I mean do you think It worth to spend my cash on , do you know if there is a lot of active server compare to special force?
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia
There are very few servers to play on, However HBD always has some pretty packed ones.
Hates most server admins.
depends on the price you pay for it. you can get it for 4 euro each on ebay.
there are usually just 1-3 servers with people, it is less popular than SF.

currently there are 3 servers playing AF: 16, 22 and 23 people. 0 for EF.
+429|6754|Chicago, IL
no, nobody plays

find a mod with similar vehicles
It'll just be our little secret
i play...

i say do it,the maps are
Herman is a warmaphrodite
+1,027|6746|King Of The Islands

Do it, you're helping EA support BF2...

My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
just try the mods

point of existence 2
allied intent xtended
forgotten hope 2
project reality
wookie sniper
operation peacekeeper
+21|6891|NC, USA, Earth, Milky Way
Just be prepared for some of the worst games possible.

My ten observations:

1: You and 3 privates vs 10 Generals and no autobalance on most maps.
2: Operation Harvest is home to fierce chopper whoring and base raping; at least they have the little birds.
3: Don't plan on winning a single game of Smoke Screen...after 29 games of it I have only won 6 of them.  Oh and beware, the Tigers flip on takeoff.
4: Everyone wants to play EU's side to get the service medal...so good luck trying to be on that team.
5: Road rage is road rage...avoid taking the overpass unless you have a fast getaway.
6: Great wall is the most balanced though it feels a lot like a walled songhua stalemate at times.
7: Midnight sun is decent until they start baseraping which always happens right around the last quarter of the game.
8: Very few servers play them and the admins are real jerks at times.
9: Why the A-10/Frogfoot do not have sidewinders is beyond me.
10: Taraba is home terrority of all jet whores and I'm the poor shmuck trying to cap a flag out of all 60 players in the game.

My opinion is this:  If you really reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly want to get the EU medal and perhaps the NASR as well go for it.  Otherwise, stick with Special Forces and Vanilla.   Heck, go play 2142.  It will save you a million headaches.

Personally I really enjoy Armored Fury, I love the maps and the little bird rocks! I've always played some great games on L@W (Legion At War). I bought Euro Force since I had a couple bucks sitting in my PayPal account, but I haven't yet played on a server running it though
Aspiring Objectivist
They were fun when they first came out, but now it's a hassle even to find a server. SF is my main game. On the other side they are almost free, so why not, other than the fact that you might have to re-install everything again.
Voices are calling...
+136|6239|Somewhere out in Space

Daggoth-UR-XXX wrote:

Just be prepared for some of the worst games possible.

My ten observations:

1: You and 3 privates vs 10 Generals and no autobalance on most maps.
2: Operation Harvest is home to fierce chopper whoring and base raping; at least they have the little birds.
3: Don't plan on winning a single game of Smoke Screen...after 29 games of it I have only won 6 of them.  Oh and beware, the Tigers flip on takeoff.
4: Everyone wants to play EU's side to get the service medal...so good luck trying to be on that team.
5: Road rage is road rage...avoid taking the overpass unless you have a fast getaway.
6: Great wall is the most balanced though it feels a lot like a walled songhua stalemate at times.
7: Midnight sun is decent until they start baseraping which always happens right around the last quarter of the game.
8: Very few servers play them and the admins are real jerks at times.
9: Why the A-10/Frogfoot do not have sidewinders is beyond me.
10: Taraba is home terrority of all jet whores and I'm the poor shmuck trying to cap a flag out of all 60 players in the game.

My opinion is this:  If you really reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly want to get the EU medal and perhaps the NASR as well go for it.  Otherwise, stick with Special Forces and Vanilla.   Heck, go play 2142.  It will save you a million headaches.
1. Shit luck.
2. If your team sucks, i have never heard or seen a full server controlled entirely by choppers.  Again, sux2bu for having shit luck.
3. Shit luck.
4. Your point?  I thought it was the skill of a team and not which one it was.  If you cant change before its too late, sux2bu.
5. Shit luck.
6. Why do people still bitch for a chinese city map?
7. Your shitty team is at fault (including you), shit luck again.
8. Bitch moar or ignore them.  They only cry when you baserape anyways.
9. What, its a ground attack aircraft, sheesh.
10. L2 fly.
The Power of Two
+188|6802|Sydney, Australia
No, not enough servers, the remaining servers contain hardcore fanatics, and it's no fun playing with those people. Time to invest in another game buddy.
Voices are calling...
+136|6239|Somewhere out in Space

Vub wrote:

No, not enough servers, the remaining servers contain hardcore fanatics, and it's no fun playing with those people.
What is it doctor?

