Fat_Swinub wrote:
VicktorVauhn wrote:
HL2: Episode 2
Waiting for the one elevator, where you have no ammo and its just guys rushing you in the pitch black for like 5 minutes and you cant even fucking see anything because you flashlight keeps dieing and you cant fucking be left alone for long enough for it to recharge any decent amount, and all you can do is use your gravity gun and the 2 seconds of battery life you have built up to find explosive tanks on the ground to defend yourself.
I pretty much stopped playing that game for a while when I got to that one.
That's episode 1.
Was it? its been a while. Terrible level regardless
Some one Karma'ed me about the SA, Reminding me that it was "Burn and lap"...I think it was burn and turn? that rhymes
They also said "city slicking" was harder... I think the key there was using the first person view for driving. So much easier to keep the damage down when you could see what was ahead (especially over blind crests)...The midway market that was at the bottom of the hill near that club on the ocean side was hard not to spin out on, and the downhill section was hard to keep it under control, but you just had to sacrifice a little time to keep from damaging your car or crashing and coming to a stop. It took a few tries but IMO was easy compared to burn and turn... Gold for handbrake slide for parking between the two cars was hard as hell too, but at least very quick so you could get a lot of trys in in a short period (same thing with the barrel roll)
Hmm a hard one... ah GTA San andreas where you are gonna jump on a jet before it reach the airport, you had to time to jump from the plane and on to a jet, had to stay ahead to so was hard getting in position.
You sure that was SA? I beat SA a few times and I don't remember that at all?
Death from Above on CoD4 was fucking great. It looked so cool, and using the big shells was fun...you could see tiny bodies flying
Especially the part towards the end where there are all those cars....I blew the shit out of those cars.