DoctaStrangelove (on Trackr) wrote:
The original Far Cry was released a little over four years ago by Crytek. Far Cry was one of my personal favorite games of all time. It was one of the least linear games for it's time, with most levels allowing you to tackle obstacles in a variety of ways. Far Cry also had great pacing, as it's combination of sneaking and shooting gave it a sort of "hunter versus hunted" feel, when playing Far Cry, I felt as if I wasn't so much fighting the enemy Mercs, but stalking them, however this could be turned around also as when I was out numbered and low on health it was more as if the mercs were hunting me.
So that leads us into Far Cry 2. FC2 isn't being made by Crytek, but by Ubisoft Montreal. UM apparently not only took a deep look into Far Cry, at what made it such a great game and also what it's shortcomings where (checkpoint only save system and fighting mutants wasn't as fun as mercs and....all I got) but also are going to make Far Cry 2 a truly open world game with almost no linearity in not only it's gameplay, but also it's missions ans story.
Aforementioned story is a huge departure from FC. In FC you play as Jack Carver, and you fight a mad scientist on his evil island, where you need to stop him from taking over the world with his evil mutants. In FC2 you can play a one of nine unique people, each with their own back story, in a war torn central African nation and you gotta find and kill a mysterious arms dealer who is fueling the conflict, which you do by playing the two political factions against each other in the same way Clint Eastwood did in Sergio Leone's Fist Full of Dollars. While beyond that not much of the story has been revealed, and there is a good reason for that, as the story will be different depending on how you play. Unlike in most games, the players actions will have drastic effects on the story as a whole. What missions you do, who you kill, and when you do aforementioned missions and killings will have a great impact on the way the story plays out. A good example of this is with the "buddy" characters. While you can only play as one of nine characters, the other eight will still be in the game as "buddies". The buddies will give you missions and reward you with otherwise unattainable weapons, safe-houses, assistance during certain missions, as well as reveal there back-story to you which seems like a very good thing as I would really like to know what a Haitian drug runner or an Irish militant are doing in Africa. However any or all of the buddies can also be ignored or even killed without preventing the game from being completed. However none of the back story for the character you select as your avatar won't have any back story revealed about him, as said earlier, you're supposed to be a Clint Eastwood type character.
The big focus of gameplay is the open world. And the open world of Far Cry 2 is going not not only be open and large (50 square kilometers) but also realistic and varied. Settings include spawn land, jungles, savannas and deserts. However the large world ought not intimidate, as Far Cry 2 will have many vehicles, including boats, jeeps and the iconic Far Cry hang glider. You'll also have various maps and compasses, as well as a monocular which you can use to tag objects on you maps. Everything in the world is constantly changing and reacting, this includes the AI who populate it. The game has realistic day-night cycles, and playing the game at night will be vastly different than playing in the day as you'd be able to sneak around and kill enemies in their sleep. Also the environment reacts realistically, Fire will consume all flammable objects it touches, and everything will burn differently. Tree branches will fall based on where you shot them, and the many huts will be blown to pieces by rockets and grenades.
Far Cry 2 will also try to focus on making the game as immersive as possible. FC2 will do this by making the player feel as inside of his avatar as possible. And to do this they've made the avatar react realistically to what is happening around the player, have him react to the specific types of damage he can take. Another way is with the healing mechanic, where instead of hiding behind cover and recharging or picking up medical supplies, in Far Cry 2 you need to heal yourself Rambo-style, by stitching up cuts, ripping bullets and shrapnel out of you body, relocating joints and more. Other factors made to add immersion are the weapon and vehicle degradation. With weapons this means that the more you use a weapon, the more it will jam, causing you to lose precious time, and eventually the weapon will explode in your hands if you use it to much. Of course some weapons (such as the AK-47 or G3) won't jam as much as others (like the Uzi or USAS-12). Vehicles will also degrade, causing break downs as well. However with vehicles you can open up the hood and repair them, which was done more so that you wouldn't be stuck in the middle of no-where than it was for immersion purposes.
Far Cry 2 will ship October 21 in North America and October 24 in Europe. The officail website is