Oh nothing serious, it's just a case of learn to play.  I prescribe some skill building sessions and dedication, it shouldnt take long for the symptoms to pass, and soon he will be up and pwning n00bs in no time.
The Power of Two
+188|6802|Sydney, Australia

N00bkilla55404 wrote:

Vub wrote:

No, not enough servers, the remaining servers contain hardcore fanatics, and it's no fun playing with those people.
What is it doctor?

Oh nothing serious, it's just a case of learn to play.  I prescribe some skill building sessions and dedication, it shouldnt take long for the symptoms to pass, and soon he will be up and pwning n00bs in no time.
Haha, I didn't mean hardcore fanatics are hard players, they're the people who think BF2 is more than a game.

Hence, your diagnosis is incorrect, and you've prescribed an ineffective treatment. Wait, I don't remember signing any waiver...excellent, malpractice suit

Last edited by Vub (2008-06-18 02:37:08)

TITS or gtfo.
+97|6829|Polish state of EU
EF: yes
AF: if you are really bored
Missing, Presumed Dead

Daggoth-UR-XXX wrote:

Just be prepared for some of the worst games possible.
Then learn to play the game properly.

1: You and 3 privates vs 10 Generals and no autobalance on most maps.
Thats bullshit, poor admined servers do that on EF....but its (generally) better now than it used to be.

And theres no difference there from Vanilla or SF with regards to teamstacking...

2: Operation Harvest is home to fierce chopper whoring and base raping; at least they have the little birds.
O rly?

Unless theres a seriously good attack heli team in the air, tanks rule the map: theres about 14 of them.

3: Don't plan on winning a single game of Smoke Screen...after 29 games of it I have only won 6 of them.  Oh and beware, the Tigers flip on takeoff.
I have a 2.5WLR on that map. Nuff said.

4: Everyone wants to play EU's side to get the service medal...so good luck trying to be on that team.
Refer to Question 1.

5: Road rage is road rage...avoid taking the overpass unless you have a fast getaway.
Exactly, its a crunch point. The brave and bold will take that flag under all sorts of enemy fire.

6: Great wall is the most balanced though it feels a lot like a walled songhua stalemate at times.
And whats wrong with Songhua?
You have the Chinese "City map" thats been asked of. Now go play it.

7: Midnight sun is decent until they start baseraping which always happens right around the last quarter of the game.
Baseraping happens on every map. Running out of excuses for why to dislike maps?

8: Very few servers play them and the admins are real jerks at times.
Yes, servers are far and few: which keeps the players who play the boosters in the same servers: i.e. populated.
Admins are jerks in most servers...no difference here.

9: Why the A-10/Frogfoot do not have sidewinders is beyond me.
One word: BALANCE. If 4 dumb-bombs isnt enough as it is. Anyone who can fly the AF jets can easily go 30/0 in them. Sidewinders? Pfft.

10: Taraba is home terrority of all jet whores and I'm the poor shmuck trying to cap a flag out of all 60 players in the game.
Oh, so now a map with bomber jets and sidewinders and you are complaining? Make up your mind.

I play nothing but EF/AF....and I play this game anything between 5-15 hours a week. For all those who say "nobody plays it", try looking on gamemonitor from time-to-time. If I can find servers anytime I want, then you can too. In fact, I play on a single server consistently because its always occupied.

Quite frankly, if you like nothing but a 36E and a pair of paddles, stay away from EF/AF. Vehicle heavy, similar in gamestyle (EF anyway) to proper vanilla maps and AF adds in new aircraft and helis. People who KNOW how to play can dominate in them, yes, but whats the difference between that to a J10 on Wake or a Havok on Sharqi?
Since day One.
I bought it to support EA/DICE as i cant do anything else. I bought it as i love this game and i want to have further additions and fixes.
Thank you EA/DICE that you dont forgot your community who still play BF2
Hockey Nut
+243|6838|Boston, MA
I bought AF when it first came out. I loved it, I just downloaded it again and still enjoy playing it. I actually just bought EF and also love it.

