
Do you uncap rape?

Yes72%72% - 173
No27%27% - 65
Total: 238
+1,352|6801|N. Ireland
Don't tase me, bro!
Don't rape---I lay down "suppressing fire" though ...
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia

eaglecorps wrote:

I'd just wait till you were asleep. Or would you rather be burned? I could arrange that too takes no accuracy at all then scatter your ashes with a leaf blower so your parents have nothing to bury.
Eaglecorps: Srs Fuckin Bsns

or in other words we have a new jason85 in da house.
I only do that when my team has all the other flags.  Then it's fair game.  Otherwise no.   It's no fun being raped by the other team.  But then if your team is so bad that you get put in that position, then that's too bad.

Wake, Kubra and Karkand are initially set up so that USMC gets raped unless they are smart. 

edited for grammar and additional content.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2008-05-10 08:52:42)

Vagina face
+167|6307|London ㋛

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Ec0li wrote:

Why's it always the same morons that try to try to derail bf2 threads with your "zomg nub pubbers I raep j00"
Or you'll do what?

That's what I thought, sit down.
See sig.
+405|6771|A W S M F O X
Yes, especially if admins arent on.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

UCB rape is fun.
pub hero!
+603|6689|the land of bourbon
rape is always fun but i try to cap all the other flags first
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6226|Minneapolis, MN
Our server allows infantry to attack uncaps at any time, however no vehicles are allowed to attack the uncaps at any time.  It just seems insane to me for people to call this a war game and say "It's war, anything goes".  If war was like this, I think more people would be joining the army.  Vehicle spawns?  That happens in real war?  Getting revived after being killed by a tank shell?  Still running after being shot 5 times?  Wow, if that's war, sign me up for the army!

Last time I checked, this is a game!  Games of all kinds have rules and sportsmanship.  If you want a more real war-like game, then go play Project Reality.  That should be perfect for those of you who call BF2 "war".  BF2 is an arcade war GAME, it's not war, it's not even a war simulator game.  So treat it as such and don't hide your pathetic skill behind excuses like saying "it's war, anything goes." 

Baseraping is just a pathetic way to circle jerk with your friends (or teammates) online.  Giving an opponent a sporting chance to beat you and still beating them is the only true measure of skill.

Last edited by NUNYA! Bluecow003 (2008-05-10 11:20:14)

I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Baseraping is just a pathetic way to circle jerk with your friends (or teammates) online.  Giving an opponent a sporting chance to beat you and still beating them is the only true measure of skill.
And if your opponent decides that instead of taking that sporting chance, and just nades you from their uncaps, you'll happily sit back and let the losing team save their KD's?

I guess I'd rather be the unskilled one who rushes the uncap and rapes the nade spamming faggots who refuse to go out and cap a flag for their team.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
I spawnkill or baserape wherever and whenever possible.

Serves them right for not being able to get out of their base.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

PrivateVendetta wrote:

GravyDan wrote:

I see an enemy combatant, I shoot them.  It's that simple.  I even baserape in these bitch-ass servers that prohibit it.  War is war...not war is war, except if I'm in my imaginary protective zone.
Correct war IS war, but BF2 is also BF2.

TBH, even war has rules, ever heard of 'War crimes'?

Baserape if the team deserves it, not if it goes down to spawnrape.
Those fucking bastard Vietcong baseraping and spawnkilling the US Army. Damnit!
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6226|Minneapolis, MN

I'm Jamesey wrote:

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Baseraping is just a pathetic way to circle jerk with your friends (or teammates) online.  Giving an opponent a sporting chance to beat you and still beating them is the only true measure of skill.
And if your opponent decides that instead of taking that sporting chance, and just nades you from their uncaps, you'll happily sit back and let the losing team save their KD's?

I guess I'd rather be the unskilled one who rushes the uncap and rapes the nade spamming faggots who refuse to go out and cap a flag for their team.
I don't get why they would be staying in their uncaps and why you would be close enough to their uncap to be hit by their grenades.  If they are really stuck in the uncap and your team is just waiting for them to come out and get a flag, then how about this idea:  Join their team and help them.  Gives you more of a challenge to help a struggling team.  It's boring as hell to be on a team that just dominates another team.
Missing, Presumed Dead

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Our server allows infantry to attack uncaps at any time, however no vehicles are allowed to attack the uncaps at any time.  It just seems insane to me for people to call this a war game and say "It's war, anything goes".  If war was like this, I think more people would be joining the army.  Vehicle spawns?  That happens in real war?  Getting revived after being killed by a tank shell?  Still running after being shot 5 times?  Wow, if that's war, sign me up for the army!

