I am all that is MOD!

my sweet tooth fell out as i aged. I used to fucking gobble skittles while i played video games. Now i rarely have as much as a cookie.

I do love a good pecan pie though.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England


my sweet tooth fell out as i aged. I used to fucking gobble skittles while i played video games. Now i rarely have as much as a cookie.

I do love a good pecan pie though.
Mmmmmm pecan pie... that, cheesecake and pumpkin pie are the only one's i'll touch.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7002|United States of America
I'm very curious what people eat in general. In the Before Times, one of my coworkers thought it strange that I would bring a sandwich pretty much every day for lunch and change up whatever fruit, yogurt, other stuff I could fit in my lunchbox. I didn't think it's abnormal, but much of my viewpoint is based off what my dad took to his job as I was growing up (and he has celiac disease so his diet options were rather limited, especially in the 90s).
I am all that is MOD!

I usually bring the leftovers from the night before. I eat eggs like im a fucking snake so I usually have one or two of those to snack on, usually hard boiled.

I get most of my fruit intake via morning smoothies, but sometimes i'll have an apple or banana or tangerine (or whatever fruit someone tries to pawn off on me).

I tried to do the meal prep thing but I just can't get through eating the same meal 3-5x a week.

I'll mix it up with some deli meat here and there, but I try to avoid processed meat as much as possible. I have a strong history of prostate cancer on my dad's side (it's 6/7 so far, and that's only because one uncle died of sepsis before he could age into an enlarged prostate) so I have to be careful about it.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England
I make my meals the night before. Usually an omelet for breakfast with a side of sausage, some form of meat & cheese snack, and then leftovers or brats for lunch.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat


I usually bring the leftovers from the night before. I eat eggs like im a fucking snake so I usually have one or two of those to snack on, usually hard boiled.

I get most of my fruit intake via morning smoothies, but sometimes i'll have an apple or banana or tangerine (or whatever fruit someone tries to pawn off on me).

I tried to do the meal prep thing but I just can't get through eating the same meal 3-5x a week.

I'll mix it up with some deli meat here and there, but I try to avoid processed meat as much as possible. I have a strong history of prostate cancer on my dad's side (it's 6/7 so far, and that's only because one uncle died of sepsis before he could age into an enlarged prostate) so I have to be careful about it.
i've been doing smoothies almost every morning the past month or so and i feel a lot better lately. i mix some veggies in too like spinach etc and greek yogurt as well. i can't do meal prepping tho, i can't be bothered cooking when i get home and i also don't like eating the same stuff.

i eat out way too much tho and too much food in general, big portions. i need to cut back because i've noticed in the past year i've slowly been gaining weight to the point where my clothes are feeling tighter. kinda crept up on me so i need to nip this shit in the butt. most ppl in my family are naturally pretty lean but genetics only get u so far. i'm getting older and i guess my metabolism is slowing. i also don't exercise or play sports. the most physically intensive thing i do is ski pretty regularly but that's only for part of the year.

i either need to eat less or start exercising often. probably both
gang shit
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

DesertFox- wrote:

I'm very curious what people eat in general. In the Before Times, one of my coworkers thought it strange that I would bring a sandwich pretty much every day for lunch and change up whatever fruit, yogurt, other stuff I could fit in my lunchbox. I didn't think it's abnormal, but much of my viewpoint is based off what my dad took to his job as I was growing up (and he has celiac disease so his diet options were rather limited, especially in the 90s).
For lunch?

Sandwiches - usually cheese and salad, plus some crackers, a little tub of nuts and a banana and an apple.
Chocolate makes me more tired than I was before I ate it so I don't bother.

I used to be able to get through a packet of chocolate biscuits without really thinking about it, same for a packet of cream crackers.
I'd get to lunch and think "who left an empty biscuit wrapper on my desk and why?"
Fuck Israel
I've been eating oatmeal with (blue)berries / banana + some honey every morning for about 10 years now. Probably the best breakfast you can start off with, keeps you full until lunch too.

Lunch either leftovers from the night before or food from the canteen/restaurant at my workplace, or whatever I feel like cooking if I'm at home. They have good chefs so the daily menu is a+, from steaks to vegetarian indian dishes. Lately I've been eating a lot of pastas for lunch as I'm mostly working from home, I'll switch it up with eggs & some greens.