AF Maps:
Operation Harvest - The best AF map imo. There's so many places to go and so many different ways to get there. Tanks rule the map so either hop in a tank or get good at AT.
Midnight Sun - I actuallly like this map but it isn't very popular at all. It is kind of a small map but there are a lot of different routes you can take. The only thing I don't like about it is the Jets.
Operation Road Rage - I don't like this map too much. It's simply too linear and there aren't many different routes to each point which can make the game very frustrating when the other side has the majority of the points. On the contrary, it's fun when you're team is winning because there isn't many paths the other team can take to capture points so you can rack kills up.

EF Maps:
Great Wall - I love this map. The ground is great for armor and ATs while you can fight on the wall which is great for infantry. The only downside here is the capture points are kind of linear, you can reach any point from any other but the capture points outside of the wall requires you to climb the wall and run for a while to jump off if you can't get inside.
Operation Smoke Screen - I only did commander on this map the one time I played it but it seems pretty fun. It has a ton of vehicles if you like them.
Taraba - I only played this for a few seconds, seems like a mini-FuShe Pass from the 30 or so seconds I saw of it.

The main reason I love EF is the auto shotgun the Euro guys have, that thing is so rigged.

If you truly enjoy BF2 and you know you will be playing for a while, I suggest buying them. Not many servers run the maps that often any more but there are still a few to keep you occupied. I don't see why more people don't play these map packs, I know lots of people have them since they have the medals/ribbons from them but for some reason not nearly as many people are playing them anymore.
As much as I love the expansions, I'd say they're not worth it. Not enough servers and players. I would give the good mods a try before buying the expansions as they would probably be more fun right now.

Last edited by csmag (2008-06-18 15:16:20)

+21|6891|NC, USA, Earth, Milky Way
Now that both moderators and players are against me on this topic, I know I have exactly 0.0002 % chance of reasoning with anyone in here.  Yet, I feel inclined...no....obligated still to defend myself from your flames.

To the point. I reguarly join those few servers that play EU/AF, and all is just great until I start noticing that people will team switch deliberately because no serious minded general/colonel would want to actually fight against his own skill level.  5 high ranks vs another 5 high ranks and in the process of finishing the game they start switching one by one to either team.  Sure, there are many that stay on one side like me regardless of who wins the battle, but a good majority are switching.

Songhua is a terrible map and you know it.  How many servers have it in rotation and if they do how many people stay in it.  Answer:  not many.  Sure, in the good old days of full choppers capping flags in 2 seconds, it was a blast.  I see this with Zatar too for some reason.   Though I love Zatar.

However, Great Wall isn't some BF: vietnam Ho chi minh trail bullshit.  Now that map was awful unless you planned on sniping on a hill rather than take flags.  I play the game to take flags not to sit in one vehicle the whole damn game.  Great Wall is balanced in this respect, you can mine and claymore all the entrances.  Plus, running around on the wall is just pure intense fun.  It's similar to getting on the far back building in Karkand.

Operation Smoke Screen has some serious intense battles.  I have come so close to winning the maps and then noticing that the teamwork has died for some reason either to teamswitching or people just not playing like they have.  I've tried switching teams after the round ends and, maybe I have shit for luck, but it usually ends in a 0-20 loss almost always.

Taraba is no different.  Only, in this map, I have a better chance at winning provided I get the awesome air support.  I can rack up AAA points in this game, but to take the flags is a hopeless war of attrition.  The little bit of ground support I get goes in 50 directions.  Usually, I just go commander and give people some kind of direction as to the best flag to take not just the closest one to the enemy base.

As for Armored Fury, the name implies that anyone and everyone who loves tanks, apcs and helicopters will join the game.  I can't complain since this expansion expressly states what kind of tactics these people use. 

The battles are very intense on Midnight Sun.  The little bird in the right hands is more deadly than the cobra.  Same for Harvest.  Again, I am the flag capping person, and I get angry seeing how I can take 3 flags and lose them all after 5 seconds when the other team made up of admins who are high rankers on Vent or Teamspeak coordinate this "push" as I like to call it.  They push us all the way back to the airfield and then baserape until the game ends.  Of course, being like the captain of a ship, I go down with the ship and it is myself vs all of them.  Apparently, those of you who flame me are part of that glorious group and have been very lucky or just lucky enough to switch to the winning team. 