Last time I checked, this is a game!  Games of all kinds have rules and sportsmanship.  If you want a more real war-like game, then go play Project Reality.  That should be perfect for those of you who call BF2 "war".  BF2 is an arcade war GAME, it's not war, it's not even a war simulator game.  So treat it as such and don't hide your pathetic skill behind excuses like saying "it's war, anything goes." 

Baseraping is just a pathetic way to circle jerk with your friends (or teammates) online.  Giving an opponent a sporting chance to beat you and still beating them is the only true measure of skill.
I will first state that I stick to a servers rules: if they say no uncap attack, then I wont go near it. If its allowed, then I will after all other flags are taken.

But your first & last line, to me, sums up this whole problem. "Baseraping" can have two different meanings. First of all, you mention uncap attacks. Then you change it to baseraping. Theres a huge difference there for a start.

Take this scenario:
If theres a map with no uncaps (i.e. Songhua, Mashtuur) and one team is left with a single flag, people can rape away because its "not an uncap". Lets say some crap MEC team is left with the Abandoned Village on OCS (2 DPV's, 1 boat & 1 TOW spawn there) whilst jets, helis, armour and infantry can rape the hell out of that flag, because, you gussed it, it is not an uncap.
Am I right? Because you disallow attacks on uncaps with vehicles...but nothings mentioned about a single flag, because it is not an uncap. Which means that, just because of a "red cross"...you cannot touch it.
Explain why there should be a difference between the two. Please. Im dying to hear this.

Scenario No.2:
If you are capturing a flag and an enemy spawns in front of you, are you seriously going to give him a chance to fire back by holding fire for a second or two so they can start firing back or take that APC they are stood next to? I very seriously doubt it.

So explain to me why an uncap is different: if anything, they (usually) have more ground and air based defensive measures along with fences for protective measures and a shit load of vehicles.
Exceptions to that, are FuShe (no armour in uncaps), Oman + Wake + Dalian (not enough AA measures, or mobile AA), etc. Im sure you know the maps enough for me not to carry on.
If you can successfully rape an uncap on Highway Tampa then fucking kudos because doing that against 4 tanks, a jet, transport helis (lol...), jeeps and a shit load of AT soldiers is not exactly easy. Ditto with Smoke Screen, except add on another jet and 2 attack helis.

Or perhaps I should talk in most peoples terms: spawn on the left-side spawn area, away from the fecking alley.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

I'm Jamesey wrote:

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Baseraping is just a pathetic way to circle jerk with your friends (or teammates) online.  Giving an opponent a sporting chance to beat you and still beating them is the only true measure of skill.
And if your opponent decides that instead of taking that sporting chance, and just nades you from their uncaps, you'll happily sit back and let the losing team save their KD's?

I guess I'd rather be the unskilled one who rushes the uncap and rapes the nade spamming faggots who refuse to go out and cap a flag for their team.
I don't get why they would be staying in their uncaps and why you would be close enough to their uncap to be hit by their grenades.  If they are really stuck in the uncap and your team is just waiting for them to come out and get a flag, then how about this idea:  Join their team and help them.  Gives you more of a challenge to help a struggling team.  It's boring as hell to be on a team that just dominates another team.
I play karkand infantry only, if I joined USMC side and ran out and capped a flag for them, I'd be doing it alone, because they'd still want to sit in their uncaps spamming grenades, because the average karkand inf pub player is useless and stupid, and they deserve to be raped
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6226|Minneapolis, MN

I'm Jamesey wrote:

I play karkand infantry only, if I joined USMC side and ran out and capped a flag for them, I'd be doing it alone, because they'd still want to sit in their uncaps spamming grenades, because the average karkand inf pub player is useless and stupid, and they deserve to be raped
Well there's your problem.  If you play IO Karkand, you should expect stupid people.  I would suggest playing other servers if that's the case because it sounds really boring to have teams that just like to grenade spam and not capture flags.  There are plenty of servers where people actually try to win the round.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6307|Aberdeen, Scotland

BlackKoala wrote:

you misunderstand.

i dont switch to the better team to baserape, I switch to the losing one and still rape the living fuck out of the other team...
I didn't mean you, I meant TehMyke and Straz. Damn kiddie trolls

That nade-pit in Kark is ridiculous. When i actually go on Kark, I like to go on a specops mission, but head straight for the TOW at the US arty and nail their tanks in the arse, they never expect it
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6226|Minneapolis, MN

Snake wrote:

I will first state that I stick to a servers rules: if they say no uncap attack, then I wont go near it. If its allowed, then I will after all other flags are taken.
Good, that's fine.  I just think baseraping is completely unnecessary (I'll get to the meaning of it soon, hold on).

