Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York
http://www.joystiq.com/2008/09/08/rumor … h-sept-25/

VGChartz is running a megaton rumor about the launch of the new Xbox 360 dashboard. It has our curiosity piqued because of its creativity and sheer audacity. The story goes that Microsoft will have a five-hour televised countdown beginning September 25 at 7PM Eastern leading to the New Xbox Experience and the software-based relaunch of the console at midnight.

Allegedly, G4 will cover the event exclusively and Live members will be able to stream it. The rumor gets even bigger by saying that three new components of the NXE will be unveiled when the update happens at midnight. First is a partnership with Sirius Radio, allowing users to access the satellite radio station for a "modest monthly fee." Then there's the music store page -- think iTunes, except on your Xbox. Finally, there's the "mad lib" page, though nobody seems to know what the _______ it is.

Sending this whole thing into overdrive, the source claims Microsoft will announce 12 new titles "exclusive or first" on the 360, including Assassin's Creed 2, Mass Effect 2, a new Conker game and two new Halo titles. Also, six free original Xbox games will be available to download, with Halo being one of them.

The whole thing sounds like madness (and fanboy conjecture), but given the Xbox 360's slipping sales, a mega-event relaunch might just be the reset button the company needs for the console best-known to general consumers for the RRoD. The whole rumor isn't even that insane when we recall how Microsoft went all-out for the first Xbox 360 launch and, if Microsoft execs are to be believed, this is "an entirely new Xbox" made possible by "the magic of software."
Fucking . Love the new partnership with Sirius especially. The 360's truly becoming a media center, especially with the partnership with Netflix.

Never played ME or AC, I'll have to pick them up used. Looked good, especially ME. 12 new titles though, including 2 new Halo titles? Sounds fucking good to me. It'll be nice to replay Halo for free as well, as well as some other Xbox games like Fable (probably).

And please, can we for ONCE go an entire thread without semantic arguing? Thanks.

Just remember: This is a rumor. But it's a very, VERY strong rumor with many people saying it's going to happen.

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-09-08 15:19:49)

Oh wow. Day before my birthday. How special would that be?
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

kptk92 wrote:

Oh wow. Day before my birthday. How special would that be?
And on the weekend of a holiday in the US. 3 day weekend to check it all out. I can't wait.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

kptk92 wrote:

Oh wow. Day before my birthday. How special would that be?
yeah, and they won't be ready for public consumption until 6-18 months after the day before your birthday
+3,936|6813|so randum
oh my jesus.

xbox is already a pretty good media centre - spesh when linked to PC, but this would be fucking unreal.

2 new halo titles?

halo wars + what else?

Last edited by FatherTed (2008-09-08 15:45:36)

Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

FatherTed wrote:

oh my jesus.

xbox is already a pretty good media centre - spesh when linked to PC, but this would be fucking unreal.

2 new halo titles?

halo wars + what else?
Yes, it would. I'm pumped.

And I think it's two new UNANNOUNCED Halo titles.

I'm thinking Halo: Chronicles (or whatever it's called) and Bungie's new title, if it's Halo related. If not that, something totally unexpected.
+3,936|6813|so randum

Poseidon wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

oh my jesus.

xbox is already a pretty good media centre - spesh when linked to PC, but this would be fucking unreal.

2 new halo titles?

halo wars + what else?
Yes, it would. I'm pumped.

And I think it's two new UNANNOUNCED Halo titles.

I'm thinking Halo: Chronicles (or whatever it's called) and Bungie's new title, if it's Halo related. If not that, something totally unexpected.
if they remade halo1 in the style of halo2-3, i would literally die of happiness.

halo 1 had the best story, but everything was done better in halo2-3
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
We can be those mistakes!
+98|6640|USA Biznatch!

