Sitting next to a diamond case on a table in a little shack. There is a picture of the map so you can find it Enjoy!

Last edited by Big McLargehuge (2008-10-27 11:06:56)
Found it there too, it's safe in my weapon crate now lol :p Prefer the AR-16 or the USAS-12 ^^
Last edited by DoctaStrangelove (2008-10-27 14:21:06)
Yeah, mine have. I was just playing, and I was trying to blow up two guys in a truck. I fired the rocket and when it got halfway to the truck it suddenly did a 90-degree turn to the left, hit a shack, bounced ten meters into the air, fell on a rock and blew up. I then stopped reloading the launcher, MACced the bastards and took their truck.Phaytal wrote:
I havn't bought it yet, and dont plan to, so i grabbed this from google
has anyone else had the RPG's jam/fail on them yet? Mine just did and it just flopped out the end and took out half of the camp including me