+3,936|6817|so randum
off the top of my head, pvp drake =


2x Invul II
1x long point II
1x MWD II /Y-T8
1x something ewar

1x Nano II
1x Damage Control

3x Core def. Field Extender I

5x Warrior II
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6939|Little Bentcock
I miss you guise
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

nerds, who plays eve
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6939|Little Bentcock
pewpewpew oh know ive been targeted get back in the forcefield! hahaha pew pew oh shit back in!
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6939|Little Bentcock
lolted: http://www.eve-search.com/thread/971836/page/1

when google searching - Thorax pvp solo
Field Marshal | o |
+142|7038|Ireland | Monaghan

Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
+3,936|6817|so randum

Adams_BJ wrote:

lolted: http://www.eve-search.com/thread/971836/page/1

when google searching - Thorax pvp solo
got my first pvp kill using that fit
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6939|Little Bentcock

FatherTed wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

lolted: http://www.eve-search.com/thread/971836/page/1

when google searching - Thorax pvp solo
got my first pvp kill using that fit
if its still viable now you me and IGR should take it out on a roam

For old time's sake.
+3,936|6817|so randum

Uzique wrote:

i dont 'get' eve as in i dont 'get' how the way the game IS designed can be found 'fun'.

i didn't fail to 'get' eve as in grasp the basic concept and go HURR DURR I QUIT. i just found the way the game's combat, gameplay and general action was done was boring and unengaging. in world of warcraft you have to decide every second what move to do next, where to move/position yourself, whilst reading the other opponent(s) move(s) in real-time. in EVE it seems like half of the battle is decided on pure numbers or maths before the fight even begins and you just sit there and /afk-orbit/range whilst others tackle and you pwn ass. that's boring to me. i prefer, for example, the dynamic competitive challenge of arena matches.
The bolded bit is the bit i don't think you 'get' (don't take that as an insult). If you do just orbit + F1 you are effectively playing the game like a sniper in BF2 who just hangs on some random hill, or a W+M1 pyro in TF2 - i.e not intelligently. Example a few days ago i was tooling around in deep deep nullsec in an interceptor. They're fragile as anything, and you really have to pick your targets. So i got into a dogfight with another interceptor eventually, manually held my range just under his guns to mess up his tracking, maximised mine and raped him. Even so he was throwing out extreme DPS - i was making minute adjustments to my ship constantly, overloading the reppers, pulsing the afterburner to keep my range exactly where i needed to be, shutting down non-critical mods to save power to keep my guns running. I came out in the end in deep structure, most of my modules overloaded and thus offline, but i won.

So to close that poorly constructed explanation, there is a loooooad of depth to combat, but if you stick to orbit+F1 oh i died, you will NEVER get it. (or kill anything)
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
yeah, i did understand the finer points of EVE's combat... i read up a lot on it after, indeed, not 'getting' it after my few trial-run plays. ive totalled about 2 month's of total play-time on EVE just by continuously taking and playing trials a moderate amount. i even resubbed one trial account to 'further' a character and get further into development with skill-points... but it just didn't 'grab' me. EVE is more of a virtual spreadsheet, where the numbers matter first-and-foremost (numbers often determined by arbitrary things, such as how long your opponent has subbed and amassed skillpoints for in 'x' area)- whereas in WoW it's entirely down to the skill of the player in any given situation. this is talking within reason, of course... in both games you can get blobbed by a party/fleet that far outsizes you. just generally regarding the play 'style' and 'feel' of the gameplay, if you know what i mean. EVE seems more 'passive' - even though you're making lots of strategic decisions and affecting the course of a fight in ways, it's more to do at the end of the day with the ways the numbers add-up and who is left standing at the end. in WoW you feel dynamically and instrinsically connected to every fight in real time-- probably a combination of the different movement-system (WASD) with the fact all your moves are real-time, instantly-performed actions, so you have to hit a hotkey/shortcut/number whenever you want to even do one bit of damage. in comparison, weapons in EVE, e.g. lasers, just operate on an auto-attack timer. it feels less engaging to me that way.