Poseidon wrote:

Then there's the music store page -- think iTunes, except on your Xbox.
lol, apple and microsoft XD. But, I don't think I would get netflix or sirius. Too many fees and stuff is free nowadays. But the new titles sound great except the halo stuff, just kill all Halo, H3 was a disaster.
+447|7161|Seattle, Washington, USA

Wow. That's quite the rumor. If they did deliver though, it would be a great move. They would be the subject for gamers for a while. And that does make sense with Bungie's last countdown being cancelled and everything. Their next title alone could generate a lot of buzz, combined with this they would be dominating gaming headlines.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

sportsman11-2cool4u wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Then there's the music store page -- think iTunes, except on your Xbox.
lol, apple and microsoft XD. But, I don't think I would get netflix or sirius. Too many fees and stuff is free nowadays. But the new titles sound great except the halo stuff, just kill all Halo, H3 was a disaster.
Of the two, I'd get Sirius. Because if I'm reading correctly, you'd be signed up for Sirius in general. Which means you could buy a radio in Best Buy or something and then you'd have Sirius in your car as well, and you'd only be paying one fee.

I THINK that's how XM did it. I know for a fact that you could get internet radio for free if you had a subscription, but I'm not sure if it was the same thing. I'll have to ask him. That'd be sick though. XM and Sirius are now working together, so I'm sure most, if not all of the policies are the same.

Sirius is great though. They have a Grateful Dead channel.

Home wrote:

Wow. That's quite the rumor. If they did deliver though, it would be a great move. They would be the subject for gamers for a while. And that does make sense with Bungie's last countdown being cancelled and everything. Their next title alone could generate a lot of buzz, combined with this they would be dominating gaming headlines.
Indeed...it's like their own E3. This is GREAT PR for the 360. I'm sure it won't completely rid people's minds of the 360 and the older ones will still get them, but the new ones are supposed to fix them.

It's definitely a good time to be a gamer.

Here's another article on it all:

A poster on the VGChartz forums (yes, I know) has posted alleged details of a rumored Xbox 360 "relaunch," the specifics of which even the author writes are "batshit crazy." However, the supposed Fall marketing push is specific enough to the point where it could be grounded in reality — and makes some amount of sense in light of new price drops, the arrival of the "New Xbox Experience" and impending holiday purchases.

According to the forum posting, on September 25th, Microsoft will take over basic cable channel G4 with a five-hour infomercial, culminating in the launch of the New Xbox Experience at midnight. The arrival of the new look and feel for the Xbox 360's dashboard will also bring with it three totally new services, six free games and twelve new exclusives.

Similar to the launch of Netflix streaming via Xbox Live, also rumored to launch is a collaboration with Sirius Satellite Radio which will allow subscribers to stream stations through their Xbox 360s. This streaming service is also said to be accessible in-game, as a custom soundtrack.

Just as wild is the rumored announcement of a music download service, one that lets you pay with Microsoft Points.

Finally, a service known as "Mad Lib" is said by the poster to arrive alongside the New Xbox Experience. The source speculates "it has something to do with a picture within picture function."

On the games front, the Xbox 360 "relaunch" is said to come with a dozen game announcements, including a new Assassin's Creed title, more Halo games, plus details on expansions for Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto IV and Halo 3. The dirty dozen are said to be codenamed Apricot, Burden, Conker, Dramatis, Error, Fender, Gargoyle, Hiroshima, Ignorance, Jeremiah, Kyoto, and London, if you feel like wildly speculating.

Even better? Six Xbox Originals are rumored to join the line-up — for free.

How plausible does this all sound? It certainly looks like a heaping pile of stinking fanboy fantasy, but we suppose it could happen. It's allegedly planned just prior to the Tokyo Game Show, a move that could help Microsoft's chances and reinvigorate slow console sales. We're contacting Microsoft to see what they have to say about the whole thing, but consider this one a rumor with a capital R for now.
http://kotaku.com/5046921/rumor-xbox-36 … free-games

So, take some guesses: Burden, Conker, Dramatis, Error, Fender, Gargoyle, Hiroshima, Ignorance, Jeremiah, Kyoto, and London

What could they stand for?