The only snack I usually eat during the day are raw unsalted cashews & fruits, oranges mostly. Sometimes I'll indulge in some chocolate. For drink only water, I don't drink sodas or coffee or tea really.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-23 00:59:01)

breakfast i alternate between yoghurt/honey/berries (raspberry/strawberry/blueberry) and granola, or on days when i’m really busy or pushed for time i’ll have one of those oaty breakfast bar things. on weekends i’ll probably have some croissants or pain au chocolate or something, or fix a bagel with banana slices and cinnamon and other toothsome shit.

throughout the day for snacking i eat bananas, apples, oranges. occasionally a small bowl of nuts. maybe 2-3 biscuits with a hot drink. mostly lots and lots of water. if i feel peckish, i grab a pint of water. i keep a large pitcher to hand with sliced lemon in it. downing a pint first thing in the morning after waking up tends to slow your food intake throughout the day and wakes you up (or at least gets you out of bed to piss).

don’t really mess with smoothies. lots of effort and a huge sugar dump. i might have a small glass of pressed juice with breakfast or in the morning. i mean like 2-3 gulps small.

lunch i normally grill a bunch of chicken breasts at the start of the week, seasoned with a cajun or moroccan spice mix or something, and eat them with bowls of brown rice and green beans. sometimes i’ll make a big amount of brown rice at once, fry up some garlic and onion, and add a few dollops of a carolina bbq sauce or something, to keep it moist and interesting for a few days. that or i’ll make up a big batch of pasta sauce with a soffrito base (finely chopped onion, garlic, celery, carrot, etc.) do that once a week and you’ve only got to wait the 8 minutes for your pasta. on workdays, especially with my working from home patterns, it’s nice to have a low-effort but tasty lunch to look forward to. even during office days, i’ve never been the sort to go out and get a sandwich or office lunch. the costs spiral and i actually don’t like it that much. omelettes are another good option. i normally make them if i've got lots of vegetables or ingredients left over that need to be used up. spanish omelettes with sliced potatos, too. i'm not purist about it.

every meal i eat i normally have a bowl of spinach on the side or mixed leaf greens. i graze. chomping on those and drinking water normally helps bring down the portions of the main ingredients. more meals out of your food prep! you can do a lot with spinach or kale to keep it interesting. i like wilting a big bag of spinach in a big pan with good olive oil, sea salt, crushed pepper, slices of fried garlic, and a touch of lemon juice.

dinner is a whole other thing. i eat the whole range. sometimes i’ll spend 2-3 hours cooking a meal; other days 15 minutes. i decide each week if there’s any special thing i want to make. i cook as much as possible from scratch. that includes jarred sauces — avoid. with a big ole pack of good tinned tomatos in your cupboard, you really rarely need to buy some disgusting and expensive jarred sauce. like 5-10 basic recipes are only some herbs and spices and aromatics combined with good tomatoes. i mentioned sofrito above, but finely chopped as mirepoix and it’s the same. cook it low and slow. everything becomes flavourful. never be bored with home cooking again!

get a big herb and spice rack. that and/or some small fresh herbs at home, e.g. in a window tray. basil, coriander, thyme, rosemary, etc. you’ll honestly stop looking at pre-packaged foods in the same way.

i eat out maybe once a week. seldom ‘take-out’. it leaves me feeling disgusting for days and normally precipitates other bad eating. it’s like falling off a wagon or something and for days afterwards i’ll go around snacking on crisps, drinking soft drinks, etc. that instant gratification dopamine junk. it’s hard to claw yourself out of the energy dips and sinks associated with that stuff.

because i do generally eat well and exercise often, if i’m ever out and about in the city and it’s a nice day or whatever, i will allow myself whatever i want. gelato bar within sight on a hot day? fancy hot chocolate on a cold winter morning? giant sticky crepe from a stand covered in nutella and strawberries? 4 pints of cider whilst i slowly tan red as a beet? i throw that shit right in.

