About Us

Our objective is to give players on our servers the most satisfying and rewarding online gaming experience possible with the minimum set of rules and admin intervention, which is why we operate the principle of "anything goes"....within reason.

At Max Carnage we believe in a cheat-free society and are very firm in our stance towards those who wish to ruin the game of others on our servers. We operate a ZERO TOLERANCE towards the following: hacking, cheating, glitching, padding and racism. We don't care if you've just joined to get the server going and there's less than the required number of players for a war - if we find out you're hacking or cheating the game or other players in any way, shape or form, then you're gone. We operate a 3 strikes and you're out policy towards teamkilling for vehicles and excessive abuse. Any transgressors are publicly named and shamed with any and all details that we have or can find on you displayed. There are already in excess of 250 banned players in our Hall of Shame. BE WARNED!!  Along with the local banlist we also stream to Punksbusted and check our PB screenshots on a daily basis. Anything found is immediately submitted for global banning

Being a multimedia society, we're reflecting this with the Blue Oyster Bar, where we run a series of videos from popular genres and you get to vote on your favourite one.


The core of us started out playing CS many years ago, before Steam, in the heydays of 1.3 and 1.5 when it was still a semi-skilled game. We've gone through many changes since then, with MinXy running the first ever public Counterstrike: Condition Zero Warcraft 3 server which proved so popular with players even the admins couldn't get on it!! Then with the advent of Source our old CS clan reformed (DTD - Doomed To Die) - again the server, although it only ever ran Dust 2 proved so popular the admins struggled to get on it!! Then BF2 came out and we applied the same formula to the gameplay and admin style that we applied to CS...and it worked! MaX Carnage are consistently in the top 10 UK servers, and have pwned the number 1 Special Forces UK slot for months now.

We started by playing Special Forces, mainly because it's so much better than Vanilla and, in our opinion vastly underplayed. Our server runs Ghost Town 24 / 7, this being the most popular SF map. We run the server the way the maps were designed to be played, ie NOT infantry only, like the majority of servers seem to enjoy. On top of that we operate on the principle of "anything goes". This means that C4 ramming, fighting commanders, mining enemy spawn points, base rape, claymoring flags, spawn camping and stealing enemy vehicles are all permitted.

We don't like players coming on and whining that Sgt Joe Jack Noob just claymored Upper South. If you can't deal with the idea of anything goes then tbh you have no right being on the server.

End of the day this is WAR, deal with it!!!
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6611|The | Netherlands
I enjoy your server but your admins should focus on adminning from time to time instead of playing for their own fun imo.
Great Server - most of my SF badges/medals came courtesy of Max Carnage....

Max Carnage has been on my favorites list for a loooong time...
Yeah - lots of mayhem. One of the few remaining vehicle SF servers around.

No stupid admins bitching when I command in a boat. No crying and bitching pussies when I steal their tanks...

MaxCarnage - I love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was my favourite server for over 6 months

But in that time never saw an admin on when the server was populated
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

doompenguin wrote:

This was my favourite server for over 6 months

But in that time never saw an admin on when the server was populated
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7054|Mexico City

Mint Sauce wrote:

doompenguin wrote:

This was my favourite server for over 6 months

But in that time never saw an admin on when the server was populated
bennet for bf2s mod '08
ยป You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | | YouTube
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

doompenguin wrote:

This was my favourite server for over 6 months

But in that time never saw an admin on when the server was populated

TehMyke wrote:

bennet for bf2s mod '08

Xfire wrote:

! TehRape: wai
! TehRape: u talking
! TehRape: srsly
! TehRape: to bennet
* MinTy: wat
! TehRape: YOU
! TehRape: IS
! TehRape: TO JASON
* MinTy: WAT
! TehRape: IN
! TehRape: STOPIT

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