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-09-08 19:29:12)

Guess who!
banjo kazzoie
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Sounds interesting thinking about getting a PS3 too.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York
Orrrrrrrrr maybe not:

http://kotaku.com/5047059/g4-says-no-to … unch-rumor

Who knows, Biden also said he wasn't Obama's VP pick.
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6655|Atlanta, Georgia
I wunt ba'a'a'a'ad
Aww man I hope it is true. That would be so awesome.

ME2, free Xbox games. Yes please.
Madness has now come over me
+20|6750|Brisbane, Australia

kptk92 wrote:

Oh wow. Day before my birthday. How special would that be?

Cowboy from Hell
I really don't get all the hype about it.  I mean so far you have AC2 (working title for 2009 TBA) also coming to PS3, Mass Effect 2 (working title for 2009 TBA) also coming to PC, and two mysterious Halo games.  Not a great exclusive line-up tbh.
+3,611|6934|London, England
They should try to avoid turning Halo into what Nintendo have done with Mario, which is essentially milk it for all its worth, and then some. That's my 2 pence on this whole franchise thing.

sergeriver wrote:

I really don't get all the hype about it.  I mean so far you have AC2 (working title for 2009 TBA) also coming to PS3, Mass Effect 2 (working title for 2009 TBA) also coming to PC, and two mysterious Halo games.  Not a great exclusive line-up tbh.
I honestly don't give a damn about exclusives. They're on the 360 and thats good enough for me .

However i'm seriously hoping that Bioware have a much more streamlined and optimised engine this time around. Mass Effect was stuttery, clunky etc etc and I'm hoping the sequel will be much better in that regard.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

sergeriver wrote:

I really don't get all the hype about it.  I mean so far you have AC2 (working title for 2009 TBA) also coming to PS3, Mass Effect 2 (working title for 2009 TBA) also coming to PC, and two mysterious Halo games.  Not a great exclusive line-up tbh.
6 free titles how can you not be excited about that. Wait I hope they are decent ones though not some random bargain bin stuff.
Cowboy from Hell

wah1188 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

I really don't get all the hype about it.  I mean so far you have AC2 (working title for 2009 TBA) also coming to PS3, Mass Effect 2 (working title for 2009 TBA) also coming to PC, and two mysterious Halo games.  Not a great exclusive line-up tbh.
6 free titles how can you not be excited about that. Wait I hope they are decent ones though not some random bargain bin stuff.
Xbox titles.
+1,716|7045|St. Andrews / Oslo

sergeriver wrote:

wah1188 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

I really don't get all the hype about it.  I mean so far you have AC2 (working title for 2009 TBA) also coming to PS3, Mass Effect 2 (working title for 2009 TBA) also coming to PC, and two mysterious Halo games.  Not a great exclusive line-up tbh.
6 free titles how can you not be excited about that. Wait I hope they are decent ones though not some random bargain bin stuff.
Xbox titles.
I bet you'd throw a party on the forums if Sony gave you 6 PS2 games
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
Cowboy from Hell

Jenspm wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

wah1188 wrote:

6 free titles how can you not be excited about that. Wait I hope they are decent ones though not some random bargain bin stuff.
Xbox titles.
I bet you'd throw a party on the forums if Sony gave you 6 PS2 games
Not really.  I have all the PS2 games I want, but you bet I'd like Sony to give free PS3 games, lol.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

Jenspm wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

wah1188 wrote:

6 free titles how can you not be excited about that. Wait I hope they are decent ones though not some random bargain bin stuff.
Xbox titles.
I bet you'd throw a party on the forums if Sony gave you 6 PS2 games
I agree JenSpm, if someone said something like that about the PS3 you'd be down their throat calling it blasphemy.
Cowboy from Hell

wah1188 wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Xbox titles.
I bet you'd throw a party on the forums if Sony gave you 6 PS2 games
I agree JenSpm, if someone said something like that about the PS3 you'd be down their throat calling it blasphemy.
People here called LBP a pedo game, so...

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