Snake wrote:

But your first & last line, to me, sums up this whole problem. "Baseraping" can have two different meanings. First of all, you mention uncap attacks. Then you change it to baseraping. Theres a huge difference there for a start.
Attacking uncaps to me is pointless because you can't capture the flag, so what's the point of attacking it?  Baseraping can be done to any flag, uncap or not.  Baseraping to me is just sitting outside the flag capture zone (or simpy camping spawn points in an uncap) and killing any red guy that moves without bothering to try and capture the flag.  Baseraping of any kind (uncap or not) is just stupid to me.

Snake wrote:

Take this scenario:
If theres a map with no uncaps (i.e. Songhua, Mashtuur) and one team is left with a single flag, people can rape away because its "not an uncap". Lets say some crap MEC team is left with the Abandoned Village on OCS (2 DPV's, 1 boat & 1 TOW spawn there) whilst jets, helis, armour and infantry can rape the hell out of that flag, because, you gussed it, it is not an uncap.
Am I right? Because you disallow attacks on uncaps with vehicles...but nothings mentioned about a single flag, because it is not an uncap. Which means that, just because of a "red cross"...you cannot touch it.
Explain why there should be a difference between the two. Please. Im dying to hear this.
This thread was not about other flags, it's about uncaps.  But since I guess I mentioned baserape in my original post, I'll indulge you.  Like I said before, I don't condone any baseraping of any flags.  If there is 1 cappable flag left, I'll go all out on it to try and cap it or if I'm in a vehicle, I'll try to support my guys on the ground who are trying to cap it.  Trying to cap the last flag by killing your way through it and raping the flag are completely two different things.  On our server, we won't baserape them, we'll do our best to cap the flag.

Snake wrote:

Scenario No.2:
If you are capturing a flag and an enemy spawns in front of you, are you seriously going to give him a chance to fire back by holding fire for a second or two so they can start firing back or take that APC they are stood next to? I very seriously doubt it.
It's a cappable flag, so in my process of trying to cap the flag, of course I'll kill the guy.  But again, the thread is about uncaps.  My point is what's the point of attacking the uncap since you can't capture the flag, which after all, is the whole point of the game (to capture flags).

Snake wrote:

So explain to me why an uncap is different: if anything, they (usually) have more ground and air based defensive measures along with fences for protective measures and a shit load of vehicles.
Exceptions to that, are FuShe (no armour in uncaps), Oman + Wake + Dalian (not enough AA measures, or mobile AA), etc. Im sure you know the maps enough for me not to carry on.
If you can successfully rape an uncap on Highway Tampa then fucking kudos because doing that against 4 tanks, a jet, transport helis (lol...), jeeps and a shit load of AT soldiers is not exactly easy. Ditto with Smoke Screen, except add on another jet and 2 attack helis.

Or perhaps I should talk in most peoples terms: spawn on the left-side spawn area, away from the fecking alley.
I'll explain to you why it's different.  If your team is raping the uncap, it pretty much means that all the other flags are captured.  That means that your team has the assets of all the other flags available to them.  That usually includes a number of armored vehicles and possibly aircraft.  Also, for most uncaps, there are only a limited number of exit points meaning that the other team can just block them up giving little to no chance of getting out.  If you allow uncap raping, it means the other team can just sit at the uncap spawn points and kill the red guys without any chance for them to move and defend themselves.  Explain to me how that is fair and fun even?  To me, it's boring as hell.  When I say raping, I mean to kill the other team very shortly after they spawn while making no attempt to capture the flag.

Does my answer satisfy you?

MrAnderson wrote:

I didn't mean you, I meant TehMyke and Straz. Damn kiddie trolls
im in j0r uncaps, raping j0r d00dz, lolin' @ teh smurfs cryin'
ยป You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | teHmyke.com | YouTube
sophisticated slacker
+334|6631|Graz, Austria

Snake wrote:

Take this scenario:
If theres a map with no uncaps (i.e. Songhua, Mashtuur) and one team is left with a single flag, people can rape away because its "not an uncap". Lets say some crap MEC team is left with the Abandoned Village on OCS (2 DPV's, 1 boat & 1 TOW spawn there) whilst jets, helis, armour and infantry can rape the hell out of that flag, because, you gussed it, it is not an uncap.
Am I right? Because you disallow attacks on uncaps with vehicles...but nothings mentioned about a single flag, because it is not an uncap. Which means that, just because of a "red cross"...you cannot touch it.
Explain why there should be a difference between the two. Please. Im dying to hear this.
I totally agree with you.
The logic behind an "no uncap baserape" rule is completely flawed.