hope that makes sense.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
+3,936|6817|so randum
fair comments. one major thing that irked me about eve when i started was the pilot controls... double clicking on a 2d space to move in 3d takes getting used to. Theres been requests for joystick capabilitys for years now - would be slightly impractical on some of the larger ship classes though.

ed- to add time spent in game and SP accumulated often doesn't matter in PVP. I'm sure there's people in WoW with more gear(?) and such than game-sense and as such their potential abilitys are totally wasted on account of being a retard - it's often the same in eve

Last edited by FatherTed (2010-07-28 06:26:40)

Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
prince of insufficient light
Uzique I forgot, did you ever live in nullsec?
yep, was babysat and funded by bigger, richer friends... what difference does that make to fundamental turn-offs in the game's combat?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Field Marshal | o |
+142|7038|Ireland | Monaghan

Please keep chats clear trololol.
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
prince of insufficient light
EVE is fun because there is risk. There are consequences to your actions. Being baby sat by bigger, richer friends is as bad as high sec.

On that note, I lost my Drake yesterday. What started as doing a plex before we went roaming turned into a carebare-fest night with all the escalations, and in one of the last ones the 30 mil bounty assholes screamed in and just happened to target me first. Killed me in 4-5 shots before I could even align to a celestial or get reps on me.

I didn't have my two hardeners on though because I had hardly been targeted at all up to that point and even when I was having zero problem taking it with like one rep on me, but still really stupid because I am still cap stable with both of them on. It's a fuckin Drake for christ's sake.
+3,936|6817|so randum

Uzique wrote:

yep, was babysat and funded by bigger, richer friends... what difference does that make to fundamental turn-offs in the game's combat?
lots and lots and lots. when i started (the npe was a little different, might be easier now) it was a huuuuge grind to get your first cruiser for missions. i then promptly lost it in lowsec. set me back a week or so. basically it makes eve pvp tangible in the sense that its your stuff (and time) thats being destroyed, and once it's gone it's gone.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

FatherTed wrote:

Uzique wrote:

yep, was babysat and funded by bigger, richer friends... what difference does that make to fundamental turn-offs in the game's combat?
lots and lots and lots. when i started (the npe was a little different, might be easier now) it was a huuuuge grind to get your first cruiser for missions. i then promptly lost it in lowsec. set me back a week or so. basically it makes eve pvp tangible in the sense that its your stuff (and time) thats being destroyed, and once it's gone it's gone.
yes but the fundamental way you do COMBAT isn't changed by the RISK. the game doesn't implement a different way of firing missiles at other ships just because the value of ship being lost is higher. what a dumb point. and flaming... sure you weren't babysat. you're telling me you weren't given ISK to start as well? that you weren't protected occasionally as you flew out and roamed around 0.0 space? yeah, right. you just went into the game and within 2 weeks you were solo-competent and rich, right? dude i spoke to you about the game and heard about your early-experiences, im not stupid .

EVE is a game that is widely romanticised. the concept and the battles sound awesome, epic and fun. but the actual gameplay is just dire. there is little excitement other than the risk of losing your ship-- that's not so much good 'gameplay', as in good combat and movement, as it is good 'consequences' of dire-gameplay. your adrenaline is pumping during a fight because so much is at stake-- not because the actual action of fighting is so dynamic and amazing. that's a crucial distinction for me. you can keep your auto-firing combat.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
prince of insufficient light
Teds gave me 5 mil cause he's sexy and Irish gave me 50 mil cause he's super-sexy.

Uzique if you flew with fleets you would know frigates are the scout/tackle/disposables, no I don't lose a lot each time but it is quite the opposite of being protected on roams.

You don't like it, let us play our game.
right so you were babysat... that's all i meant when i said it. i had a funded start-up and was looked after to learn the ropes.

same as you, dumbass.

i also did small-scale pvp and know what tackling is... it doesn't change the combat-gameplay, yet again.

this isn't attacking you and your game or your fun, anyway. it's the eve online official thread not the 'bf2s eve-corp chat'. anyone from bf2s can discuss eve in here-- it's not owned by you spreadsheet geeks because you occasionally like to wank into each other's mouths on the in-game browser as well as the in-game chat. besides, it spilled over from a specific world of warcraft thread, because teds obviously has more mod-sense than you.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
prince of insufficient light
I didn't say you didn't know what tackling is. I said you didn't do any tackling. If you are saying there is only tackling in small-scale pvp, then I dunno what you are on about because tackle is everywhere. If you are saying you only did small-scale pvp, then I don't know where you get your opinion about how shit the game is.