2-3 caffeine drinks throughout that day. mostly 2. seldom after 2-3pm. maybe a herbal tea at night when i’m reading.

think that’s about it. i’ve probably made a near-identical post here a few years ago. the basics haven’t changed since i bothered to think through a good, efficient, cheap, etc. weekly grocery list. i might try and learn a new recipe or two each month.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-23 01:37:34)

did you just write a 1000 words on your daily food intake, and you complain about bloggers the fuck

i type at 175-180WPM. can you run the math?

where did i complain about bloggers? i said you were the sort of faggot who thinks getting latte art makes you socially interesting. how many words did you expend last night trying to convince yourself and everyone around you that paying money and sitting in a restaurant is some sort of refined 'cultural' activity that 'enlarges' your person? lmao.

considering macbeth has the diet of a child being weaned off babyfood, i thought he could use some homely advice.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-23 03:23:05)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
advice not taken. no one read any of that shit.
enjoy your ass cancer.
Must be a sad life if you're always preoccupied with if other people perceive you as interesting. I'm not into 'latte art' but what if I was. You seem mad people can find enjoyment and worthwhile experience in food.
for the thirteenth time, i enjoy food. just eating nice food is not a salient personality trait. it does not make you interesting. going to restaurants is not 'culturally enriching'. being fed is not a hobby. you really need to find some more elevating and nourishing things to do if you think eating out is some end-in-itself. eating out is what you do in the downtime in between actually self-improving activities.

do you have any idea how homoerotic it seems that you try to put me on blast for every post now? do you want my instagram?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
People shouldn't enjoy food. Eating is an obligation meant to nourish your soul cage. It is not entertainment. Being a foodie is a sin.
macbeth, you are 30 years old. you live at home. you spend a lot of your time taking an excessive interest in gays, transvestites and catholic memes. i know you're trolling half the time but the biggest trolling is the one you're doing to yourself. you eat like a man-child.

you should really learn how to cook for yourself. it is a basic life skill. i mean that in earnest. this forum is fun and games and all but it sounds like you are living like a maladapt out of noodle boxes.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I seriously just don't care about food quality. It's not something I value or take an interest in. And it is gluttonous and sinful to be a foodie. God gifted you with reason and intelligence and you waste it worrying about the particular taste of food.
you're a weirdly hypocritical individual uziq. I wasn't the one who came barging into this thread to proclaim that food cannot be art.

At the end of the day that's just like, your opinion, man. It's literally called the culinary arts. You instantly gravitate away from everything that is even vaguely popular because you're obsessed with being perceived as 'unique' and 'cultured', while all you do really is sit there wearing your 350 pound shoes while you ruminate on spinache, memorising whatever your favourite critic had to say about x y or z.

your choice lad, be free. stop being so angry over whatever enters the mainstream for a while.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Uzique, you are very unhappy. You spent 12 years here being rude and condescending to strangers and you have nothing to show for it. The majority of the last group of users here don't even like you. All I have tried to do is spread happiness and fun here. And people recognize my contribution. What has your contribution been?
food isn’t an art. let’s get over it. enjoy your food for what it is without trying to ennoble your basic sensuous pleasures with some elevated activity. we all go to restaurants larssen. very well done you interesting individual.

you seem really rather caught up on an average pair of shoes. that really made an impression on you, didn’t it?

you really are just a normie. it’s not my problem.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-23 04:22:00)


SuperJail Warden wrote:

Uzique, you are very unhappy. You spent 12 years here being rude and condescending to strangers and you have nothing to show for it. The majority of the last group of users here don't even like you. All I have tried to do is spread happiness and fun here. And people recognize my contribution. What has your contribution been?
i post here to amuse myself. evidently it does the job. why do you think i want to be liked? are you running for class president or something?

you’ve reached middle age without being even basically capable of looking after yourself. your poor wheezing mother probably does your laundry. it’s really not my problem. the good news is that you can start changing it today. it’s really not so hard. much like living a good christian life, in fact. salvation is there for those who seek it.
culinary arts
I like nice shoes but I'm not about to spend 400 euros on a pair lol. That's about the price of a mid range suit.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Your amusement makes other people miserable. You are the real sociopath. Not me. Maybe you need a hobby instead of upsetting people for fun?

I take care of myself well and have a tidy place. You mistake my fun post for disorder but that is just you projecting your own misery.

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