I don't know if you realize this, but you can look at the numbers in game-monitor or the BF2 server menu and see that the games are always short 5 - 10 people on one side.  That means if I join, you can be guaranteed to be put on the "you are dead 50 times over" team everytime.  Since autobalance is turned off, it is allowed to stack and stack until I've seen it where it was 5 on 30.  Some servers even have these dummy bots that just idle in the opposing team or are AFK.  Oh, that's not the worst.  I don't know if it is apathy or people waiting to join the winning team, but often I get a team that is not even spawning despite that it is 20 vs 20.  Only ten of us are really playing and the others are waiting for that unbalanced spot to show up and switch.

Operation Harvest is chopper whore heaven.  Just look at all the dozens of Youtube videos on it.  Sure, tanks can push through them.  I've seen it done and winning that map is 50/50.  And some reason, team stacking is not so bad on this map.  Still, you get a good gunner with expert TOW use, and all the tanks in the world are dead in the water.  Caping the flags there isn't so bad, you have silos and buildings to block most of your escape unlike in Smoke Screen that usually has nothing but, yes you guessed it right, smoke to defend you.

Operation Road Rage is nice.  Except when it is one of those 24/7 road rage servers.  At that point, people have had time to stack high ranks vs low ranks.  If this game were more like Warcraft 3 and when you joined the server  your K/D ratio and W/L ratio were considered in regards to what side you were on; I'd imagine that things would balance out rather first come first serve

Maybe then it wouldn't feel like WWII Germany supertroopers versus the vast wheelchair invalid army of Moldavia. 

I must admit Road Rage has some great AAA battles, but frequently I find myself having to come save my teammates from the enemy tanks that camp the airfield.

If you flew the A-10 and Su-35 in any flight simulator you'd know that they keep sidewinders just as a precaution, a last minute defense against an air to air threat.  Of course, since it is not the AIM-120, EA decided that anything beyond fire and forget is too much for people to learn how to use.  Yet, the way the game is designed and ridciously close proximity to ground targets and lack of real airspace, we have been using SRMs.  Of course, distance is this game is shit since I looked up Dalian on a chinese map and saw how the airfield is at least 30 miles from the docks; I realize now that maybe when I see tank 30 feet under me and drop these high explosive bombs that really it is not 30 feet but 300 feet.  Getting off my digression, I still think that not giving the A-10 a sidewinder is just stupid.

Hell, Desert Combat at least gave the frogfoot rockets.  Actually all the jets had in DC were rockets and not missles.  It worked really well instead of having these missles that apparently can be avoided by someone inverting a jet which then proceed to find the nearest friendly air unit or these fireworks display of flares that work 100% of the time.  Of course, let's not even touch on the subject of BVR.

To the original poster, you will like this game if you are

A: lucky 
B: tank/jet experienced: 100 - 200 hours 
C: Not a person who worries about flags
D: has no qualms about switching teams when the going gets tough.
E: Has a great group of friends on teamspeak to fight as a team.
F: Does not play on 24/7 servers unless "D"
G: You can fly choppers blind folded and seat switch to hit a tank while barrel rolling to avoid a tunguska.
H: Are great friends with the admins of these few servers.
I: Are one of those StatsRLife types.
J: Has infinite patience to wait for the jet to respawn and take before they do.
K: Has awesome internet connection
L: A processor than can compute Petaflops and get past the load time to be the first to the jet.
M: You are taking either or all: amphetamines, cocaine and red bull.
N: You never sleep, and you are Fatal1ty's god.
O: BF2 was the first FPS you played and have that first love mentality about it.

Well, I must end here...I await the flames.  I'll bring my fire extinguisher just in case.


Last edited by Daggoth-UR-XXX (2008-06-18 17:03:53)

Voices are calling...
+136|6239|Somewhere out in Space
You paste a wall of text but all i see is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW.

Lets just call you a skillless idiot and call it a day.

Last edited by N00bkilla55404 (2008-06-18 17:33:37)

Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6456|San Antonio, Texas
Snake did some of the best nut shelling, almost makes me want to play AF/EF again! Is he an undercover sales rep?

You'll find a lot of crap in any game. You can find some good points too. Nothing is without its faults, so if you're going to let some negatives turn you off something, so be it. Personally, I'd stick to it, I paid for it. Again, your decision.

They're rather cheap now. In the States, you can find them for $10. I thought it was a good buy.
It'll just be our little secret
play with a few friends and you can easily turn any game around.if you try to do it yourself then yes,you will get raped.
+140|6794|Armidale, NSW, Australia

Daggoth-UR-XXX wrote:

O: BF2 was the first FPS you played and have that first love mentality about it.
I'm getting it! <3 <3 <3

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