What you failed to take from the risk point, is EVE is about setting up your battles as much as fighting them. The key is fitting a ship and being aware so you're in a position to hold someone when you're going to fuck them or slip away before you get fucked. In large fleets, it's about the bubbles, logi, and EWAR as much so if not more than DPS. You are so focused on the guns being boring, yeah that is the most boring part of combat. All they do is pew pew and that's it. The difficulty is in maintaining your speed/distance, maintaining your tank, maintaining your cap, and then whatever other PvP aspect your ship is fitted for.

The point is you aren't changing anyone's minds, and while I'm not pissed off by "you spreadsheet geeks because you occasionally like to wank into each other's mouths on the in-game browser as well as the in-game chat" it is stupid attacking.
+3,936|6817|so randum
the manual piloting thing happens too in the big fleets, and when it works well it totally rapes. I'll try and find a video for you to d/l, probably what i consider to be the best eve pvp video.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Field Marshal | o |
+142|7038|Ireland | Monaghan

Look at fucking FM becoming a pro all of a sudden knowing all his shits... I'll be asking you questions next, lulz!

Out of lols, that dream you mentioned... Was that before you lost the Drake? Cause that's ironic as fuck if it was.
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
lol fm not telling me anything i don't know. typical you... acting like you know about everything or as if you know more than others. same attitude everywhere in the forum. read my fucking posts. i said EVE's combat is half about preparation... you then say 'it's about preparation'. duh. if you cannot see my very valid point about EVE (the point is hard to deny, the difference is some find it fun... others do not) then you are just full of shit. keep retyping the EVE online tutorials you've been reading on the internet/in-game though to me as if i care or don't know any of these things. rofl.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
prince of insufficient light
I had the dream before I lost my Drake...fuckin prophetic lawl

Uzique when I was first asking you about the game you told me "EWAR isn't as big of a deal as it is made out to be" when I was talking about wanting to get into a Blackbird. You talked about how the combat is all pick optimal orbit range and shoot. You told me EVE Uni was THE way to go for noob players. I have learned first hand how obscenely wrong those statement are.

You said "in EVE it seems like half of the battle is decided on pure numbers or maths before the fight even begins". That is not the same as preparation. Preparation includes intel, fleet positioning, and fleet composition beyond straight up numbers and individual fittings. That is the where you don't understand what the preparation is, the part that isn't the spreadsheet. The battle might not even be fought, much less decided, because of these additional levels of preparation.

And I'm not reading tutorials anymore, I'm learning from experience.

http://combat.ishukone-raata.com/?a=pil … t_id=52350

Obviously those aren't legitimate "kills" because I'm not doing damage for shit, but I've been in a fair number of fleets and watched how the pros roll as it were.
wow what a veritable EVE pro you are now, i bow down.

not really.

i said EWAR isn't the superb attraction you were making it out to be. you were phrasing it as if EWAR was a straight-archetypal port of the 'rogue' class into EVE. it doesn't work that way and doesn't have anywhere near the functionality and style of play that rogues do in other MMO's. i was essentially dispelling your excitement over that part of the game (which i thought was unfoundedly excessive) and trying to explain that it isn't exactly what you thought it was. about optimal orbit range and shoot... that is a large part of the game to start with. it is incredibly boring. combat does not really become much more 'fun' or 'engaging' throughout the game... it just goes up a skill-curve of maths and doing pre-fight number crunches. no thanks. 'spreadsheet'.  and eve university is evidently still a fine first-stop recommendation for new players - they are still going, i see, with many members. i gave that recommendation as an offhand name that i knew from a game that, alas, i do not play actively. thus, none of your little 'i am now pro and know so much better than you' statements really qualify or prove anything... other than i summarily don't know as much about the game as somebody that does wank over excel-on-acid for months on end.

gz on being somebodies little bitch whilst they take the glory/skill in fleet kills, also.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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