Jews, or any other backward ass religion can PROVE that God exists, you need to STFU and keep religion to yourself.  Practice in your home and place of worship, but if you even think for a minute that Islam is going to be allowed to start WWIII over something like this, you are sadly fucking mistaken.

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2006-02-07 08:28:51)

Christians & Jewish martyrs say; "I will die for what I believe."
A Muslim  martyr says; "YOU will die for what I believe."
look a history how many wars have been fought over religion, the fact both christians and muslims have a word for holywar (Crusade and Jihad). the crusades for example why would god want us to go to war in his name, in my view they should be inspiring hope for mankind bringing the people of this world closer together not making us kick the shit out of eachother.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|6986|MA, USA

Havazn wrote:

i CANNOT believe that crap that i am hearing on this forum. You people talk of freedom of speech, yet in America, the so called 'leader of the free world', you can sue and win against someone who slandered your name. So what, you talk about being able to say whatever you want, but as soon as you do, you get hit with a multimillion dollar lawsuit. its amazing the hypocracy that you believe in.
"SLANDER - A false defamation (expressed in spoken words, signs, or gestures) which injures the character or reputation of the person defamed; distinguished from libel.

The defaming a man in his reputation by speaking or writing words which affect his life, office, or trade, or which tend to his loss of preferment in marriage or service, or in his inheritance, or which occasion any other particular damage. In England, if slander be spoken of a peer, or other great man, it is called Scandalum Magnatum. Falsity and malice are ingredients of slander. Written or printed slanders are libels."

So, slander has to cause actual harm in order to be actionable.  Furthermore, Satire (as in cartoons), is regularly found to be protected speech, not slander - regardless of how offensive one may find it.

Havazn wrote:

Not all Muslims believe in a war against the West. However, the danish cartoon went as far as to say that the whole religion is based on it. Which is absolutely absurd and incorrect.
Maybe you should convince your co-religionists to knock it off then?  One of the big problems westerners have with Islam (and it has been said here again and again) is that the non violent Muslims don't seem to do much to reign in the violent Muslims.  Why is that?  In most western countries if someone is found to be plotting attacks, we tend to turn that person in.

Havazn wrote:

Have some respect for what you dont understand.
Same to you.

Havazn wrote:

One last thing. The Oklahoma Bomber what White.
He was also caught and prosecuted.  Sentenced to death IIRC.  No less than we do to any other terrorist.

sgk479 wrote:

i get your point fella, look i aint got shit against you ok?i really dont, i dont hate christianity n i dont hate the jews,i hate those who opress against my religion you really will never understand the love we muslims have for our religion. i have christian friends and jewish friends, but likewise you get good people and assholes everywhere. look put it this way, even f my real brother went against my religion, i wouldnt hesitate in going against him and putting him down. i have respect for your religion and your people, but there are more christians in the world who are moslty grown up with a stereotypical mind thinkin all muslims are terrorists, tell me y is it you think this?
To most westerners 'respect' includes tolerance of differences: that means that if my brother, 'goes against my religion' I don't feel the need to, 'go against him and put him down.'  We aren't perfect, but the most casual observation leads one to believe that the average Westerner is more tolerant than the average Middle-Easterner.

Case in point:  Piss Christ.  How much more offensive to Christians can you get?  Yet there was no arson, and there were no riots.  There were protests, but they knew that violence was not called for.  Why don't Muslims understand that?
If you can read this, your already dead
+33|6910|Stillwater, Ok

bobislost wrote:

look a history how many wars have been fought over religion, the fact both christians and muslims have a word for holywar (Crusade and Jihad). the crusades for example why would god want us to go to war in his name, in my view they should be inspiring hope for mankind bringing the people of this world closer together not making us kick the shit out of eachother.
But almost every single christian realizes how bad a mistake those crusades were.  Most people at that time were not able to read and the bible was not readily available to those who could.  It took years to write a new bible by hand.  This lack of literacy plus relying on the pope's word too much is what caused the crusades.  The roman catholic church at times has had evil and currupt men in power.  The pope that started it all even went so far as to change areas in the bible making it ok to kill those not of our faith.  Hes probably burning in hell for that since at the very end in Revelations it states "DO NOT CHANGE THE WORDS IN THIS BIBLE. TO DO SO WILL CERTAINLY SEND YOU TO HELL."  Those may not be the exact words but that is what its saying. And you are right that we should not have fought those wars claiming that they were in the name of our God.  I am sure that he did not like seeing all the blood shed and killings of all religions including the Jews.  They after all did believe in him first and we just followed suite under our messiah.  Jesus also taught us not to hate but love thy enemy.  It is alot to ask of us sometimes, but it can be done.

Also like some other guy said is that how do we know 100% our religion is right or wrong.  Well we don't its all based on faith.  So to go up to some buhdist and tell him he is wrong and needs to convert is wrong in my part.  While i would like to help him in the feeling that my religion is correct I will by no means make an enemy by forcing it on him.  If he wants to change on his own free will then so be it.  I would much rather him ask me about it and i teach him that way than to feel like im forcing it on him.

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