The number one reason people are tossing around is to let the defenders have a chance to get out of the base to capture a new flag so the game can continue and everyone has fun.
But as you mentioned, if the single, last flag on a map with not uncaps is taken, the game ends within minutes most of the time.
Funnily enough, in that case no one seems to be bothered whether the defenders have a chance to get out and take a flag or whether everyone is still having fun.

But guess what?
That's actually how the maps were designed.
Maps without uncaps are meant to be played differently than maps without. You need to be careful not to lose too many flags, as you then are easily surrounded and tracked down. If you lose all flags you need to rely on the squad leader spawn points.

On maps with an uncap base you don't have that problem. You can always spawn somewhere  other than the squad leaders. You mostly have some heavy equipment there. You still have the chance to completely turn over and win the game.

I think the "no uncap baserap" rule comes from idiot admins that want to fly their precious jets and helis. Those players that almost exclusively fly. And probably those that don't flinch from team killing for a jet/heli.

Play the game as it was meant to be played! Protect your fricking uncap bases if you feel it is getting "raped"! (Why the heck do you think there are TOWs and AA sites there?)
And if you spawn and get killed for the umpteenth time, maybe try spawning as damned AT guy and take out that tank, instead of being annoyed that you can't lie around as sniper and get your easy kills anymore.
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6610|The | Netherlands
Ya I agree with that, as you see there are lots of anti-vehicle units on the uncap, compared to the normal bases. This makes it, compared to other flags, easy to kill vehicles that are located there. So, the players that are whining most of the time when they are getting raped just care too much about their time on a certain kit/vehicle or w/e instead of the protection of their own base hmkay and winning the round

Last edited by 3lmo (2008-05-10 14:52:24)

Previously known as CC-Marley
Yes usually I rape uncaps, sometimes im hunting AFK players for easy kills yeah!!! Uncap raping is always fun because other team players are going angry and thats fun.
pub hero!
+603|6689|the land of bourbon

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Also, for most uncaps, there are only a limited number of exit points meaning that the other team can just block them up giving little to no chance of getting out.  If you allow uncap raping, it means the other team can just sit at the uncap spawn points and kill the red guys without any chance for them to move and defend themselves.  Explain to me how that is fair and fun even?  To me, it's boring as hell.  When I say raping, I mean to kill the other team very shortly after they spawn while making no attempt to capture the flag.
you know what?  i've played on my share of shit teams with the enemy completely surrounding the last spawn.  how come i never seem to get "spawnkilled" or "raped"?  i usually end up with a decent kdr since i dont have to go looking for baddies because they are right in front of me.  the bottom line is that you need to man up and spawn AT or spec ops.  put down your medic packs and sniper rifles and fight back for a change.  this shit about not being able to defend themselves is a joke.  there are plenty of ways to get out of a beat down.  if your too stupid to move when you spawn or come back with a proper kit, than you deserve the asskicking!
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6226|Minneapolis, MN

steelie34 wrote:

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Also, for most uncaps, there are only a limited number of exit points meaning that the other team can just block them up giving little to no chance of getting out.  If you allow uncap raping, it means the other team can just sit at the uncap spawn points and kill the red guys without any chance for them to move and defend themselves.  Explain to me how that is fair and fun even?  To me, it's boring as hell.  When I say raping, I mean to kill the other team very shortly after they spawn while making no attempt to capture the flag.
you know what?  i've played on my share of shit teams with the enemy completely surrounding the last spawn.  how come i never seem to get "spawnkilled" or "raped"?  i usually end up with a decent kdr since i dont have to go looking for baddies because they are right in front of me.  the bottom line is that you need to man up and spawn AT or spec ops.  put down your medic packs and sniper rifles and fight back for a change.  this shit about not being able to defend themselves is a joke.  there are plenty of ways to get out of a beat down.  if your too stupid to move when you spawn or come back with a proper kit, than you deserve the asskicking!
My point is that the point of the game is not to get great stats or to even kill the red guys.  The point of the game is to capture flags and win the round and I just don't see the fun in killing the other team when they are penned in like animals.  Must just be me though.  Anyway, it's a good thing for players like you that there are plenty of servers that allow the raping so you can rack up those points.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

Ec0li wrote:

I'm Jamesey wrote:

Ec0li wrote:

Why's it always the same morons that try to try to derail bf2 threads with your "zomg nub pubbers I raep j00"
Or you'll do what?

That's what I thought, sit down.
See sig.
You spelled experience wrong.

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